Search results

  1. Daktari

    A Taste of Africa At Home?

    Hello, I'm wondering what are your thoughts of an idea of mine. Someday I wish to hunt an alligator and thought what would be the most memorable way to do it. My solution was to hunt the gator in the Louisiana bayou using a wild hog carcass fixed to a stake on raised ground from the water as...
  2. Daktari

    If I Never Spent Money On Whiskey, Women, Hunting Or Guns

    I rather live my life then have a stack a monopoly money.
  3. Daktari

    Kamchatka Snow Sheep Questions

    I would get in touch with Hunting Consortium. They can answer all your questions and get you in touch with anything you'd need hunting wise. Jim Shockey uses them for his hunts and especially going to a place like Russia will require planning and trustworthy outfitters.
  4. Daktari

    What animal do you consider specific African countries to be "known" for?

    Royal antelope - Ghana Jungle duikers - Liberia Western Greater Kudu - Chad White backed duiker - Gabon
  5. Daktari

    Tasty Deer

    Its very simple, sear the backstrap in a pan with butter until brown. Once brown put orange blossum honey on the side up and do the same to bottom once you turn it. Sprinkle the crushed pecans ontop of the backstrap. Let it rest for 10 minutes and enjoy! The glaze with the pecans was the perfect...
  6. Daktari

    Covid: Africa travel Restrictions / Flight Suspensions over Omicron variant

    This is getting unbearable. This virus will continue to mutate, we can't shut the world down forever.
  7. Daktari

    Thoughts on "Frankenstein" Species?

    Well said thank you for shedding light on something I didn't know.
  8. Daktari

    Thoughts on "Frankenstein" Species?

    I've learned a lot from this thread thank you everyone. I never knew Golden Wildebeest occurred in nature and have a new found respect for them.
  9. Daktari

    Thanksgiving day catfish

    Congratulations! I'd love to catch a cat like that some day
  10. Daktari

    Wedding Cake

    Very cool cake that color pops!
  11. Daktari

    Tasty Deer

    Above is a Venison backstrap with a orange blossum honey glaze and topped with crushed bourbon flavored pecans. (Best recipe of deer I have had so far) Below are Venison empanadas with salsa. My old buck has turned out to be delicious and goes to show the value of proper meat handling.
  12. Daktari

    Tasty Deer

  13. Daktari

    Thoughts on "Frankenstein" Species?

    Hello, what are y'alls thoughts on what I call the "Frankenstein" species such as Golden Wildebeest, Black Impala, etc that were specifically bred for being a different color variation? I feel like it cheapens the beauty that Africa has in bounds and unnecessary.
  14. Daktari

    My 2018 RSA Mounts Finished

    Excellent heads there!
  15. Daktari

    Happy Thanksgiving

    Happy Thanksgiving from Florida!
  16. Daktari

    Which countries in Africa can you hunt in the rainforest?

    You'll find rainforests in Cameroon, Central African Republic, Republic of the Congo, Gabon, Liberia, and Ghana. Bongo is most assured in CAR, Cameroon, and the Congo. If you're truly worried about conflicts I suggest you go to Hawaii, Australia, South Florida, or Mexico if you want to hunt in...
  17. Daktari

    Some SC rut success

    Great job!
  18. Daktari

    ROMANIA: Red Stag In The Rut Hunt In Romania With HUNTROMANIA

    The top one is a beauty, congratulations!
  19. Daktari

    USA: Fog, Thunder & Redemption In The Everglades

    Everglades Adventures. If you're looking for a free range Seminole whitetail deer then this is the outfit to go with.
  20. Daktari

    USA: Fog, Thunder & Redemption In The Everglades

    Yeah my elbow was swollen for almost a week after. However, it was well worth it for the experience!
  21. Daktari

    Long Over Due

    Report is posted y'all!
  22. Daktari

    USA: Fog, Thunder & Redemption In The Everglades

    The hunt took place in Collier County and I hope to be back someday!
  23. Daktari

    USA: Fog, Thunder & Redemption In The Everglades

    It all started with me waking up at 4 am and driving down Alligator Alley from Miami. The plan is to meet Tom, my guide, at the ranch gate at 6:30 am. The ranch is located north of the Florida Panther National Wildlife Refuge with about 10,000 acres of land. I met Tom at the aforementioned time...
  24. Daktari

    "Trophy Hunting" - The Phrase

    Excellent write up! The food in Africa is going to people who need it very badly.
  25. Daktari

    Can an American get a European Firearms Pass?

    Does anyone know if an American can get a EFP? It was a topic that I was curious about.
  26. Daktari

    Long Over Due

    I'm in the Fort Lauderdale Miami area.
  27. Daktari

    Long Over Due

    I own a .300 Winchester Magnum savage rifle. I've done my research and would love to have a Rigby for Africa. However, most of my hunting will be in the US for the foreseeable future.
  28. Daktari

    Long Over Due

    It'll be posted in the coming days!
  29. Daktari

    Long Over Due

    I am from New England and currently residing in Florida.
  30. Daktari

    Long Over Due

    I joined this forum 4 years ago due to my interest in hunting in Africa. I am a long way away financially speaking to afford a hunt in Africa. Therefore, I will be hunting closer to home. My hunting experience began as a result of watching the Wild Within and Meat Eater. I read his book on...
  31. Daktari

    Who inspired your interest in hunting?

    Watching Steve Rinella hunting moose on the travel channel in his show "Wild Within" is what inspired me to take up hunting. I am the only one in my family that hunts so I'm very thankful for Steve.
  32. Daktari

    Let’s hunt Lion

    Where can Americans import lions from? Is it only CBL liona in South Africa and wild lions in Ethiopia?
  33. Daktari

    Pigs CAPE YORK

    @rdog Hello can nonresidents of Australia hunt dingos?
  34. Daktari

    ZIMBABWE: Of Cigars, Leopards & Cape Buffalo

    Can you hunt wild dogs in Zim?
  35. Daktari

    ZIMBABWE: Zimbabwe 2pipe Elephant Safari In The Save

    Thats awesome! Did you get CITES for the tusker?
  36. Daktari

    Looking for Osceola Turkey Outfitter?

    Have you hunted with them? Can you share your experience please.
  37. Daktari

    Looking for Osceola Turkey Outfitter?

    Hello do y'all have any suggestions for a reputable and affordable outfitter for Osceola Turkey?
  38. Daktari

    Your Favorite of the BIG FIVE

    A black maned East African Lion would be my pick for the number 1. However, a black rhino looks glorious as well.
  39. Daktari

    Mixology report, whats your favorite mixed drink?

    This is the Dawa "medicine" cocktail interesting one for safari. INGREDIENTS Nutrition 1 lime, quartered and thickly sliced 1 tablespoon honey 1 teaspoon caster sugar 2 ounces vodka ice, preferably small chips or crushed ice.
  40. Daktari

    Mixology report, whats your favorite mixed drink?

    Sweet Tea and Small Batch Bourbon is a very good drink. Ingredients: - Cup of sweet tea - Splash of bourbon to your hearts desire. It takes the burn out of the bourbon.
  41. Daktari

    Blaser R8 for Dangerous Game

    Noob question: Could one get a Rigby .416 barrel for the Blaser R8 or are you only limited to the calibers that Blaser sells for the rifle?
  42. Daktari

    Right or Left Shooter?

    Dumb question, do double rifles have left/right differences or does it not matter?
  43. Daktari

    The Geographical Distribution of Roosevelt Sable in East Africa

    Is it just facial markings that distinguish it from regular Sable?
  44. Daktari

    Do You Bargain With Your Outfitter?

    Hello do you bargain with your outfitter prior to the hunt? If so, give examples!
  45. Daktari

    Are the Victoria Falls a must see?

    What are the other 3?
  46. Daktari

    Which European Country Has Hardest Hunting Test?

    Do foreigners have to pass the hunting tests to hunt in european countries?