Search results

  1. mark-hunter

    AHR upgrades: safety

    For those who may know: Is the safety from AHR (American hunting rifles) company for CZ 550 or ZKK 602, made of steel or inox? If made of steel, does it need tempering or similar procedure before installation?
  2. mark-hunter

    Can elk grow this big?

    I found this on you tube, old photos of native americans. I never saw an elk this big, and with such antlers, like moose?! Is this possible or is it a photoshop?
  3. mark-hunter

    Scope glued to the rings, what to do?

    Usually I dont glue the scope to the rings, but I have one older scope which I obtained with a rifle I purchased. This scope has no use at the moment, and is resting in a locker with its attached and glued rings. Question: How do I remove the rings from the scope without damaging it?
  4. mark-hunter

    Plaque for Cape Buffalo scull mount, dimensions?

    Boys, I am expecting soon to receive cape buffalo scull from my hunt this year. Those of you who have similar arrangement, can you me provide me with rough dimensions of the plaque? I will then make it in my workshop. I had in mind something like this, photo from internet. I just need at...
  5. mark-hunter

    Book about reloading, recommendation?

    Guys, Which book about reloading with accent to accuracy you would recommend?
  6. mark-hunter

    Rifle: Browning A-bolt, reviews, opinions?

    A friend of mine wants to buy A-bolt rifle by Browning. Cal. 30-06, general purpose hunting rifle, for average hunting distances (up to 200 m) I have no experience with it. He is fresh certified hunter, first hunting rifle, he has no hunting experience, just high expectations. Choice of rifle...
  7. mark-hunter

    Solid bullets in 375 H&H, velocity?

    So, simple question for reloaders and experienced elephant hunters: Recommended velocity for 300 grain solid bullet in 375 H&H for elephant?
  8. mark-hunter

    Recommended dangerous game bullets and cartridges?

    So, it seams Swift-A-Frames are problematic to find on the market. :cry: Gents, help me to compose the list of high quality premium game bullets acceptable (better say recommended) for dangerous game, solids and softs? Feel free to recommend! How does Hornady DGS and DGX stand with reputation?
  9. mark-hunter

    Problem attaching pictures in PM

    Gents, I have problem I cannot attach pictures on PM, but I can attach them on public forum. I asked for assistance @BRICKBURN but, I still have this problem. I will attach screenshot i received from brickburn, with his drop menu, and then I will attach picture with my menu, where it seams one...
  10. mark-hunter

    Foreign citizen Professional Hunter exam?

    Can a forign citizen make a PH exam? Question is mainly for Namibia, but any information for any other country is welcome. Next question, if making PH exam, what options does a foreign citizen get? Namibia, or any other country?
  11. mark-hunter

    Happy 4th of July

    To all my American forum friends: Wish you all happiness, prosperity and good health! Happy 4th of July, independence day! God bless America!
  12. mark-hunter

    First Aid Kit for hunters

    So, boys, Probably some of you take first aid kit, on your hunting trips to remote areas. It also need to be light weight, with basic items, and covering wide variety of medical emeregencies. So, what do you guys pack in first aid kit when going hunting?
  13. mark-hunter

    Leopard on opportunity, during Plains Game hunt?

    I never saw any hunting report describing this situation. Providing that leopard tags are available, has anybody taken a leopard as a trophy of opportunity during PG hunt? Considering that there was no prebaiting, does the price goes cheaper? Any such experiences?
  14. mark-hunter

    How to finance a Dangerous Game safari?

    How to finance safari was frequently discussed on this forum. One of the ways discussed on the forum was to carefully plan and reduce periodic purchase of cars, and consider second hand cars, and save the money in some period. But, following way was not mentioned, so I thought I could share...
  15. mark-hunter

    Rhino bullets for dangerous game (375 H&H)?

    I was not able to find similar thread. So, what does community say about these bullets? Acceptable for DG?
  16. mark-hunter

    Rifles: single stack magazines or double stack magazines?

    So, gents, I dont remember we discussed benefits and advantages of the two types of rifle magazines. So, what are the advantages or disadvantages of each type of magazine, single stack and double stack? Me, personally, I tend to prefer double stack type, for better capacity flush with stock.
  17. mark-hunter

    Zastava USA: Its not about rifle, it is about factory

    Its not about rifle, it is about factory. Zastava is known to produce and export CRF rifles, modem Zastava M70 in all commercial calibers, and two tropical calibers 375 H&H and 458 win mag. Zastava USA web site is listing 458 win mag, While european web site lists 375 HH and 458 win mag. For...
  18. mark-hunter

    Laymen: what have they asked you?

    So, I think that 80% of my friends and acquittances dont have a gun, and have no idea of hunting. African hunt, they know even less about then zero. For general population, hunting safari is basically unimaginable thing. So, when the question comes up, like where will you go for holidays next...
  19. mark-hunter

    Non lead ammo barrel - what is that?

    So, gents, First rifle marketed for non lead ammunition was one of Steyr rifles few years ago. Next what caught my attention was Haenel Jaeger NXT (straight pull) also marketed with barrel for non lead ammunition. So, what is a rifle barrel for non lead ammunition? How is it optimized for non...
  20. mark-hunter


    Dear Friends, FACE - hunting organization of Europe, is asking all free minded hunters, friends and families to sign this petition. If you agree, here is the link:
  21. mark-hunter

    Safari frequency?

    So, guys experienced and seasoned safari hunters. In theory I could go once per year on a plains game safari, but I have a bit problematic schedule at work. So, in 5 years, I have been (only) 3 times on safari. What is your estimated safari frequency? More then once per year? Once per year...
  22. mark-hunter

    Improving performance of 12 GA cylinder bore?

    As the subject says: Is there a possibility to improve performance (hunting range) of cylinder bore, 12 GA, by proper choosing the cartridges? Chamber 3inch. For pheasants. Some thoughts: - Using 3 inch shells (as opposed to 2-3/4 which are most commonly used)? - Using some specific...
  23. mark-hunter

    Mossberg 500 - steel shot

    I was running a search on the forum, but could not find similar subject. Gun: Mossberg 500 A, cylinder bore, 12 GA, 3 inch chamber. Question: Can it use steel shot? If not, can a barrel be replaced, for steel shot approved bbl?
  24. mark-hunter

    Hornady custom lite ammo?

    I have a friend sensitive to recoil, due to old neck injury. He is looking for light kicking hunting rifle in all round caliber. Possibly 308 win. (with all gadgets like muzzle break, limbsavers etc) In order to further reduce the recoil, one consideration is to use hornady custom lite ammo...
  25. mark-hunter

    Leopard: different way

    Ok, so we all know everything about hunting leopard, either by baiting, or somewhere where allowed by dogs. The question is: Has anybody shot leopard, on chance, during stalking other game? In broad daylight? How often does that happen?
  26. mark-hunter

    AGENT: Has Anybody Hunted With Huntgeo?

    Has anybody hunted with huntgeo? Experience, feedback? As agency they are offering quite numerous options.
  27. mark-hunter

    Buffalo hunting success rate?

    So, on the forum we see rarely a negative hunting report. When bad things happen due to various reasons, hunters are reluctant to write about it. If written, sometimes it brings back an argument when outfitters reputations is questioned. But not all hunts are 100% certain. We know that. Some...
  28. mark-hunter

    Lion hunting in South Africa?

    I have seen on the forum some outfitters saying that captive bread lion hunting will be banned in South Africa, as well as lion farming. On internet, there is many informations, and nothing is definitive. So, what is present situation and legislature on lion hunting and farming? What will be...
  29. mark-hunter

    NAMIBIA: From The Smallest To The Greatest

    NAMIBIA: FROM THE SMALLEST TO THE GREATEST NAMIBIA: Von den Kleinsten bis zu den Größten There was no time to set up the sticks! I was shooting from the hand. The distance was about 40 meters and my hands were hard to steady. I wanted the stick or any kind of rest badly, but that was not an...
  30. mark-hunter

    Bore snake?

    Guys, I was till recently very opposed to bore snake. Alegedely, with long time use it can wear out the muzzle crown, and destroy the accuracy of the rifle. On the other hand, recently, I noticed that it is very handy to use in the field. Much easier and handier then using long brushes. This...
  31. mark-hunter

    Preparing the rifle case for travel

    In my Pelican 1750 rifle case, there is space for two rifles. I will take only one rifle to Africa (this time). So there is some extra space. Question: What other smaller items, equipment, bits and pieces do you guys put into your rifle case for travel together with your rifle? Like - Shooting...
  32. mark-hunter

    Old Military Rifle Accuracy?

    For those of you that have experience with old military bolt actions (as mine is limited), so I would like to compare the notes: For ww2 military rifles that you have tried, what is their true, actual accuracy potential? Springfield 1903, Mauser 98, Mauser K98, Short magazine lee enfield ( mk...
  33. mark-hunter

    Laugo "Alien": Another Czecz "wonder" pistol!

    This one for competition shooting:
  34. mark-hunter

    Hellion from Croatia: for tactical oriented shooters, and dynamic sports

    New rifle for civilian sport market. Hellion, made in Croatia. This really is something new. I am aware for Israeli Tavor in semi auto, but not for other similar bullpup designs in semi automatic version.
  35. mark-hunter

    Would you hunt in Africa, in case the trophies could not be imported to your country?

    There are too many stories ongoing about trophy import bans here and there. But, I personally think that worst thing that can happen is ban on hunting, only second worst thing is trophy import / export ban - but this I see as much lesser evil than banning the hunt altogether. Would I hunt in...
  36. mark-hunter

    Has magnum action today, really become history?

    Gents, What are the factories still producing rifles in magnum length actions today? Lets disregard for this topic, a subject of controlled round feed or push feed. Also, lets disregard, shortened magnums (and 375 Ruger and other of similar concept). So the question is, what factories still...
  37. mark-hunter

    Your shooting range

    Gents, Can you post here some photos of your local shooting range, shooting range of your club, or just where you practice? Thanks!
  38. mark-hunter

    Czech Republic - Constitutional right to bear arms - finally 2/A in EU!!! JUNE 23, 2021 Right to Use a Weapon in Self-Defense to be Enshrined in Czech Constitution Czech lawmakers approved an amendment that will enshrine the right to use a weapon in self-defense in...
  39. mark-hunter

    What countries worldwide do not allow hunting?

    Just out of couriosity. We know about hunting countries. 15 countries in Africa, entire north america, entire Europe, and Australia allows hunting. So, this leaves numbers of countries in Africa, Asia, middle east that do not allow hunting. Just out of couriosity what countries do not allow...
  40. mark-hunter

    WANTED: Non Hunting Safari Offers (Photo Safari, Sightseeing, Other Activities)

    This thread is on behalf of my firend who is non hunter and wants to expereince non hunting safari, with comofrtable lodge, with family, by reputable outfitter. He did not specify the country, but I think south Africa is on top of the list. So, for the outfitters, and sponsors of this web...
  41. mark-hunter

    Match Pistols in caliber 38 special wad cutter

    Gents, Do you know about any newer model of match target pistol in caliber 38 special wad cutter? Older models that I know are: Sig Hammerli P240 (phased out), Smith & Wesson m52 (phased out), and Colt 1911 gold cup national match (phased out). is ther any new model of match pistol in this...
  42. mark-hunter

    Non-trophy Buffalo

    Some outfitters are offering on occasion a non-trophy buffalo. The question: What is considered a non-trophy buffalo? If you guys could post some photos that would be appreciated. Thanks!
  43. mark-hunter

    Iron sights for bolt action rifle Dangerous Game

    Guys, let me check the community opinion. How do you regulate iron sights for DG bolt action rifle? Some sights are fixed. So, regulating is done once, to remain for the time being. (like for ever) In my case, at 50 meters,375 HH, shooting with iron sights, point of impact is cca 5 cm (2...
  44. mark-hunter

    Definition of a rifle

    So, recently we had a thread of best looking rifle ever, and this has brought me to the question, I cannot simply answer to my self. In the same time, we all have an idea about rifles in several categories. So, in your own view, what is: - Bespoke rifle - Fine rifle - High end rifle - Costum...
  45. mark-hunter

    Luckiest shot?

    With latest thread, of unusal occurances during your hunts, it came to me to ask and share with you, your best shot ever? So, what is your best shot ever? A best shot you ever made with your rifle? Never to be repeated? So, mine is as follows. I have to wind the clock back, to early eighties...
  46. mark-hunter

    Advise on semi auto shotgun

    Question: Semiauto shotgun, 4-5 cartridge capacity, changable barrels, 12GA, can be 12/76, or 12/89. Barrels: - smooth bore with changeable chokes - rifled barrel for slugs Inertial or gas operated. What shotgun would you recommend?
  47. mark-hunter

    Who is your favourite gun writer?

    Gents, Apart from frequent discussions on reccomended books, on this forum, let me ask following: 1. Who is your favourite gun writer today? 2. Who is your favourite gun writer in history? For me, in order of prefernce: 1. Modern: Dave Petzal (Field and stream), with fantastic style of...
  48. mark-hunter

    (NAMIBIA) Fight On For Buffalo Farming

    I went searching around for the topic of cape buffalo farming in Namiba, below red veterinary line. Basically to understand why buffalo is not on offer on various game farms in Namibia, similar to South African model. I found this article, and figured it might be of interest to forum members...
  49. mark-hunter

    Hunts which are not guaranteed - Hunts with only a "good chance" of success

    Most of the PG hunts, are overall 99.9% sucesfull, and some time extra trophies collected. But, from what I was reading in various sources, not all hunts are guaranteed. For various reasons. Some will have better chance of success then the others. Bongo, Leopard, come to mind. We pay for the...
  50. mark-hunter

    Scope for large caliber rifle, NEGATIVE selection

    Gents, Reading many of your good knowledgeable posts, it is hard to choose the scope (many of the scopes are so very good), so in order to choose the scope for rifle 375 H&H or up, I will make different question. On magnum rifle in tropical caliber, have you ever experienced break down of your...