Search results

  1. R

    LEFTY Granite Mountain Arms African Magnum Action $3000

    Lefty manufactured for .416 Rigby. Pictures tell the story. Double square bridge action that holds 4 down. Factory GMA fully adjustable trigger. $3000 picked up in Austin, TX. I do travel to Houston, DFW, San Antonio and places in between. I will ship if your FFL accepts transfers from...
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    Ralf Martini to Hartmann & Weiss?

    Not an assertion, but a question. Can anyone confirm Ralf is returning to the motherland? A friend told me last night that Ralf was going to work with H&W, but I haven’t heard of this from anyone else and cannot confirm on the Googler. :-). What a skilled gentleman, and would be a great asset...
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    New to me .450 Rigby

    I have told myself repeatedly that I am done buying . . . then something (I believe) is truly spectacular catches my eye. Well, here it is. As to not clutter the are German riflemakers the best in the world thread, here are some auction pictures. The only disappointment with the rifle is I...
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    Kynoch .475 No.2 Eley 480 gr. Solids/Softs $800

    As mentioned in another post, I recently came across these going through some of my dad’s stuff. Three boxes of softs and five boxes of solids. All boxes, with the exception of one box of solids, are factory sealed. Quite an impressive looking round. I examined the open box and ammo looks...
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    .475 No.2 Eley loaded ammo value?

    The other post had me thinking about the value of this loaded ammo. My dad died a couple months ago and I picked this up out of his safe as a reminder and they are cool paperweights. Appears to be 2007 manufactured date. The rifle is long gone. Quick research showed sales around $100 per...
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    .404 Jeffery Dies, Brass and Bullets

    A little clean up of things I don’t need. 50 pieces of NOS Bell brass. $250 shipped. New RCBS dies with shell holder. Manufacture date 2023. $200 shipped. 400 gr. Barnes banded solids. $50 with purchase of brass or dies. $75 shipped if purchased separately.
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    Cal Pappas Auction

    I just came across a bunch of Cal’s doubles going up on the block next month. Here is an example. Morphy’s auction. I know many of you double rifle guys were friends with Cal.
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    Wanted .450 Rigby dies-trade for .404 dies/brass

    Practice round of bartering in case my prepper friends are correct in their premise that currency will be largely worthless. :-) I am looking for some .450 Rigby dies. Redding or RCBS. I ended up with duplicate/triplicate dies for several chamberings. All are excellent condition and some are...
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    RIP—A tribute to a great man

    Some of you know my dad, although he outlived many of his hunting and fishing buddies. I haven’t been on here much lately, but am coming up for air. My dad was a true giant and honestly, trying to set aside any bias, was the greatest man I have known. A true man of integrity who lived a great...
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    Dave Talley--Rest In Peace

    I swung by my parent's house earlier this afternoon and they told me Dave died. Most people know him for his rings (and other components), but he should be remembered for much more. Talented and brilliant man with a kind soul! Charter member of the ACGG and truly a pioneer in the industry.
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    Wanted 6.5 Remington Magnum Loaded Ammo/Brass

    Keep your eyes open at your local US gun shops, boys. :) Hendershot’s offers it, but there may be some PSP or Core-Lokt on shelves near you. Blow the dust off and tell me whom to contact (please). If you come across NOS brass that would be great as well! Thanks in advance!
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    Triple Barrel Shotgun -Chiappa Triple Crown $1,400

    New and unfired. These are a pretty cool novelty gun. Swings like a fine double rifle. :-) I bought six or so of these and gave 3 to friends kind of as a gag gift for a dove hunt as one friend, we now call “plug”, has made friends with his game warden twice for failing to have a plug. The...
  13. R

    New American Hunting Rifles (AHR) .416 Rigby $5,500

    New and flawless .416 Rigby. Has remained unfired since it left AHR. 23” barrel and 13.75” LOP. I usually shoot 14.25” but for some reason this feels great as is. I do have a new red 1.5” NECG pad I will include with the rifle. Would bring LOP to right at 14.25”. I have used this pad on other...
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    New .404 from Tip Burns/Texas Sporting Arms

    Just picked up a new .404 from Tip and he did a great job as usual. This is a no frills CZ 550 working man’s .404. :). NECG sites, 23” barrel, feeds great and topped with a 1-4 Nikon Monarch African with great eye relief. Will likely get some Alaskan Arms rings to bring the scope down a tad and...
  15. R

    Model 70 Action question

    What can you Model 70 gurus tell me about this action? SN is odd, area by 3 position safety is different (two small hex bolts?) than all 70s I have (from rusty memory). Any input is appreciated.
  16. R

    .700 AHR Ridiculousness :-)

    I know this won’t be for everyone, but it brings me joy. Well, I haven’t shot it, and that may be where the joy ends. What is comical to me is that the dies come in a cardboard box as I assume there may not be a traditional die holder that could house these things—at least not in one box. For...
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    Wanted 30mm EAW Quick Loc Rings

    Thinking about taking one rifle next time over. Likely won’t happen, but what the heck. :-). Have a 1” scope for DG, but considering 30 mm with larger range for plains game. Have bases already. Checking to see if there are any 30mm out there. NECG has them, and a bunch of mismatched on eBay, but...
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    .500 Jeffery Norma Brass—New

    I recently sold my .500J and ammo/dies. Giving up on shooting diminutive rifles under .550. :) Came across some new Norma brass I had at the ranch. Bright, shiny and virginal. $140 per 20 shipped. $270 per 40 shipped.
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    AHR in .550 Magnum

    I have had some requests for pictures of my AHR DGR in the diminutive :) .550 Magnum. It is incredibly balanced. The business end is laughable even to look at. I have 300 pieces of brass, including 100 rounds of loaded ammo from Neal Shirley ( the creator of the .550). I know Krish is...
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    Wanted .550 Magnum Brass (Jamison)

    Long shot, but hoping someone bought components and never got around to building the rifle. Lord knows I have done this. :-). Now that Jamison is out of business the brass is obviously more difficult to source. Please let me know if you have some/seen some on the shelf. Thanks much.
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    W. German Weatherby Varmintmaster In .224 For The Collector $4,500

    This is a special gun and my Weatherby guru friends told me it should go with a bottom price of $5K at auction. Figured I would try it here first as I have never done an auction/auction site. Why $5K+ for a $3k gun? I’m glad I asked that question. :-). SN 112X does not have the “S” prefix it...
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    SOUTH AFRICA: Trek Africa Hunting - PH Mario Tinkler

    Had a great trip with Mario! Flew to Johannesburg and spent a night at Africa Sky and used their gun import service and was money well spent! Went with two friends and they did most of the killing! My main quarry was an old wide buffalo. No classic drop, but an awesome hunt. I also was urged...
  23. R

    AHR Custom DGR In .458 Lott With S&B Exos

    Just back from another trek to Africa. Absolutely beautiful full custom Dangerous Game Rifle (DGR) from American Hunting Rifles. This is one of Wayne’s full customs. Deadly on all from impala to 46” buffalo. In my biased opinion, this rifle has the prettiest wood I have ever seen on one of...
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    .224 Weatherby Varmintmaster head scratcher

    Posted on another site, but figured there may be a guru here. :-). I have a .224 that the folks at Weatherby cannot figure out. If they can't figure it out, not sure if anyone here can do so, but any help is appreciated. Unmolested West German .224 (Varmintmaster obviously). Here comes the...
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    Swarovski Scopes. Z6i, 3-9 Habich Nova & The Goat Z6i EE

    Cleaning out the lonely scopes. Gen 1 Z6i. 1.7-10. Excellent shape. CD reticle. $1350 3-9x36A Habicht Nova. Great shape. It looks like there were some slight ring marks addressed. I bought the scope to put on an HK91 to be era specific and ended up not using it. The guy I bought it from just...
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    30mm Color Case Hardened Talley Detachable Rings Medium & Low

    I have two sets of really nice Talley color case hardened 30mm detachable lever rings. One in low and one in medium. NIB. $220 for each set. Includes shipping in USA.
  27. R

    .404 Jeffery Components

    Have some extras some may be interested in. Norma brass (new). Two 50 piece boxes. $275 shipped. 400 grain A-frames (1 box) $110 shipped. Barnes solids. 2 boxes of 400 gr. $200 shipped.
  28. R

    Reboring .416 to.423

    Thinking about having a pre-64 rebored from .416 to .423. Does anyone have a reputable smith for the job? Called JES and they don’t do .423. Thanks.
  29. R

    Pre-64 .416 Hoffman By Sterling Davenport $5750

    Beautiful full custom by Sterling Davenport. Pre-64 action (1951) and a beautiful build. Sterling was a great friend of George Hoffman and used George’s personal reamers on his .416s. Classic round in a beautiful package. Rifle has purportedly only been test fired for function. Comes with 40...
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    AHR .458 Lott price check

    I’ve been thinking about selling my full custom AHR in .458 Lott. Beautiful rifle. No CZ markings on barrel. Trying to get a realistic opinion on price to decide if I am going to let it go. Any input is appreciated. Here are a couple pictures.
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    Lightweight .375 H&H

    I have been wanting a lightweight .375 for some time and a friend recommended Crimson Accuracy in Cresson, Texas. It took over a year to locate a 22” Proof barrel. LAW action, D’Arcy Echols stock. D’Arcy was great to work with and he installed cross bolts before he sent the stock. Bare rifle is...
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    .404 Jeffery Brass & Bullets For Sale

    I will start off with some brass. 100 pieces of Bell brass. Unfired. Would like to sell in complete lots to cut down on shipping. $125 for 100 pieces. Two unopened boxes of Barnes banded solids (50 per box). .422"(400 gr). $100 for 100 bullets. Two unopened boxes of Swift...
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    Wanted .416 Hoffman Brass

    I know it is a long shot, but checking if anyone has any properly head stamped Hoffman brass for sale. Would refer something other than Quality-Cartridge. Thanks much!
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    AHR .416 Ruger For Sale US$2,750

    American Hunting Rifles (AHR) did his magic/upgrades on the barreled action and created a solid and beautifully simple safari rifle. The CZ stampings are milled off, trigger is replaced, 3-position safety (Model 70 style) and bolt handle is straightened, filled and refinished. Wayne works these...