Search results

  1. Rick HOlbert

    Interarms Mark X 30-06 conversion project

    Very nice rifle! Although the MK X action is the very same action as the Remington 798 and Zastava M70. All excellent just different name. I have to go along with jpr9954 on the 338-06 as you already have a 9.3X62 and a 35 Whelen. Good friend of mine builds custom rifles and has built quite a...
  2. Blue Wildebeest Hunt Namibia

    Blue Wildebeest Hunt Namibia

    2019 Namibian hunt
  3. Warthog


    2019 Namibia hunt. Pre 64 Win M70 375 H&H
  4. Rick HOlbert

    375 H&H Magnum all round hunting optics

    Sirius that would be an excellent choice. Fact is high magnification isn't a prerequisite to longer shots. As an example, I shoot Scout rifles with fixed 2.5X scopes. That works well past 300 yards. Bottom line, use what works for you. But think about it before going with more than 8X. Best...
  5. Rick HOlbert

    375 H&H Magnum all round hunting optics

    Good day Sirius, As a shooter of a 375 H&H also, if you want to make that rifle an all arounder from right off the muzzle to as far as you can reliably put the rounds in the kill zone, my suggestion would be a 1-6X or at most 1-8X. Lower magnification for stalking, higher (8 max) for shots in...
  6. Rick HOlbert

    The Scout Rifle Has Run It’s Course

    And thank you for your time in uniform and your service. I had 9 years invested but got disgusted with what Carter was doing to the military. Was up for E-7 but decided to get out before getting in trouble. That was a great article you wrote. Shows you're a thinking rifleman. I guess I'm...
  7. Rick HOlbert

    The Scout Rifle Has Run It’s Course

    Good day Sir, Read your article and found it interesting. But with all due respect I have to disagree with your statement that the Scout rifle has run it's course. Like you I trained under Col. Cooper but in the late 70's when it was still API before Gun site. That's when I was introduced to the...
  8. Rick HOlbert

    The Scout Rifle Has Run It’s Course

    Interesting article but I have to disagree first learned of the Scout Rifle concept when I trained under Col. Cooper in the late 70's. Over the years I've built/owned 7 or 8 Scout rifles. I currently shoot a Steyr Scout and a retro Scout I built on a Remington 660. For 90% of my hunting I'll...
  9. Rick HOlbert

    358 Winchester & 9.3x57 Question About Performance

    Bob that is great performance with the Woodleigh's. If I couldn't get the Swift A-Frames I'd look real hard at the Woodleigh's as a second choice, (just me). As soon as my supplier gets in a new shipment I've got some Woodleigh Hydro Stabilized solids back ordered in 9.3 and .375. Looking...
  10. Rick HOlbert

    358 Winchester & 9.3x57 Question About Performance

    Good day sir, I whole heartily agree. The .358 Win was designed too replace the .348 Win and back in the day it was considered good bear medicine. On a lighter note, you by any chance related to a Mr. Jack Atkinson? Just curious as I have a close friend who has hunted with the Atkinson family of...
  11. Rick HOlbert

    Qatar, Dallas, Doha, Johannesburg question

    Ah, good to know. But I have faith in the new administration to royally screw things up.
  12. Rick HOlbert

    Qatar, Dallas, Doha, Johannesburg question

    Right now you may have problems going through South Africa with Biden’s travel restrictions due to the new strain of COVID that has surfaced there. Sorry about that.
  13. Rick HOlbert

    Qatar, Dallas, Doha, Johannesburg question

    Good day to all. I used Qatar Airways for my last trip to Namibia. Service was outstanding. Didn't have to go through Joberg as Qatar has a flight direct into Windhoek. No overnight stay in Joberg. Actual transit time is a little longer but worth it. Flew from New Orleans on American Airlines to...
  14. Namibian Hunt 2016

    Namibian Hunt 2016

    Grand old Kudu bull
  15. Rick HOlbert

    358 Winchester & 9.3x57 Question About Performance

    Gents I'll step in one last time. On that trip to Namibia made a Texas heart shot on a zebra. Pound for pound a zebra is a tough animal to put down, heavy bones tough muscle tissue. I know, not a bear, but,... that bullet (225grn TSX) from the .358 broke his pelvis then went length wise through...
  16. Rick HOlbert

    358 Winchester & 9.3x57 Question About Performance

    Yes sir you’re so right. That cartridge has such an efficient combustion chamber. It was labeled a “brush”cartridge. With 180grn bullets it matches the trajectory of the .308 to 400 yards! Has anyone ever called the .308 a brush cartridge? I’ve really enjoyed this thread. I hope this has been...
  17. Rick HOlbert

    358 Winchester & 9.3x57 Question About Performance

    Bruce, I used the same powder charge for both bullets, W748 although Varget gave almost same performance. I got the data from Paco Kelly and if interested you can get it from him. As long as I've been reloading slight compression was ok but heavy compression a no no. Well,.... the Barnes really...
  18. Annie's Hunt

    Annie's Hunt

    Daughter Annie and proud dad with her first Gemsbok
  19. Rick HOlbert

    358 Winchester & 9.3x57 Question About Performance

    Well you're talking about a round near and dear to my heart. I used a .358 Win on my first trip to Africa. Used my handloads carefully worked up (I've been a handloader for 56 years) using Barnes 225grn TSX and W748. From the bench delivered 1/2 MOA at a chronographed 2510fps. Basically same...
  20. Rick HOlbert


    Welcome Eric. You've come to a place where there is a wealth of info and a lot of great folks. I was bit by the bug a number of years back and its been a grand adventure. My last trip was 2019 to Namibia. I brought my youngest daughter and she made her old dad rather proud. There are a lot of...
  21. Rick HOlbert

    Favorite Rifles Above .308 Caliber

    I have to admit that I have a weak spot for medium bore rifles. Having use them quite a bit here are my 3 favorite calibers, Ruger M77R (tang safety) .358 Win. A real thumper with modern reloads and 225grn. A-Frames Zastava M70 9.3X62. Again modern reloads give 85% of what a 375 H&H delivers...