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  1. J

    Alec Baldwin Movie Set Accident

    As the person who was in control of the revolver he was responsible period! He should have checked to make sure that it wasn't loaded with live ammunition. Not pass the buck but check it yourself! To me only one person is to blame.
  2. J

    Ammo Source Frustrations

    You raise good points but its interesting that here in the US this only happens during democrat administrations. I don't believe that its just coincidence.
  3. J

    Ammo Source Frustrations

    I have reached the point where unless I know that reloading components and dies are available I won't buy a rifle in a new to me chambering no matter how good the deal is.
  4. J

    Book Elmer Keith Classic

    I have that book as well as several others of his. All good reads but I had no idea that it was valuable. You learn something new almost every day!
  5. J

    Ammo Source Frustrations

    Raven rocks precision says that they have some DG brass and some Sharps brass in stock. The last time I checked that included 45-90 and 470NE along with other hard to find cases.
  6. J

    Pre 64 Winchester Model 70 For Sale

    Very nice rifle. Nothing being built today even close to that price compares.
  7. J

    Cross wildebeest off the list?

    That high shoulder shot while damaging some meat is truly deadly. It shatters the shoulder blade which drives it into the spine and has been for me at least instant lights out. I have never had to follow up anything hit that way.
  8. J

    Single shot 35 whelen as my medium

    That would be a good choice but if you have an '06 in that safe it will handle all of the PG quite nicely. Then use that money that you would have spent on a new rifle and add another animal to your hunt.
  9. J

    Who are your favorite online rifle experts?

    I will have to check out those online guys, always willing to listen to good advice.
  10. J

    Who are your favorite online rifle experts?

    I'm an old guy so books suit me better and I've got a bunch of them by Jack O'connor, Jim Carmichel, Elmer Keith, Ross Seyfried, Finn Aagard just to mention some of my favorites.
  11. J

    Cross wildebeest off the list?

    The blue wildebeest that I shot in SA was taken with one shot from my 30'06. The bullet was a 180gr Nosler partition and the shot was about 80-100 yds facing me so it was shot in the chest, ran about 75 yds and piled dead. Your 300WM will be plenty!
  12. J

    Leupold vx1 on 375

    I have 3 375s, one wears a Leupold 1.5x5, one a Leupold 2x7 and the third an old Redfield scope that I need to replace with one of what's on the others. Very good scopes!
  13. J

    Leupold vx1 on 375

    Leupold scopes are very tough and reliable. I have their 2x7s on several of my rifles including a 375 and am very happy with them.
  14. J

    .308 Winchester hand load data and Ruger American Rifle

    I agree with that completely. A good bullet in the 165gr range will do about all that you want a 308 to do. I'm A fan of plain old Hornady flat base interlocks and Nosler partitions. For the game that you listed use the Nosler for the elk and the Hornadys for the rest. In my rifles I have found...
  15. J

    Pre 64 458

    Have t thicker pad installed, problem solved.
  16. J

    The other love of your life

    Beautiful setter, my latest pup (11mos) looks very much like that.
  17. J

    First Dangerous Game .416 RM rifle... which one?

    I own one and love it! As to recoil I find it comparable to a 375. Certainly manageable and I agree on the way it handles.
  18. J

    Model 70-super express vs safari express?

    The super express also has the front sling swivel mounted on the barrel.
  19. J

    Sharps 1874 Sporter #3 For Sale

    Beautiful rifle of the highest quality. I have its twin and love it!
  20. J

    Model 70-super express vs safari express?

    If I can add a good 30'06 or 270 I'll agree but life would be boring with only what we need.
  21. J

    Model 70-super express vs safari express?

    The safari express is double recoil lugged as well.
  22. J

    My new Model 70 pre 64- 375 H&H "working" rifle- Have sight question

    That's A nice rifle and is perfect to improve into a great user. First of all its not a collector because to a collector condition is everything and it has seen some use so if it were mine I would have the rear receiver bridge drilled and tapped so that you can properly mount a scope. Then as...
  23. J

    Would You Eat Slaughter-free Meat?

    Simple answer, NO!
  24. J

    Illinois passes assault weapon ban

    Never register them and never turn them over to government, NEVER!!
  25. J

    Illinois passes assault weapon ban

    It is clearly unconstitutional and the courts will overturn it but until they do it could be problematic for those who live there.
  26. J

    The big, bad 375... isn't?

    My take on my M70 416RM is that I don't notice much difference from my 375s. From a bench I use a high post on my front rest so that I'm in a position to just roll with the recoil and its certainly manageable.
  27. J

    Advice for my rifle

    A friend of mine has a Ruger ultra lite with the pencil barrel and while he liked the rifle the best that it would shoot was about 3" groups. I took it apart used .015 shims cut from a business card to put some up pressure just behind the friend tip. It improved immediately and when I added the...
  28. J

    Best primer for .375 H&H

    That's A very well made tool!
  29. J

    .25 Caliber Rifle Cartridges and the Future of Them

    Its all hype, the current list of 25s surely provides something to please anyone. Just what we need is yet another cartridge that brass will be scarce for. My personal choice is the good old 257rob, in my #1Ruger I get an easy 3200+ with 87gr bullets and an equally easy 2900 with 120s and that...
  30. J

    Advice for my rifle

    If it were my rifle I would first try free floating the barrel to see if that improves things. An easy way to check it is to cut some shims from something like an old credit card, pull the barreled action and use the shims to to bed the action on. This will effectively free float the barrel...
  31. J

    Eland, is the .308 Winchester enough gun?

    If you put the bullet in the right place a 308 is absolutely enough gun and if you don't put in the right place a 375 isn't enough.
  32. J

    Proposed BATF ban on privately made weapons - Gun Grab Forthcoming

    Unless one is gullible enough to report or register ones firearms its completely unenforceable. I am not that gullible.
  33. J

    Best primer for .375 H&H

    Whatever magnum primer you can find will work just fine. With today's scarcity of reloading components its hard to be picky. For what its worth I have always favored Winchester primers and laid in a good supply of them a few years ago. Good luck!
  34. J

    .22 magnum on bigger varmints

    I live trap and relocate raccoons. They are absolute suckers for a havahart trap with half an apple in it and its fun too.
  35. J

    Wanted 450 Alaskan Reloading Die Set

    Huntington's website shows RCBS custom dies available (special order) in 450 Alaskan. They are not cheap but if you need them certainly worth the price.
  36. J

    Shipping via cargo ship

    I shipped mine by boat and could see no drawbacks. Just make sure that the crates are delivered to your home and that the truck has the capability to put those huge crates on the ground for you. You are less likely to have any shipping damage by boat because the crates are not handled as much. I...
  37. J

    Recommendation for a good performing 9.3X62?

    My Ruger 77 African is certainly a good performer and a very solid rifle too. A plus is that it won't break the bank.
  38. J

    Survey: Your Favorite .30 Caliber

    Hands down its a 30'06 for me!
  39. J

    Georgia vote

    It really wouldn't matter with early voting, late votes being counted, drop boxes and mail in voting our elections have become a joke. Fraud is rampant and the side with the fewest scruples will win. We have become a banana republic, in my opinion a sinking ship. Sad!!!
  40. J

    What’s the best watch to wear on safari?

    Whatever watch we may choose to wear should be covered with some kind of wristband so as to not be reflective.
  41. J

    What’s the best watch to wear on safari?

    I've worn the same Timex Expedition for 22 years. Inexpensive, accurate and sturdy and if I push the stem in it lights the face which I like.
  42. J

    375H&H Mag 300gr Nosler Partition...surpassed?

    All of this bickering about what's "best" is interesting but pretty much played out. There are lots of very good bullets available today, no one of them the best for everything. A good friend of mine on a PG hunt in SA shot and killed very dead 14 animals including kudu, wildebeest, gems ok none...
  43. J

    375H&H Mag 300gr Nosler Partition...surpassed?

    If only change was always progress!
  44. J

    375H&H Mag 300gr Nosler Partition...surpassed?

    The largest of the PG is a big eland. I shot a very big bull eland with 180gr Nosler partition from my old reliable 30'06 A few years ago. It was a one shot kill. On PG it doesn't get much better than that! I use them with complete confidence on appropriate game.
  45. J

    375H&H Mag 300gr Nosler Partition...surpassed?

    That bullet will kill any PG stone dead if you point it right.
  46. J

    What Type Of Magazine Do You Prefer On Your Bolt Action Rifle?

    For me its either a box magazine with a hinged floor plate or a blind box magazine. If its hinged it must have a sturdy foolproof release.
  47. J

    The Big Bore Dilemma

    Its also worth noting that the 450 nitro does nothing that can't be done with the much questioned 458WM, same bullets at the same velocity. In no way is it a step up in performance.
  48. J

    Back country carry gun

    I second what Saul said about the Ruger SP101. I've been carrying one with the 3 1/8" barrel for over 20 years. Great little gun!!
  49. J

    The .375 and Leopard - I need a bullet

    Leopards seldom weigh more than 170 pounds. I should think something that opens up quickly. Perhaps a Nosler 260gr partition or a Hornady 270gr interlock or a Sierra Gameking.
  50. J

    Mountain rifle

    A M70 Winchester featherweight in 270 would be perfect and wouldn't break the bank!