Search results

  1. J

    Crimping the 9.3x62

    I have had bullets move that were not crimped so I crimp anything that I am going to hunt with. It seems to me a simple thing to do to make my ammo more reliable.
  2. J

    POLL: Best Model 70

    The pre64 is the better rifle if for no other reasons than no mim parts and the one piece bolt, also as good as today's M70s are the pre64 trigger is better. I own both although mostly pre64s and like both.
  3. J

    Ugly question: 9.3x62 vs .338WM

    Both are great hunting cartridges. The 338WM will reach out a bit farther and hit hard but it will hit the shooter a bit harder too.
  4. J

    Ruger African 9.3X62

    Heavier and slightly shorter barrel makes it handle a bit better than the Lipseys version and the open sights are far better.
  5. J

    Deer camp 2022

    Well done!
  6. J

    Deer camp 2022

    That looks to be fantastic grouse country, hope that you are a bird hunter!
  7. J

    best bolt action for dangerous games

    Hard to beat a good 98 Mauser no matter who built it or a good M70 Winchester.
  8. J

    The right pistol technique?

    I think that the best technique is practice hitting what you are shooting at quickly and from any position with both hands. That may or may not involve using sights or using a particular stance or grip or style. Just effectively hit your target.
  9. J


    If its necessary to go through all of that then no matter how convenient it may be CANCEL IT!! Send the bas---ds a message that they are way out of bounds!
  10. J

    What do I take to Namibia? 30-06

    Were it my choice I would load 180gr A frames or Nosler partitions to around 2700fps and know that if there was a problem it wasn't the ammunition.
  11. J

    The right pistol technique?

    I would think that the situation would dictate the technique.
  12. J

    Ruger African M77-.223!

    I can't answer your questions but do wish that I had bought one along with all of the other Africans. They are well made tough rifles. They also did a 30'06 for a while.
  13. J

    Ruger M77 Hawkeye 9.3x62 For Sale

    You are right and truthfully that's the only drawback with the pushfeeders. At any rate I like both, good reliable rifles.
  14. J

    Ruger M77 Hawkeye 9.3x62 For Sale

    I have both and one day decided to try to have a feeding problem with my push feed '06. I put together a dummy round and tried every possible way to create a feeding problem including upside down. Nope, not a single problem to be had. From that I decided that my push feeder was an absolutely...
  15. J

    Ruger M77 Hawkeye 9.3x62 For Sale

    Actually that rifle is one of the Lipseys special run built by Ruger to Lipseys specs. I have one of Rugers first run of Africans in that chambering built to Rugers specs and it is a bit different. The rifle has a 23" medium weight barrel which adds some much needed weight, much better open...
  16. J

    Should I keep this 458 Win?

    Since you have already decided that it isn't going to bring in much cash why not just keep it? By the way that surplus Mauser action its built on is of superb quality and quite highly thought of.
  17. J

    New Credit Card Rules for Gun Shops

    I will only use cash for face to face transactions and money orders of personal checks for anything online. I too have nothing to hide but its none of the governments business what I buy!
  18. J

    interlock vs hot-cor

    I have found that Hornady interlocks and Nosler partitions of the same weight using the same powder charges also shoot to the same poi. Good information on the hot cores and A frames.
  19. J

    interlock vs hot-cor

    I have used both extensively and like them both. Accurate, effective and modestly priced, what's not to like.
  20. J

    7x57 - long throat chambering question

    Good advice from Dean! My experience is the same, a #1 Ruger that is properly throated for 175s so anything else is a substantial jump to the lands. It just doesn't seem to matter as it shoots 154gr Hornady very accurately. My experience is that for the folks playing the accuracy games bullet...
  21. J

    What’s your beater rifle?

    Yours is a good choice, what I call a rain rifle.
  22. J

    .375 H&H brass trade?

    Yes I do and will trade you straight up if you pay the shipping for both.
  23. J

    Help with Scope Mounting and rifle info???

    Paul that is a lovely rifle! Have you tried Leupold 2 piece bases? I think that they might work for you.
  24. J

    .375 H&H brass trade?

    I have unfired Hornady, Winchester and Norma brass if any of that would help.
  25. J

    My second rifle choice

    There are several good choices depending on your budget. In my opinion it is hard to beat a M70 Winchester or anything built on a good Mauser action such as an older CZ 550 or an older Browning Safari Grade rifle which is built on the FN Supreme action. A Ruger Hawkeye is a less expensive choice...
  26. J

    My second rifle choice

    A good bolt action 30'06 will handle most hunting other than heavy dangerous game. Ammunition will be very easy to find
  27. J

    338 Winchester Magnum

    Obviously either poorly placed or bullets of poor construction.
  28. J

    Can we please stop talking about "flat shooting" cartridges

    We should also mention here that pointy sexy looking bullets offer no advantage at normal hunting ranges and that plain old round noses actually perform better on impact.
  29. J

    Camera advice

    One of the Canon "G" series can't be beat. Simple, great image quality, you can do as much or as little as you want and quite compact. I've been using a G7 for years. Rick Taylor
  30. J

    Penetration Index & Energy

    Energy kills nothing! Damage to vital organs and structure is what gives clean kills. As Jack "O" said many times, put a properly constructed bullet that will penetrate to those vitals in the right place and get ready to pay the taxidermist.
  31. J

    Leupold scope switch .. questions

    The 2x7 is a very tough scope. I have several of them including one on an old Browning safari grade 375 and have had no problems at all.
  32. J

    Anyone use a fixed power Leupold on their large bore bolt actions?

    That is exactly the scope that I have on my M70 416RM and I like it very much.
  33. J

    What's Your Oldest Ammo?

    I've got a few rounds of French ammo from WW1 that my dads uncle brought back. Also some of what is known as trench art ( spent artillery shells that have been engraved and shaped decoratively).
  34. J

    You be the Judge! Caliber Question

    You couldn't go wrong with one of the 30'06s. I even like the scope choice on them. Anyone who doesn't respect what a potent cartridge it is just hasn't hunted with it much!
  35. J

    Exclusively for hunting cartridges

    How about the 375, 270win and the 243win. That should work.
  36. J

    Need An Accurate 30-06 Load Using 180 gr Woodleigh Weldcore

    I have never shot them but I have never met the bullet that wouldn't shoot well with enough IMR4831 to give it around 2650- 2700fps from a good 30'06.
  37. J

    Boris J resigns as PM

    Now if those of us in the U.S. could just get rid of the idiots in charge here!!
  38. J

    Hornady 9.3mm 286gr Interlock SP-RP

    They are good bullets and perform very well if you put them in the right place. Not premium but very good. I like them and use them.
  39. J

    Looking for info from Elmer Keith’s book Gun Notes volume 1

    Well it should be an interesting project when you get the rifle. Elmer certainly had strong opinions but he had also "been there and done that". An interesting man for sure.
  40. J

    Looking for info from Elmer Keith’s book Gun Notes volume 1

    No pictures in vol 2 either. There is some information on the 285OKH cartridge. In his book "Hell I Was There" there are a couple of pictures (not very good ones) of his 280 Dubiel built on a magnum mauser action.
  41. J

    Looking for info from Elmer Keith’s book Gun Notes volume 1

    I just looked through my copy of Gun Notes volume 1 and could find no pictures or information on that rifle. I will check vol 2 and his book Hell I Was There and see if they have any information.
  42. J

    What do people think about “non-trophy” hunts

    I hunt for the experience and the memories. The hides, horns and mounts are for me, not anyone else. They bring those great memories back. The measurements of the animal don't enhance or diminish the whole experience of hunting for me so for me they are all trophies.
  43. J

    Nosler Ballistic Tip 140gr

    I have used interlocks extensively and like them very much. Several years ago a friend of mine booked a hunt in S.A. He was planning on using a rifle someone built for him and Winchester super premium ammo. The day before he was to leave he called me for help. It seemed that the rifle wouldn't...
  44. J

    Nosler Ballistic Tip 140gr

    My experience with them is like many others have said, they are quite explosive and do too much meat damage for me. That being said they killed deer reliably and are accurate. I switched to Speer hot cores and Hornady interlocks and got the same reliable killing without the excessive meat...
  45. J

    300 WSM, 300 WM, or 300 PRC for Freestate Plains Game

    You already have that in your 30'06 but I understand the attraction of a new rifle. Of the 3 that you are considering the 300WM hands down, its a worldwide standard for good reason.
  46. J

    Looks like Australian is turning to crap with reloading supplies

    I remember the great primer shortage when slick Willy was in office. That one taught me well and since then I have kept my stock high and am in good shape to keep shooting for years. The ones that I feel sorry for are those new shooters who now discover that not only is ammo scarce and expensive...
  47. J

    Advise for loading 7mm Rem Mag

    If it were me I would try both the 4831 and the Norma MRP. One of them should give you what you are looking for. Good luck!