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  1. I

    404 Jeffery builders

    Will be building my daughters 404 Jeff this year on a Brno ZKK602 action. I will do thread on it. She will be using it as a guide gun and as a PH rifle.....
  2. I

    Advice to only hunt for a couple of meals in Tanzania?

    I would quess No I cannot see that happening in Tanzania.... RSA yes you can book a place close to Kruger for the photographic portion.....will also be a lot cheaper.......
  3. I

    Lion hunting SA

    You should spend some time studying wild lion pride dynamics....
  4. I

    Lion hunting SA

    I never said I am pro is each persons own choice. You are anti hunting sa simple.... You will let me??? F**k seem to just want to be in charge and only your viewpoint counts... .
  5. I

    Lion hunting SA

    Huge differance.....
  6. I

    Lion hunting SA

    All cubs to 18 months if age are killed( because females do not come in to ustress when their cubs up to 18 months are present).....min age for hunting is typically 6 years old for a lion....the exact age when they have the power to stake claim to a pride....wild lion males live 8 to 10...
  7. I

    Lion hunting SA

    All pride lions spend cinsiderable time away from the pride.....the females are the prime they are easy to bait during this time.... You have young and up comings, pride lions and dead ones...... What is this age limit to be determined by the camera footage?
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    Lion hunting SA

    I quess all the wild only hunters realise that if you shot a wild lion which happens to be a part of a two lion coalition in their prime ruling a pride that you actually killed probably 8 to 12 lions for your throphy?
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    9.3x62mm vs. .375 H&H Mag

    I am talking O/U vs SxS not bolt action......
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    Lion hunting SA

    16.4 I believe describes the contract and information that needs to be shared with client
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    9.3x62 barrel twist

    1 in 14 is standard 1 in 12 is better for heavier bullets 1 in 10 is availible....
  12. I

    Lion hunting SA

    Perhaps some here who have partisipated can elaborate?
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    Lion hunting SA

    It is in the SAPA documentation so perhaps a email to them could reveal a copy of said contract that the client needs to sign can be optained.
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    Lion hunting SA

    I cannot believe somebody can be so clueless as to book a cbl hunt not knowing what it entails....seriously....and then be so gullible to believe they are suddenly hunting a wild lion that craled the fence from Botswana but I suppose that happens.....
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    Lion hunting SA

    Well then they are at fault as well...
  16. I

    Lion hunting SA

    I dont agree with a lot he comments on and on one thread it turned into a shitshow...... I have no problem with him hunting a buffalo cow on 4000 acres the way it was discribed as simple as that.....yet some have issues with that...why?
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    Lion hunting SA

    That is so. Do you believe the person who books a CBL is not aware of this? Not all CBL hunting is regulated by SAPA.
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    Lion hunting SA

    Well his arse got chowed for that.....why???
  19. I

    Lion hunting SA

    Only if he disagrees with the practice or somewho(which is hard to believe) is conned into shooting such a lion..... Surely somebody who books a cbl hunt knows what the story is?? They dont have an issue with it it is legal and they book and do the hunt? Rather simple.... If someone does not...
  20. I

    Lion hunting SA

    And whoever books a cbl hunt sure as shit knows exactly what the procedure is when the hunt is booked or not?????
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    Lion hunting SA

    Referances made to hunting buffalo cow on a fenced property as well as CBL not being any different than any other fenced hunting......
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    Lion hunting SA

    I cull buffalo(wild herds) on large fenced game reserves as well as PAC elephant that break into fenced ranches large ones, as well as lions(escaped from breeding facilities and wild ones), as well as hippo, in fact the fence is destroyed on the one side.....perhaps I should decline as this now...
  23. I

    9.3x62mm vs. .375 H&H Mag

    That is a bullet issue not a caliber issue..... But yes the 9.3's with the right bullet are more than capible...
  24. I

    Lion hunting SA

    It is my understanding that each hunter is supposed to sign an agreement before each hunt which stipulates all the details of the hunt??? Or is this no longer the case??? The hunter knows before he arrives here that he is hunting a cbl or not??? Or was this just a decision that was made suddenly...
  25. I

    9.3x62mm vs. .375 H&H Mag

    Will work not availible in RSA though.....and not 8n a Blaser O/U BBF either.....
  26. I

    9.3x62mm vs. .375 H&H Mag

    The balser offers you the ability to regulate the barrels, scope or red dot or open sights......accuracy will surpass any sxs configuration....
  27. I

    9.3x62mm vs. .375 H&H Mag

    9.3x74R in a Blaser O/U loaded with Rhino 300gr solids or controlled expansion bullets I would happily use on anything..... SD is .320 loaded to 2300-2350fps it will kill anything with the right placement even elephant frontal.....
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    Lion hunting SA

    Same as users no drugs.....
  29. I

    Lion hunting SA

    So strange that the outfitters and PH's and especially the country get all the flack yet there are many "clients" who willingly participate....
  30. I

    What rifle gives you 'The Fizz'?

    My 3 x ZKK 602 Brno rifles.... I would like to fondle a Blaser BBF 9.3×74R/6.5×57R with another set of barrels in 12ga/7×57R. As well as a Blaser K95 in 7x65R.......
  31. I

    Into large caliber rifles

    Some people are clueless yet they always have opinions......
  32. I

    Thoughts on a "Bergstutzen" O/U-two different calibers in the same barrel set, 9.3x74R/6.5x57R

    I have managed to track down a Blaser BBF 9.3x74R/6.5×57R fitted with a Swaro scope I think it is 2.5 to 10 x 42... Negotiations are underway.... Also found a K95 but it is in 6.5x55 Swede and I would buy it if it was 7x65R.......
  33. I

    In memoriam - Zimbabwe Professional Hunter killed by enraged buffalo

    His wife is coping well under the circumstances and is being well supported by friends and family. The plan is for a celebration of his life in early jan and burial on Sentinel, the land he so much loved. ....
  34. I

    Loading a Double Rifle quickly

    2 cartridges in the palm of my left hand, break the double holding the rifle with the trigger hand, two new cartridges go straight in from the left hand and the shut the rifle.
  35. I

    In memoriam - Zimbabwe Professional Hunter killed by enraged buffalo

    A great man, professional hunter and conservationist. Restored probably 20 of the old land rovers, if memory serves he qualified as ph in 1990. At Sentinal ranch he was relentless in his conservation efforts despite the poaching problems of dogs, gin traps and noose traps mainly targeting...
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    I have a hunting rifle i would like to sell

    Run Forest Run.....
  37. I

    Lion hunting SA

    Not so....
  38. I

    MOZAMBIQUE: My safari With Juan Pace Of Chasseurs de Mocambique

    And now ir seems all think Juan Pace is responsible for all this success......reeality will prevale....
  39. I

    Into large caliber rifles

    375 is medium bore 400 is large medium bore 458 large bore 500 are in their own class super bore if you wish....
  40. I

    What Have You Killed with the 7x57

    The same rear site that was on the Mauser Model B 22lr I cut my hunting teeth on 47 years ago.....brilliant rifles....
  41. I

    Anyone else practicing with .22 trainers?

    Brno mod 2
  42. I

    Assuming you don't reload, what's the best caliber to go with on a double rifle today?

    Perfect killing velocity with a high sd bullet.....
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    Assuming you don't reload, what's the best caliber to go with on a double rifle today?

    From memory the K gun is reulater at 70m 77yards
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    Assuming you don't reload, what's the best caliber to go with on a double rifle today?

    500 NE and a second barrel set in 500/416 NE(it also regulates with a 300gr bullet at 75% rule) or 450/400 NE and a 20ga shotgun barrel set for all. 470 NE is also very popular and ammo should be more availible than the othe NE
  45. I

    Double rifle safeties

    Does it have intercepting sears?
  46. I

    Double rifle safeties

    Just fit qd sling mounts and get rid of the sling when the chios are down.....
  47. I

    450 Grain in 416 Rigby

    The 410gr has more than enough sd in .416 caliber
  48. I

    Specifying a double rifle

    K gun would be another as you have used them and like them. The safety is more safe if you like. The IES system they offer is quite ingenious....some may say it is just another thing that can go wrong but I have never heard of one fail in this department. I would not go with a bigger than...
  49. I

    Specifying a double rifle

    A Heym would be more than good enough. Good buff calibers are 450/400 NE and 500/416 NE. And I would order mine with the ghost ring rear site option. Spend more on buffalo.....