Search results

  1. Daktari

    Which European Country Has Hardest Hunting Test?

    Hello European members, what is the hardest hunting permit to acquire on the continent? Also what have been your experiences in your country? I would love to hear about the process!
  2. Daktari

    Huge News!!!!

    Congratulations Gizmo for your work in conservation! How has the recent weather affected your animals?
  3. Daktari

    Trophy Import Question

    @Philip Glass Thank you Philip! I'm just planning for future. Was wondering if white rhino in SA were currently importable?
  4. Daktari

    Trophy Import Question

    I dont have any immediate plans just mostly planning for the future.
  5. Daktari

    Trophy Import Question

    So by knowing before hand, y'all mean you apply for CITES permits before the hunt starts correct? Does USFW get back to you in timely manner?
  6. Daktari

    Trophy Import Question

    Hello do you know if your animal will be imported to your country prior to the hunt or do you roll the dice after its concluded?
  7. Daktari

    Wood Bison: A good hunt or just hype?

    Some information on importing Wood Bison to the USA.
  8. Daktari

    Best Drink You've Had on Safari?

    What was the best drink you've had while hunting on safari?
  9. Daktari

    Bovine Slam?

    Where have you seen the Guar being offered in Texas?
  10. Daktari

    Bovine Slam?

    SCI Has one."Wild Oxen of the World" on page 25.
  11. Daktari

    Is Johan Calitz operating in Botswana?

    Is there lion hunting in Botswana?
  12. Daktari

    Hunting Opportunities in the Caribbean?

    Anyone aware of opportunities not yet mentioned?
  13. Daktari

    Hunting Opportunities in the Caribbean?

    You can also hunt iguana in south Florida! They're invasive
  14. Daktari

    Hunting Opportunities in the Caribbean?

    Hello what hunting opportunities are you aware of in the Caribbean of any bird species or small game? From my research I've found: - Iguana on various islands. - Possum in Saint Vincent.
  15. Daktari

    A Hunter's Explanation

    A person outside of our sport may ask why do you hunt? Why can't you just go on a photo or car safari and enjoy Africa like the rest of us? The Hunter then begins his answer with a metaphor. Hunting is similar to going to a museum and seeing a painting. You have the normal everyday people...
  16. Daktari

    Free Range Florida Deer Hunting Guides?

    Hey does anyone have any Florida deer guides in mind for this coming general gun season? I'd prefer affordable and free range, thanks!
  17. Daktari

    Major Khan... A Hunting Report Just For You

    Nice Stag! Where did the hunt take place?
  18. Daktari

    Least Known African Country That Allows Hunting?

    Morocco has wild boar hunting for the Barbary Wild Boar. Any info on who offers hunts in Senegal and Kenya?
  19. Daktari

    Least Known African Country That Allows Hunting?

    Any idea what kind of game would be in Angola?
  20. Daktari

    One rifle for North American big game?

    If you are looking for only one rifle that can take all of the game North America (Whitetail to Grizzly Bears) you should be looking at the 338 Winchester Magnum.
  21. Daktari

    Least Known African Country That Allows Hunting?

    Hello, what in your opinion is the least known country in Africa that allows hunting? I'd love to find out about more opportunities in these lesser known destinations! My vote would go to Gabon for duiker hunting.
  22. Daktari

    Safari Planning & Air Travel

    I've really enjoyed your videos Phil, keep it up!
  23. Daktari

    Best Caliber for Tiny 10?

    Thank you for all your responses, what do you think of .22 Hornet?
  24. Daktari

    Best Caliber for Tiny 10?

    Hello what caliber would be best for the Tiny 10 and not be overkill? If it is a nostalgic African caliber big plus! I'm thinking .243, what is your opinion?
  25. Daktari

    A Pair Of Canvasbacks Full Mount Taxidermy

    It looks like he is checking her out lol :D
  26. Daktari

    Zoom Safari - Anything Africa

    I watched them too, great information!
  27. Daktari

    Duck Hunting in Europe?

    Do any of the European members of the forum know of hunting opportunities for indigenous duck species in Europe such as Smew, Garganey, Red-crested Pochard, and Eurasian teal as well as others? From what I've seen in my bit of research is that hunting for many of those species occurs in Azerbaijan.
  28. Daktari

    Seal Hunting Information?

    In the link above about the MMPA it said exceptions would be made regarding "Scientific research, public display, enhancing the survival or recovery of a species, and incidental take in commercial fisheries". Does that mean if you donate the seal to a museum it could be imported?
  29. Daktari

    Seal Hunting Information?

    I've tried seal meat at a restaurant in Quebec, its interesting. Black in color, texture of fat, with a meaty taste. Completely different from any meat I've seen!
  30. Daktari

    R8 - My Sick Rig!

    Very nice rifle Philip! Could the R8 be fitted with a .416 Rigby? I looked at the available calibers and didn't see it. I'm thinking it'd be have to a custom barrel then right?
  31. Daktari

    My Top Ten Gear Items For Safari

    I'm a big fan of yours Phil, but whats the reasoning with the short shorts? :E Rofl:
  32. Daktari

    L'Atelier Verney-Carron Fine Gun Pictures

    How much do the double rifles go for?
  33. Daktari

    How You'd Do A Whitetail Deer Grand Slam?

    The intent of this post was centered around the versatility of terrains that you can do whitetail deer hunting and which "species" appealed to you in order to educate myself and give ideas for the future. It was not an opportunity for virtue signaling or debating the concept of a slam. Keep it...
  34. Daktari

    How You'd Do A Whitetail Deer Grand Slam?

    Just sitting here thinking how'd I complete the whitetail deer grand slam ( Slam White-tailed Deer.pdf) - Northeastern Whitetail Deer - Midwestern Whitetail Deer - Anticosti Island Whitetail Deer - Columbia Whitetail Deer - South...
  35. Daktari


    I have been hearing people say that Coronavirus damages the lungs of people who have recovered, any validity to these claims?
  36. Daktari

    Best Hunting/Honeymoon Destination?

    Lol! What are the laws on shooting hippos and crocs for self defense?
  37. Daktari

    Best Hunting/Honeymoon Destination?

    Yeah its just a hypothetical and something that crossed my mind.
  38. Daktari

    Best Hunting/Honeymoon Destination?

    I was wondering what your guys opinions on the best location to do a small hunting trip during your honeymoon being the planner I am haha. The criteria I'm interested in would be tropical, beaches, watersports, and beautiful sights. Based on that I've come up with New Caledonia and Mauritius...
  39. Daktari

    Will Quebec Open Caribou Hunting Again?

    I haven’t heard the disease theory, from my understanding it was due to overgrazing.
  40. Daktari

    Will Quebec Open Caribou Hunting Again?

    Yeah I’ve been looking for updates from time to time and haven’t seen anything new of recent. I hope things change!
  41. Daktari

    Will Quebec Open Caribou Hunting Again?

    Hey guys have you heard of any updates on the Quebec caribou situation?
  42. Daktari

    Best Looking Safari Shirt?

    After reading the replies what makes the shirt “Hollywood”? Is it the 4 pockets and leather? I’ve never been to Africa so cut alittle slack. Also as a lefty, I appreciate the mentions about the shoulder rest, wasn’t even thinking of that and will consider that for future!
  43. Daktari

    Best Looking Safari Shirt?

    I'll be the first to admit I do not care much for fashion, however I like a nice safari shirt. My favorite is the Rigby one shown here, what is yours?