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    winchester now

    of recent note is a new? winchester semi auto hunting (not military) rifle called sxr2. of interest to some here is that it is available in 9.3x62. also 308, 30/06, and 300 win. of concern is the now very limited choices of the mod 70, in both calibres and types. hopefully this trend reverses...
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    new cartridge

    winchester and browning have brought out a new cartridge called the 6.8 western, and both will produce rifles for same. it is 277 cal and aimed at heavy bullets. the case is the same as the 270 wsm except for being 0.080 shorter. some thought has obviously gone into this, as just putting heavy...
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    federal custom shop

    just saw that federal is offering custom loaded ammo. could be handy for non reloaders. bruce.
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    legal notices re remington

    has anyone been receiving these in the mail? i (in oz) have received 2 now, and wonder why a small individual in a foreign country would be sent same. could it be a sophisticated scam? where did they get my name and address? bruce.
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    new bartlein barrel steel

    bartleins have brought out a new barrel steel, claimed to have twice the life ofstyd stainless barrels. i believe he will charge about u.s. $550.00. the steel will be proprietry to bartleins. it is claimed to be reasonably machineable. this is a rumour, so we await with interest. bruce.
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    My new Von Gruff

    it turned up today after a covid challenged journey. upon opening the package, what I saw reminded me of the time I bought a brand new no1 mk111 lee enfield. built to a purpose and a standard. you can't roll shit in tinsel and call it gold. many knives today come under that heading, but not...
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    Packing house steels

    since von gruff brought to my attention smooth seals as opposed to what I am used to, ribbed ones, I have been studying them. there exists a steel called a packing house steel which is smooth. most steel makers offer a choice of rib sizes, or finenesses, but not all a smooth one. my 2 steels are...
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    Slightly different Knives

    a recent interest in all things knife has had me discovering some things. the first one is the Canadian belt knife. because they are a bit different they look odd. but the more you look at them, the more they seem to have to offer the hunter. and also the hunter/outdoorsman. while being aware of...
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    Von Gruff sheaths

    this heading might be a little arronius, as garry's std sheaths are basically similar in design to many. they do not appear to follow the current trend of using cheaper leather and more basic stitching with substandard thread. the basic design minimizes a problem when using knives in the field...
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    Lansky knife sharpening system

    I recently bought a lansky, for no other reason that it was the only system the shop stocked. I wanted a guided sharpening system, and it seemed a good place to start. immediately it was obvious that it is not really a thing you take into the mountains backpacking. I elected to buy the 3 stone...
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    Changing the world

    anyone who thinks one person can't change the world has not eaten an uncooked bat. bruce.
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    Sharp knives

    rather than invade other threads, I thought it better to star a new one. I have always believed that sharpening knives should only require a good stone or diamond tool, with the blade "slicing" into the sharpening device. I can usually get a blade to shave arm hair dry this way. of course...
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    Has anyone had experience with the swift 150 gn 7mm scirocco bullet?

    experience with the swift 150 gn 7mm scirocco bullet? what would be its optimum use - game and striking velocity? will it open fast on smaller game yet hold together on bigger game? how can it be compared terminally with the swift aframe. pleas no theories or promotional quotes, just experience...
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    318 Westley Richards and the Leslie Taylor capped bullet

    supposition by me. this cartridge always had a good name as a killer of game. I suspect much of this reputation came from the use of the l.t. capped bullet, which allowed it to perform well above its pay grade. this bullet is often compared to the Winchester silvertip by the great unwashed, but...
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    280 Remington, how boring

    received a call from a landowner this morning with a feral deer issue. on arrival at the property, and establishing the whereabouts of the deer the hunt started. found it some distance away about to move off and not standing still. this made a head shot difficult, so elected for a lung shot. the...
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    My 280 Remington

    over the years I have tried many cartridges and rifles for different jobs. in the end I became torn between the 30/06 and the 270 as a rifle for game from goats up to all deer but sambar deer. the obvious compromise was a 280. easy to shoot many shots in a row, with the trajectory of a 270 and a...
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    Express rifles

    here is a link to an internet book well worth reading by those interested in black powder rifles. included in it is a section on express rifles by authorities in the day. hoss Delgado might like this. bruce.
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    Forming 340 Weatherby brass

    has anyone had experience forming 340 wby from 8mm rem mag? other cases? bruce.
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    Federal 45/70 cases

    jut reloaded federal cases obtained by firing federal 45/70 factory ammo. I was not altogether comfortable with the lack of tightness of primer pockets on new Winchester large rifle primers. I also felt the neck expander went into the cases more easily, and that bullet seating took very little...
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    please offer opinions on the below. granite mountain mayfair FZH (from mayfair) johansen. other mauser true to design other than original safety. while these are all mauser design, I would like to use m70 win current action as a control comparator. bruce.
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    Speer Grand slam bullets

    I have some speer 7mm 175 gn grand slam bullets. when I bought them, I am sure they had 2 cores, a rear hard one and a front softer one. the front core from memory was bonded to the jacket., and a cannelure locked the rear core in. this seemed like a good concept for many hunting situations. a...
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    when i started shooting in australia, the most common firearm collection for a keen hunter was a 22 rimfire, a 12 gauge shotgun, and a lee enfield 303. the 303 would be sporterized for the keener guys. ammo was most likely 303 mk7, as it was cheap, and no one thought of termonal performance...
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    350 Remington Magnum Brass For Sale

    just saw some for sale on reloading international website. looks like a good resource for many kinds of brass. bruce.
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    286 gn swift aframe 9.3x64

    load testing today produced these results. as usual these are for my rifle with my components on this day so approach with caution from below. velocities are from the same labradar as my previously reported 300 gn swift loads. powder is ar2209, sold in the rest of the world as h4350, and is...
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    factory velocities

    how are guys finding factory velocities compare to advertised. of particular interest is 375 h&h 270 and 300 gn, but other calibres are also interesting. bruce.
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    i have noticed a trend here for some to ask what other's loads are. it seems that they want to go straight to a load. some of the answers imply that some brand of brass is the only thing good enough for a load. this is often norma. maybe norma has improved their metalurgy, but they have a name...
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    both these bullet designs are good, and neither is better in my opinion. i have only used swift due to availability, and am most happy with them so far. however for different applications, one might be better than the other. the thing that comes to mind is, how big relatively are the fronyal...
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    How many shots?

    to be fair, let's say you have just sighted in your rifle(s) and the safari is about to begin. from this point, until you leave for home, how many shots per animal do you fire? shots fired divided by no of animals. don't tell me one, because i will not believe it. not saying it can't be done...
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    More thoughts on 9.3x64

    first i should qualify why i have a 9.3x64. having owned a 375 h&h with great satisfaction, i just had to see how claims of the x64 stacked up. intended targets are donkeys, horses, camels, cattle, and ever hopeful of buffalo, in aust, and even less likely, african game up to and including...
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    Getting swift bullets in Australia

    it looks like beretta aust are the agents for swift bullets, but seem to have difficulty supplying. i have discovered that brownells aust can get them for you. they take ages as they have to come from usa as in individual order, go through customs, then go through the aust distributor. this is...
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    Suggested 9.3mm Wildcat

    for those who want a 9.3 x 64, but not the hassle of getting brass, might consider this. the 338 win mag case is just like a belted 9.3x64. the 338 would neck up easily for a ready supply of brass. you now have a belted ballistic twin. if having a reamer made, one consideration might be the...
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    More loads for 9.3x64 Brenneke

    these from an old note book that recently reappeared. as usual, the statement that these loads are what happened in my gun and were safe in my gun. others might vary, requiring caution and common sense. work up to these loads from below. 270 gn speer ar2209 77 gn 2683 fps 78...
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    "Camels are easy to kill"

    recently reading statements like "camels are easy to kill, but don't know when they are dead". initially this statement went in one ear and out the other, but on further thought it is 2 opposing statements. i am not having a go at those who have stated this, but cannot agree. i have shot camels...
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    360 Nosler cartridge

    just looking through saami cartridge and chamber specs, and saw one, new to me, the 36 nosler. can't find any info anywhere about it, including nosler site. bruce.
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    .340 Weatherby Magnum

    what do we thik of this cartridge's capability with 250 gn aframes. how close to , or how far behind is it to the 375 h&h on what weight animals. it seems to offer an effective point blank range of 300 yds, but is this at the price of killing power. how does recoil compare to the 375. bruce.
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    Mauser rifles

    while recently looking at the mauser website, and expecting to see the usual ho hum crap, i got a pleasant surprise. they are producing a m98 again. the rifles have to my mind pleasing lines, with modern classic stock design. there is a magnum action for the 416 and 450 rigby, 4 shot mags, and...
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    7mmstw federal

    just noticed federal has a 7mmstw load with 160 aframe. for those who do not reload this would have a lot to offer as the gun used in conjunction with a 375 or 416. it would handle game from really small up to quite big with aplomb, and do it out to 300 yds aim dead on. all this with manageable...
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    375 factory ammo

    am i seeing norma and federal factory 375 h@h 300gn ammo in the 2400 fps range? 2550 is not a hot load with h4350 (ar2209) by any means, which begs the question, why? bruce.
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    9.3x64/375 H&H and Camels

    a recent camel cull was an interesting comparison of these two rounds. the 9.3 was running 300 gn swift aframes, and the man from swift had told me that there would be no difference between them and the 286 gn version. the 375 was using 270 gn woodleigh pp. while both shooting camels in a mob...
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    Soroka rifles

    what do we think about soroka rifles. the single shot action looks good, with a striker firing pin as opposed to a hammer. do they also make a mauser action? bruce.
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    What does the job?

    the bullet does the job. the rifle is part of the delivery system. the cartridge is part of the delivery system. the shooter is part of the delivery system. start with the bullet for the job, and reverse engineer. bruce.
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    9.3mm Bullet wts vs Game wts

    swift bullets have a 250, 286, and 300 gn aframe. what would be the max game weight for each bullet in the 9.3x64? also 250 gn barnes x vs the other bullets? bruce.
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    Rifle weight

    what do you consider the ideal weight for a 375 h&h (with no brake) using 300 gn bullets. including scope and mounts. this assumes a straight stock. of course if you carry it a lot and shoot it little, this might mean a lighter rifle than the other way around. bruce.
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    Load testing the 9.3 x 64

    here are some loads i developed for my 9.3 x 64. i have noticed that spec chambers have a very low angle of leade/throat, lower than the 1.5 degrees common today. if your rifle has a steeper angle here, beware of these loads. as with all personal data, please be aware that this is my rifle, with...
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    How refreshing

    how refreshing it was to find this forum. i accidentally discovered it when seeking terminal ballistics information. one thing that really concerns me is the way modern hunters are drifting away from their game animals in understanding and empathy. in big part this seems to come from the new...
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    Camels and the 9.3x64

    would anyone have used the 300 gn swift aframe on camels at 2400 to 2500 fps? better suggestions? maybe they are like zegra or giraffe in size, and bulls have big bones. their chest seems to be further back and have less depth than many animals. bruce.