Search results

  1. MS 9x56

    Obsolete cartridges

    I seem to have a penchant for buying rifles chambered in obsolete and nearly unobtainable ammunition. My newest acquisition is a ma user 98 proofed in 1937 in 8mm mauser. Just my luck is turns out it is chambered in 8x57 J. Bore diameter .318. It is a gorgeous engraved rifle with raised rib full...
  2. MS 9x56

    Obsolete cartridges

    I seem to have a knack for buying rifles in obsolete and hard to obtain ammunition calibers. I just bought an 8mm caused 98 proofed in 1937 that I found out is an 8x57 J bore or .318 bore. The gun is gorgeoy
  3. MS 9x56

    Hunting in fog

    Question for safari hunters. Do you hunt in fog or wait until it burns off? I personally love to still hunt in foggy weather. I can't explain why but animals seem to be calmer and stay added longer. I have had great success hunting bedding areas in the fog or a light rain. Many times even if you...
  4. MS 9x56

    Hornady 275 grain 358 roundnose bullets

    Was in my LGS last night when I found a box of NOS of Hornady Roundnose 358 bullets in 275 grain. I had not seen those before so of course I bought them. Now on the hunt for load data for my Whelan and 9x56 ms.
  5. MS 9x56

    Merry Christmas

    Merry Christmas to all my Africa hunting friend's and aquaintneces. May your day be filled with joy.
  6. MS 9x56

    7x61H&S anyone seen or fired one?

    I saw a Schultz &Larsen rifle in 7x61 H&S caliber at my local LGS yesterday. It is the first Schultz & Larsen rifle and in a caliber I had never heard of. Has anyone seen or shot one of these?
  7. MS 9x56

    Barnes flat base round nose 250 gr 308 bullets

    I picked up a box of NOS 30-06 loaded with 250 grain round nose Barnes bullets. I had never seen a 250 grain 308 bullet in my life. I always thought 220 grain were the heaviest made.? Can’t wait to try them.
  8. MS 9x56

    Variety or familiarity?

    Recently took all my guns out for a yearly inspection and cleaning. I didn't do this conciously but realized that other than shotgun gauges and 22 lr none of my guns are the same caliber, manufacturer, or model. Is this normal? Or am I just an outlier?
  9. MS 9x56

    CZ 600

    I finally was able to handle the new CZ model 600. Stock was too long making it feel unwieldy. It is also one of the most butt ugly rifles I am ever seen. For me I know as soon as I pick up a rifle and put it to shoulder whether or not I will consider buying it. I pick up the rifle close my eyes...
  10. MS 9x56

    35 rem loads

    With the price of 35 rem ammo at rediculous heights. I dug through my spent brass, tumbled then inspected then trimmed 150 cases. Selected 3031 powder, Speer 200 grain round nose bullets. Winchester primers and restocked my shelves. That should last me the rest of my shooting career. The best...
  11. MS 9x56

    Woodleigh rebuilding

    I just read an article in the new edition of Sports Afield that Woodleigh is now going to rebuild! That is really good news.
  12. MS 9x56

    Mauser sporter sling

    I have a 1940 Mauser 98 with the sling swivel mounted on the barrel. What slings would you recommend?
  13. MS 9x56

    Hiding ugly

    I have posted before of my aversion for black plastic stocks. I won a Ruger American in 30-06 that is so accurate I can’t just sell it. So just wanted to show my solution to the problem. Tell me what you think?
  14. MS 9x56

    Sellier & Bellot bullets

    Does anyone here know who makes the 7mm 140 grain SP bullets for Sellier & Bellot ammunition?
  15. MS 9x56


    Anyone here ever used CFE223 in the 7x57 Mauser?
  16. MS 9x56

    New to me 7x57 small ring mauser

    I just purchased what appears to be a small ring 7x57 mm hunting rifle with half round and half octagon barrel with a full length rib on top of barrel. Built by Willi Karl in Luneburg Germany in 1940. Proofed in Ulm. It has double set triggers and a Schnabel forearm. Stock has some gouges on...
  17. MS 9x56

    Cigarette rifle?

    Anybody here own or have heard of a cigarette rifle?
  18. MS 9x56

    Closest kill

    What is the shortest range kill, species, and circumstances?
  19. MS 9x56

    Early bear season

    NY bear season starts September 12th in the Catskills. Taking my newly aquired Marlin 336 in 35 rem out for its maiden voyage with me. Hoping there is a good beechnut crop as it will make them easier to locate. No baiting allowed in NY.
  20. MS 9x56

    Veld binocular suggestions

    What binocular is recommended for use in veld type cover?
  21. MS 9x56

    Ammo carriers

    What is the preferred holder for carrying spare rounds in the bush. Here at home I prefer a leather folding wallet (for lack of a better term) that slides onto my Pants belt and holds 10 rounds separately and silently.
  22. MS 9x56

    Bob your are an enabler

    Went to Georgia to visit an old army buddy I hadn’t seen in 5 years. Ended up bringing home a Marlin 336 in 35 remington wearing a Leoupold Vari X III 1.5x5 x 20 mm. Gun was built in 1976 and the scope in 1982. First 2 rounds down range at 50 yards were center bull and touching. The mounts are...
  23. MS 9x56

    Norma 9.3 Vulcan bullets

    Been trying to score some of these in 232 grain for almost 2 years. Midway finally got some in and I got as real hundred on the way. Just in time for my birthday. Happy birthday to me!!! Soon as I work up a load it will become my deer hog and bear load.
  24. MS 9x56

    Verne-Carron pump rifle

    Does anyone here own or have used a Verne-Carron rifle? They look intriguing and if I am not mistaken were available in 9.3x62?
  25. MS 9x56

    What makes a good hunting partner?

    What in your opinion makes good hunting partner? I have had dogs that were wonderful partners, mentors that made my hunt, relatives and friends. What does it take in your opinion to make a good hunting partner?
  26. MS 9x56

    Using irons

    Other than PH’s how many clients use iron sighted “vintage” rifles on safari? I know Americans have an affinity for scopes but is this percentage worldwide?
  27. MS 9x56

    Rifle slings

    What are your preferred style and material for rifle slings? I grew up with and was trained to use the standard 1" 2 piece military style sling and use it on the majority of my rifles. I do have a ching along on my Ruger American 30-06 that I love as an aiming and steadying aid but not so much...
  28. MS 9x56

    Recoil aversion

    I have noticed over the last 20 years since the magnum craze faded out here in the USA that hunters have developed a real aversion (fear?) of recoil and are gravitating to smaller and smaller calibers in lighter and lighter bullets. With big game here running mostly 75 to 200 lbs they work...
  29. MS 9x56

    Interarms Mark X Mannlicher in 30-06

    Does anyone have experience with this Gun. Saw one for sale but wondering how it performs with 20" barrel.
  30. MS 9x56

    CFE223 powder in mid bore cartridges

    Has anyone here tried this CFE223 powder in either the 358 win , 35 whelen, or 9.3x62?
  31. MS 9x56

    Spirit animal

    While answering another post I got to thinking of my great grandmother, a full blooded Onondaga Indian. When I was very young we used to go visit her on the reservation near Syracuse NY. When I was in my 40's we had a pair of albino sibling deer that lived in our vicinity. One was a doe and one...
  32. MS 9x56

    Sling question

    In all the videos I have watched on African hunting I very rarely see a PH with a sling on his rifle. Just wondering why? Also do they recommend a sling for the clients rifle or not? Thank you!
  33. MS 9x56

    Do rifles have souls?

    Just interested in hunters opinions on their tools?
  34. MS 9x56

    Mannlicher model 1905 in Africa

    I need some advice from the pros here. If I were to bring this classic with open sights to Africa where would be the best region to have success with the 9x56 with open sights ? Also what are the game limitations?
  35. MS 9x56

    Old goat

    I have been following this forum for awhile and have found many like minded hunters here. I have never been too Africa but spend an inordinate amount of time daydreaming about it. I love eating game meat and my children grew up eating venison, wild boar, rabbits wild turkey, squirrels and...