Search results

  1. Bullthrower338

    Wanted Cape Bushbuck Cape

    Anyone got an extra laying around, skinners completely destroyed mine. Thanks, Cody
  2. Bullthrower338

    338 Federal Brass

    I just got a call from Starline, 338 Federal Brass order is being filled finally. If you need some they just ran it. Cody
  3. Bullthrower338

    Help me pick a rifle to hunt elk with opening weekend

    I am torn between three rifles that need to get an elk under their belt. The Dakota is beautiful and a wonderful elk cartridge. Topped with a Swaro Z6i The Winchester 54 is a second year production 4 digit serial number gun that is almost 100 years old and screams pick me, this rifle has a...
  4. Bullthrower338

    What do you all think this bear?

    Give your opinion on what you think this bear will score and weigh. I’m typically good at judging a bear on the paw but this dude is not of the typical bear proportions that I normally look at. This bastard goes to Krispy Kreme before he hits the neighborhood garbage cans. I’m hoping to...
  5. Bullthrower338

    Wanted 375 Ruger Brass

    anybody got some 375 Ruger Brass they can spare? I just bought a Ruger Alaskan and need to feed it. Thanks, Cody
  6. Bullthrower338

    Sako 85 Stainless Fluted Varmint Laminate For Sale

    Good evening, Got a Sako 85 1-8 twist 223 REM for sale, ANIB. Bought this over a year ago and haven’t found a need for it. Has an excellent single set trigger and has not been shot outside of the factory. Thought I would throw it up here before I go elsewhere. Not interested in trades. 2k...
  7. Bullthrower338

    Zane Grey’s 1895 30-06

    Watched Zane Grey’s beautiful 1895 Winchester bring 375k plus 27% buyers premium on RIA this morning. What a gorgeous rifle. Rifle came with the cancelled bank check for the amount of $381.68 in 1921. Pretty cool and thought I would share this.
  8. Bullthrower338

    In search of Pre-64 338 WM barrel

    My buddy was gifted a Pre-64 Model 70 in 338 WM, problem is the gun was cut down to be used out of a Super Cub up in Alaska. We were talking this weekend about what he should build off of the action, I told him there is only one choice, what it was originally chambered for, one of the best all...
  9. Bullthrower338

    700 Nitro Express Rimless

    So I was haunting my LGS and ran across this monster, it was one of two built by Dennis Olsen up here in Plains, MT. It is very well done! Comes with Brass, Forming and Reloading Dies and some ammo. It is built on a McMillan 50 BMG action, at 19.5 pounds with three Mercury tubes in the stock...
  10. Bullthrower338

    Need Some 338-378 WBY Brass To Feed A Needy Child

    I went and did it, bought a Weatherby again. It seems that Weatherby is more interested in making more cartridges that are not needed (RPM) than making sure there is brass and ammo available for existing rifles! If anyone has some 338-378 brass to spare I’d be very appreciative! My charity...
  11. Bullthrower338

    Moving Trophy Room Advice from our Taxidermists

    Alright guys, I’ve finally decided to head back home to Montana permanently! With this comes the logistical nightmare of moving when you hunt a lot. The first leg of this journey was moving guns, ammo, reloading and the garage north. I rented a U-Haul and an auto transport for my bronco...
  12. Bullthrower338

    .474 (470 NE) 500 Grain Barnes Banded Solids

    4 Bags of 50 each at $2 per bullet/$100 per bag shipping is $10 for 1 or 2 bags, $20 for 3 or 4. Flat nose design. New bullets not pulled.
  13. Bullthrower338

    A-Square 500 NE 570 Gr Solids

    Three Boxes of 570 grain A-Square Monolithic Solids. Two box’s still factory sealed. $320 shipped TYD.
  14. Bullthrower338

    500 Grain Trophy Bonded Sledgehammers (Pulled) .475 & Barnes Banded Solids 400 Grain .416 Bullets

    Five bags of pulled 500 grain Trophy Bonded Sledgehammers for your 470 plinking pleasure and four bags of .416 Barnes Banded Solids. 50 Bucks per bag plus 20 bucks for the ride, buy them all and save on shipping.
  15. Bullthrower338

    Scope Restoration

    Does anyone know anyone who restores Euro scopes in the US? The Vintage scope guy in Montana only does the old Weavers, Lymans and Redfields. The Unertl guy obviously works on Unertl. Scope is optically great, just was molested in cheap rings and needs a makeover.
  16. Bullthrower338

    Another Bucket List Gun Checked Off!

    After years of trying to acquire a Ruger Hawkeye 256 Winchester Magnum single shot pistol, I have one in my hands. The blue book says there were 3043 manufactured in 1963 and 1964 only. Some things I have read say there were a few more than that made. I have seen double digit examples and...
  17. Bullthrower338

    Barnes 300 Grain TSX Loaded Ammunition

    In case anyone is caught short on 375 H&H ammo I have a line on a bunch, $94/box and they will ship at actual cost of shipping. Not my ammo just wanted y’all to have a chance at it if you need it. PM me for contact. cheers, Cody
  18. Bullthrower338

    CZ 457 Varmint Precision 22LR

    NIB CZ 457 Varmint Precision 22LR threaded 24” barrel with protector. I never shot it and decided I probably won’t so thought I would see if there is any body interested on AH before I list it elsewhere. Cool gun, great figure in the composite! Lol 900.00 shipped to your FFL or 850.00 FTF...
  19. Bullthrower338

    225 grain Barnes TTSX available Just thought I’d put this up here in case anyone is looking for some Barnes TTSX to feed their 338’s. Unfortunately no 185’s in stock but I did snag some 150 grain .284 TTSX while I was getting some of the 225’s.
  20. Bullthrower338

    Kollmorgan Scopes

    I recently acquired a Full stock 7x57 built on a Winchester Pre-64 action by gunsmith H.G. Bauchner. I purchased it at an Online auction and there was little information in the details but the gun got me excited so I bought it. The scope is a Kollmorgan built in San Antonio, TX. Sitting in a...
  21. Bullthrower338

    Unertl 20X Programer- 200

    Good evening Gents, I’m not sure if there is much of an interest in Unertl Scopes on AH but thought I would give you guys first shot on this one. Hard to come by Programer- 200 20X. I’ve looked at quite a few of these and this one is nice. It has Posa-type mounts. Both front and rear lens...
  22. Bullthrower338

    Heym 450 Rigby Express

    Guys, I was doing my usual slurking in the shadows of gun stores this weekend and came across what I feel is a hell of a deal. This rifle had a few honest dings that could be easily fixed and just a little speck of rust at the sling barrel band that Is a non issue. it is at Dury’s in San...
  23. Bullthrower338

    Nice win for NRA, SCI and AZ Sportsman!
  24. Bullthrower338

    For Sale 44-40 200 Grain Black Powder Buffalo Arms

    150 rounds of New Buffalo Arms 200 grain BP loads. I don’t have a 44-40 anymore since I got rid of that SAA, figured someone might need it.$150.00 shipped.
  25. Bullthrower338

    Rigby 458 Win Mag

    Good afternoon all! While I was cruising gun shops on my way home from a meeting in South Texas I ran across an interesting rifle. It was a Rigby but built on a Sako action???? I sent pictures to @spike.t and asked if Rigby had in fact built rifles on Sako Actions. Mike contacted Paul Roberts...
  26. Bullthrower338

    For Sale 308 Norma Magnum 180 Grain Oryx Norma Ammunition

    Three boxes of Norma 180 grain Oryx, 308 Norma Mag. 150.00 shipped CONUS where legal.
  27. Bullthrower338

    My Friend Guy Hopkins Estate Gun Auction

    Gentlemen, A really good friend of mine passed away last year and his lovely wife Joan has placed a bunch of his firearms collection in a auction. I have no affiliation with the auction house but would like to see Hop’s guns bring a good price and not go into the abyss. Stay away from the...
  28. Bullthrower338

    460 WBY Weatherby Custom For Sale

    Hey Guys, A buddy of mine is wanting to sell this 460 Wby if anyone is interested. He is looking to get 1695.00 Out of it. He has it on consignment locally but thought there might be a masochist in the crowd needing one! PM me and I will put you in contact with him.
  29. Bullthrower338

    ZIMBABWE: Hunting The BVC In Zimbabwe For Buffalo, John Sharp Safaris Exceeding Expectations

    So many times in life it seems that you spend money on something or anticipate how great something will be only to feel that you could have done better or made a different choice and got a bit more bang for your hard earned buck. This trip was definitely not one of those times. My expectations...
  30. Bullthrower338

    For Sale Smith & Wesson X-Frame 460XVR

    Up on the chopping block is a S&W 460 XVR. Along with the gun will be a set of RCBS carbide dies, 60 rounds of factory ammo (1 box CorBon 395 HC, 2 boxes Hornady 200gr FTX), 3 boxes Barnes 275gr XPB bullets, 75 new starline brass and some misc qty once fired(not many). Simmons 2-6x32 mounted in...
  31. Bullthrower338

    For Sale 1974 Winchester M70 Super Grade 458 Win Mag

    1974 model 70 Super Grade with Williams peep installed. I bought this rifle from a gentleman that took it to Tanzania and killed a buff with it so it has been hunted and has a few character marks that came honestly. Hasn’t seen much use since it got back home. I’ve shot maybe a box of shells...
  32. Bullthrower338

    In memoriam - Our Brother @Clayton has passed on

    All, It’s with a sad heart that I post this. Our fellow AH’er and my dear friend @Clayton has crossed over to be with our Lord and Savior to hunt the great bushveld in the sky. I met this great man through AH, enlisting his gracious help in sorting through quite a few Pre 64 Winchester’s...
  33. Bullthrower338

    Drilling a 10/22 cleaning port

    Hey all, My good buddy @Clayton who is a rimfire aficionado was kind enough to loan me his Pacific Tool and Gauge drilling fixture that enables you to drill a 1/4” hole in the rear of your 10/22 receivers. The purpose is to allow you to clean the rifle from the breach end rather than through...
  34. Bullthrower338

    Weatherby Vangaurd/Howa 1500 Timney Trigger For Sale

    Hey all, I have a Timney #611 Trigger, never installed because I sold the gun before I got a chance to install it. In my typical fashion I ordered Dies, Brass and a trigger before the gun arrived. This is for the Series 2 Hundred bucks shipped priority to you.
  35. Bullthrower338

    Merkel 140 Safari 470 NE For Sale

    I am posting this rifle here first and see if there are any members interested first. This is a great rifle and shoots great, Why am I selling it? To fund another hunt and new Double Rifle as even I can’t convince myself that I need two 470’s. I came across this rifle from the original owner...
  36. Bullthrower338

    AUSTRALIA: Australia Buffalo Hunt With Australian Outback Buffalo Safaris

    I met Aaron Corbett at DSC Convention a couple of years ago and became quite interested in making a trip to OZ to shoot a buffalo and see the NT. We spoke at the show several times and I left without booking a hunt because I had a trip to the Limpopo booked for August already. Aaron called me...
  37. Bullthrower338

    Pay It Forward-Free

    Hi guys and gals, I saw this on another forum and really liked the idea. In a nutshell here is how this works: Members put up an item that they may no longer need, want or have upgraded and it is just sitting around taking up space. The rules are that the item must be given away at no charge to...
  38. Bullthrower338

    IronClad Warthog Skull

    I wanted something a little different than just a bleach white euro mount of my Warthog. I decided to give IronClad Metals a try with their Copper cladding. Dan did a wonderful job, even made a set of front teeth that had been lost in the boiling process in Africa. I was very happy with the...
  39. Bullthrower338

    Traveling in Australia with rifles

    Good evening, I am about to book my travel to Australia for an August buff hunt and need some information on traveling with my rifles. Hopefully some of our friends over there can help. I want to bring my rifle for sure, so renting a rifle is not an option. I will fly into Sydney then on to...
  40. Bullthrower338

    Arizona Deer Draw

    Well my dry spell on AZ mule deer has been broken! Drew Unit 27 nov 3-nov 9th! I love this unit and I'm pumped to have this tag again after years of not drawing. My buddy up in Montana drew the Kiabab! About 30 minutes after talking to him I looked mine up. Going to be hard to make both...
  41. Bullthrower338

    30-378 Weatherby Mark V Accumark For Sale

    Just wanted to post this rifle here first before I sell it elsewhere. I bought this rifle from the original owner who said he only fired it once " to see what it felt like". I have never fired this rifle, the base mounting screws are still in place with no signs of a scope ever being mounted...
  42. Bullthrower338

    SilencerCo Rebate

    just in case y'all haven't seen this, silencerco is offering a rebate of 200 bucks to negate cost of Tax Stamp. Good Utah company trying to keep from layoffs while the hearing protection act gains speed I suppose.
  43. Bullthrower338

    AUSTRALIA: Has Anyone Hunted With Aaron Corbett Of Australian Outback Buffalo Safaris?

    Hey y'all, thinking hard about booking a hunt with Aaron, met him at DSC and really liked the guy, seems like a fun trip in tent camp in the bush. Be a good maiden voyage for my 470NE to pound a few buff. Any feed back would be appreciated greatly. Cheers, Cody
  44. Bullthrower338

    Decision between two M70 300 H&H's

    Good afternoon all, My quest for a M70 in 300 H&H has come down to two that are side by side. One is a 1954 model that is extreamly clean, no rust, metal is near 98ish% showing bluing wear only at the muzzle. Wood is unremarkablely plain but in excellent shape. The second is a post 64 M70...
  45. Bullthrower338

    Happy Halloween

    Hope all your kids have a safe night out! My boys bet me I couldn't carve a pumpkin, I cheated and printed a picture out off of AH and copied it on the pumpkin! I ain't telling them that though. Enjoy the evening with the rug rats, I always enjoyed the Halloween gatherings, I never dressed...
  46. Bullthrower338

    SOUTH AFRICA: Andri Fox Safaris Hunt

    Dates: June 13th-21st, 2016 Location: Eastern Cape PH: Andri Fox First let me apologize for my slacking on getting out a timely report, trying to catch up on all of the things that I could have cared less about while in Africa turn into large issues when you return home. After speaking with...
  47. Bullthrower338

    Compliments to Swarovski Optik

    Good afternoon all, I just wanted to tell everyone what an outstanding company Swarovski Optik is. I have gotten 15 great years of hard use out of the first pair of SLC 10x42 binos that I purchased without a complaint. At the time I purchased them it was hard to swallow the price, that set...
  48. Bullthrower338

    USA: Rockin G Ranch Turkey Texas Varmint Hunt

    Good Afternoon All, I just got back from hunting on the Rockin G Ranch with our very own Gizmo from AH. The hunt was for Coyotes and other pests that inhabit the pan handle of Texas. I drove up from Houston with a friend of mine Sunday morning and met Erik(Gizmo) and Chuck(Mekaniks) in Turkey...
  49. Bullthrower338

    458 Lott Ruger RSM

    I was browsing collectors firearms in Houston today and there is a RSM in excellent shape on the rack if anyone needs one. I surprised myself on how I put it down and left the store. I think it may be priced a little high at 1995.00 but if ya need one guys this is a nice one! It has one ding...
  50. Bullthrower338

    Austin and Halleck 420

    Good Evening All, First let me start by admitting I am not a ML guy. I just bought my son an A&H 420 for his deer hunt. Does anyone have experience with this rifle? Need a good place to start, it is set up for 209 primers. Any help would be greatly appreciated!