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  1. C

    375 Raptor cartridge

    Greetings all, I haven't posted in a while. Reason for this post, I own two 375HH and still trying to work through some life-impacting upper body injuries - carrying a heavy rifle does not appear to be in the cards for me. 375 Raptor ---This sort of 375-08 cartridge has intrigued me and I do...
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    My account was hacked - do not do business with me

    All, my acct was hacked and the scammer posted several classified items. That was not me. I have worked with Jerome on getting me reset. Hopefully this solves the problem. I will not be selling any item any time soon! I will not be buying anytime soon. I assume this has been taken care of...
  3. C

    I think I did good

    Gunbroker had a lot of 5 boxes of 375hh and I got them for just under $250 delivered 1 box 300 gr Norma (which I already have a few boxes of) 3 boxes 235gr Speer spitzer Hendershots 1 box 235gr Speer spitzer reduced recoil Hendershots At 2900 fps, I would think the 235's would behave much like...
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    New to me 375 - This one is going to get my attention

    I have been looking for a lightweight 375 and have focused my search towards the Browning Xbolt. However, a pre-accutrigger Savage H&H was available on gunbroker in pretty decent shape. 20", synthetic stock, stainless. A quick search showed the rifle should be about 6.5 pounds. That should be...
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    Rifle entry to international countries - barrel cartridge markings?

    What are your thoughts on this: I'm having a barrel rebored from 30-06 to 9.2x62. Would having a simple thin line etched across the "30-06 Springfield" (but still viewable) be ok? The 9.3x62 would be engraved somewhere on the barrel Or am I better off having the 30-06 100% milled out
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    Next project - Browning BLR 9.3x62

    I have been toying with the idea of a 375 ruger in a BLR. However, a like new walnut takedown model became available in 30-06 so I jumped on that. JES should be able to rebore a takedown model and should be able to rebore it to 9.3x62. I will likely need to send it off a second time to fix the...
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    Savage standard short action 10 round magazines I have no relationship with this company other than I just bought a magazine (that has been out of stock for quite a while). For those short action Savage owners interested in not topping off or swapping magazines, you might find this interesting. It's not...
  8. C

    What is the dumbest thing you ever did to damage a brand new gun?

    I really blame Savage for this (and they will get a call tomorrow), but I just put a half dozen scratches into a brand new walnut stock. They placed a giant Savage sticker on the butt and the damn thing might as well have been glued on - could not get it off easily with my fingernails. By the...
  9. C

    For Sale Savage 338 Win Mag & Ammunition

    Scope not included I have an as new Savage 110 Storm in 338 win mag with accufit accustock. It has never been shot. I am moving it because of another purchase. It's current set up weighs 8 pounds 9 ounces with the leupold scope. I swapped out the metal magazine plate and premium magazine for...
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    My new mountain rifle

    Since they are getting very hard to find, I just ordered a Savage lightweight hunter in 308, my 2nd 308. 5.5 pounds and a walnut stock - should be a little over 6.5 pounds scoped. So I will use this on hunts that require quite a bit of walking. While I normally like something with a little more...
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    USA: Has Anyone Hunted With Mick Chapel From New Mexico Professional Big Game Hunting?

    I am considering black bear hunting with hounds with this company New Mexico Professional Big Game Hunting ( I know 20 years ago they were legendary and then some reports started coming back they got a little too large and the overall experience suffered. Has someone hunted...
  12. C

    For Sale $50 Henry h001 Brass Color Receiver Cover / Barrel Band

    $50 usd shipped to US only. I bought this about 10 years ago from Henry on a limited run for RimfireCentral and never took it out of the box. It essentially turns your black h001 into a golden boy. Both sides have some minor tone discoloration in certain light at the top (seen in pics), likely...
  13. C

    Which hydrodip wood grain pattern

    I'm going to have my black stock from my winchester 70 375hh hydrodipped to a wood pattern with satin clear coat. I think I've settled on these 3 choices but like them all equally. What say you? Which one looks most natural on a riflestock, one that compliments a 375, or just your favorite?
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    Would you ask to hunt with the new Professional Hunter?

    I'm curious what opinions are on this: It's been stated before here that PH's with seniority take the American clients and new PH's take the European clients since the tips are generally significantly less. Although I've had a good experience, I wonder if a PH may be just coasting sometimes...
  15. C

    Leupold ZeroLock question

    I have always been leery of exposed turrets moving and have no need to make adjustments in the field, but the zerolock intrigues me in the VX-3HD line bc I hear the clicks are much more positive feeling over the old mushy vx-3i line. I am reading conflicting info on the google machine. From...
  16. C

    Eye relief for magnum rifles

    I am looking to scope my new 338 win mag. Not really looking for scope recomendations per say (lots of threads on that) - my question is regarding eye relief lenght. I am probably looking for a 3-9. While there are some outlyers, most of what I'm seeing are 3.3" or 3.5" (at 9x). My 3.3" on my 7...
  17. C

    338 win mag drunk impulse purchase

    I always said I'd never own a Savage accutrigger, a stainless rifle, or synthetic stock again - but here I am with all 3. My brother came over with his new Savage 300 win mag today and I was very impressed (still not a fan of the accutrigger though). So after a few drinks tonight I am the new...
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    Thoughts on this hydrodip pattern for 375 stock

    Thinking of having my synthetic stock dipped on my 375. Thoughts? Cool or tacky?
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    Model 70 front sight ramps

    So in a moment of sheer brilliance, I removed the front sight hood off my 375 Super Express without paying attention to if I needed to drive it up or down in the slot. I choose wrong and scratched the ramp all to hell. Being a perfectionist, I now have to replace it bc the touch up pen isn't...
  20. C

    Rebored rifle and travel

    I am thinking about having JES rebore a 30-06 to 9.3x62. They will scratch out the 30-06 in some manner (not sure if they essentially erase it or draw a single line through it still being able to see the original) and stamp the new chambering. Is there a potential issue upon entering SA or...
  21. C

    Friendly Forward: Browning Abolt 375HH With Leupold At Cabelas Used Guns $650

    I'm posting the link b/c this is a great deal and I'm trying desperately not to buy it myself :A Banana Sad: This would be a great entry level rifle for someone who just wanted one. Looks to be in pretty good shape (maybe a scratch on the barrel)
  22. C

    Bobcat nose

    This mount has absolutely been driving me crazy for a couple years. The nose had a small growth on it and when tanning it shrunk to about 1/8" by 1/8". Thickness is very shallow, probably 1/16". My taxidermist felt this was as good as she could get it, but it drives me . The taxidermist is on...
  23. C

    Model 70 Super Express - Replaced walnut with synthetic

    What did I do :A Stars: Picked up a synthetic stock from wyatt on the forum and put it on my New Haven 375 It went from 9.03 pounds to 8.46 pounds - 10 ounce drop. I thought it would be more, but feels good and points just as good so I'll see how it shoots. Might have it painted olive with...
  24. C

    Don't waste your time buying sale items from Cabelas / BP

    I share this because it will happen to you. I spent 90 minutes trying to online order a rifle from cabelas bargain cave. Rifle shows in stock, I go to checkout and enter gift card #'s, website freezes/spins, sometimes it took up to 6 entries of my gift card before it took, finally everything...
  25. C

    Any recommendations for Scotish Highlands?

    I'm looking to take the family on a trip to Scotland in a couple years - mainly for tourism but I have noticed a lot of Estates are set up for a good central base for the week and they also offer stalking as a side activity. I understand hunting is very inexpensive over there if you stick to...
  26. C

    What???!!! Gloss black cerakote scope

    Forgive me if I am late to this party, but I am honestly in shock right now. As everyone knows, new gloss scopes are pretty much gone --- scratch that --- gone. I had almost given up on owning another gloss blue rifle ever again as I'm not a fan of leupold (by far the easiest used brand to find...
  27. C

    Change in LOP means a change in scope position?

    I figure you are the 2nd measurement in the "measure twice, cut once" rule I am ordering an aftermarket stock for a rifle. The current setup puts the scope magnification dial right at the same spot as the bolt. So operating the bolt quickly can result in a bloody pinch :mad: If I can math...
  28. C

    Remington 700 build - buy an action only or strip an existing gun?

    All this recent talk about 35 whelens and 9.3x62's has me interested but I would want the weight to be in the 7 1/2 - 7 3/4 pounds fully scoped. Thinking about picking up a Remington 700 action (action only). Obviously I would have to find a gunsmith to put a barrel on. How hard is "making"...
  29. C

    That sinking feeling in your gut when you think you made a bad shot

    30 minutes ago I hit what I think is one of the biggest whitetail bucks I've ever seen. He was standing in some brush and was never going to offer a clear shot. When the trigger broke, I believe the crosshairs to be a little too far forward in the shoulder. He took off running hard like a heart...
  30. C

    On the plains of the Serengeti, a lion stalks his prey

    Happy Halloween (y)
  31. C

    3x safety fail at the public range today

    This is why I try to go to the range once a year: 3 people plus me at the range Guy 1 takes his rifle out of the case, points it downrange in the sandbags with 2 others down changing targets in that lane 15 minutes later during another target change Guy 2 takes his AR out of the case pointing...
  32. C

    Extra foam inserts for Double rifle cases

    I am about to order more pieces of foam Thinking about cutting the foam insert in half and then cutting out the rifle shapes. That way there is a lot of flexibility in terms of rifle combinations. Is this a common practice and are two halves inside the case stable for travel?
  33. C

    Is culling more of a job than hunting?

    I notice there is a very substantial discount for cull zebras at some safari companies. I assume this would be excess young males or females. As it relates to rug or shoulder mounts, is a cull zebra of equal desire? It seems a slightly smaller rug may actually be of benefit to your room. Is...
  34. C

    Remington 375HH ammunition

    I see a few posts about the Federal Power Shok. What about Remington? They are 270gr soft point round nose and just a few dollars more than Federal. Personally I've always got better groups out of various Corelokts than Federal blue box, and I've always thought the Rem was one of the stronger...
  35. C

    My 1st 375 H&H !

    I just had to share my excitement :E Dancing: Ever since buying a box of heavily clearanced 375 shells (for no particular reason other than they make me smile every time I open it) I've been looking for a bargain priced "just because" rifle. I just won (aka bought) an excellent condition...
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    Carved euros

    Got sucked in a Facebook rabbit hole and noticed a website in Bali that sells carved skulls from cows, buffalo, rams, etc. They looked interesting - what do you think? I wonder if any taxidermists in the US or Africa do this type of work?
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    375's and up: How important is blued/wood vs stainless/synthetic to you for Africa?

    I have seen this topic within other threads before but never as a standalone. Obviously a matter of opinion and ultimately the only important opinion is your own. I'm curious nonetheless because I'm on the fence. I have been passively looking for a 375 for a few years now waiting for a good...
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    Used older scopes

    What is your option on buying used scopes from say the 70's or 80's - Bausch Lomb, Bushnell, Redfield, Leopold, etc? My standard opinion is to generally stay away from used scopes but with new Gloss scopes becoming very very rare to find, there are all sorts of used ones out there. Is there...
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    257 Roberts vs 25-06

    I'm looking at buying a Kimber select grade rifle and thought a nice wood stock ought to be chambered in a classic round. In looking at the available choices, I have narrowed it down to the 257 roberts, 25-06, and 30-06. The 06 is not my question however. The 257 roberts has always intrigued...
  40. C

    Quality opinion of bobcat mounts?

    I have a bobcat in my freezer that I am looking to get mounted. Of course prices range from a $400 crosseyed cat to $1200 which looks scary real. My cat is of average size (18-19 pounds) I can not really justify going at the top end of that. From my local / in state choices (which has to be in...
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    Lake Michigan salmon charter recomendations?

    USA members ~ Would you have some recommendations for salmon boats on Lake Michigan? We'd like to be around Milwaukee / Port Washington / Sheboygan (as north as we'd want), Wisconsin since we have fished the rivers there before. We'd be open to Illinois, Indiana, or the very southern part of...
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    Outfitters and political posts

    This is something that has been on my mind. I certainly don't represent this forum in any capacity. This is simply my opinion on how to keep your hospitality business professional and thriving. There are a lot of different people who view this website, members and non-members alike. There are...