Search results

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    Best calibre for Giraffe

    I appreciate there has been a recent thread on the 6mm being used to shoot a giraffe following a YouTube video but I am interested what more sensible folks would choose to hunt a bull giraffe. I’m hoping you don’t all rush in and say .243 !! Many thanks
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    Verney Carron going under!

    Sadly I have heard from another forum that they have gone bust. I have no further details.
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    Blaser transit cases, are they airport proof?

    Well I have crossed over to the dark side and bought a Blaser R8 in 30/06. I have found a Blaser transit case at a good price. Are they robust enough to survive the airport handler baggage toss or am I better going for a Pelican case and custom cut the foam?
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    On game performance with the .375 H&H - 250g TTSX vs 300 TSX

    I am heading back to Africa in 2025 and am considering taking my .375H&H as my "light" rifle for plains game and my .458 Lott for buffalo and giraffe. I am entirely comfortable shooting both rifles and they are accurate. In the past I have used the 300g TSX with satisfaction but as I am taking...
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    Scope mounts for Mauser 98

    I’m looking for suggestions for suitable 30mm bases and rings for a friends Mauser 98 large ring actioned .375 to update the antique 1in Weaver scope to a 30mm Swarovski Z6i 1-6. I’m not sure if the Leupold QD bases and rings will work as they are listed for an FN Mauser 98 Any suggestions...
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    Regulation question

    This may sound like a strange question but perhaps you could indulge me. I have come across a double rifle that is part finished. Sadly the gunsmith has passed away so cannot be asked. The rifle is reported to be finished externally with the exception of the rear sights requiring filing and...
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    Non exportable or non trophy elephant 2025 or 2026

    Good afternoon, I am looking for options for a non- trophy/non-exportable/tuskless elephant and possibly buffalo hunt in 2025. Why non-trophy? Well, being from the UK it now seems very likely that the importation of any trophies will be made illegal before too long so I would rather use my...
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    Recommended outfitters in Zambia

    Can anyone give a recommendation for outfitters in Zambia. Principally interested in DG hunting- Buff and Ele Many thanks in advance!
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    How do you guys handle ear protection whilst on safari?

    Getting my ideas together for a trip in June after buffalo and Ele. I am in two minds regarding ear protection. Electronic ear plugs are less sweaty and allow me to wear the wide brimmed hat but electronic muffs confine me to a ball cap and are more bulky to carry. How do you manage your ear...
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    What is the current situation with hunting elephant in RSA?

    This seems to fluctuate with the wind…. Two years ago there was no Ele hunting, then there seemed to be some available adjoining Kruger but now I have been told by an outfitter there is no elephant hunting in RSA yet again. Is this the case across RSA or is it a local problem? Any information...
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    Where to buy Courtney Selous boots in Zim?

    Could anyone point me in the right direction of where to buy a pair of Courtney Selous boots for a friend whilst I’m in Zim. We are due to fly into and out of Harare and then transfer out to the Dande safari area. Many thanks in advance !!
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    Nosler Dangerous Game Solid bullets

    Has anyone any experience with the Nosler monometal flat point solids? I have seen information about other flat point solids by North Fork. Peregrine and CEB but the Nosler offering much less so. The reason I ask is because I have come across a supply of .375 H&H Winchester Safari ammunition...
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    A Well Balanced Newspaper Article For Once

    A well balanced newspaper article for once. I have just seen this article regarding the UK banning trophy importation. It is well written and in a major UK broadsheet paper. I hope it is of interest to some of you...
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    Opinions on Rossi and Weirauch revolvers

    Morning all. I am after opinions of the .32 calibre revolvers made by Rossi (model 89) and also Weirauch Arminus HW3. Essentially are they well made and accurate? It’s a long story but suffice to say I am limited to a revolver as well as the .32 calibre and I have a truly abysmal choice...
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    Email contact details for the central firearms registry in Harare

    Good evening to you all. Has anyone got a current email address for the central firearms registry in Harare? Any help gratefully received.
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    What happens with rifles when staying in a big 5 tented camp and a self defense question

    Please excuse the novice questions… Next year I’m hoping to travel to Africa for a second time with some friends. We plan to hunt from a tented camp located within the a big 5 area. In such a situation are there any protocols or standard practices regarding carrying rifles whilst in and around...
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    Reloading 458 Lott with 458 Win Mag dies

    Just a quick check in with the collective as to whether it is possible to reload 458 Lott ammunition with 458 Win Mag dies. my reason for the question is that I am contemplating adding a Lott to the family and already have 458 Win Mag reloading dies or would I need new dies. Not a big problem...
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    Sidearm when rifle hunting?

    A question for rifle hunters worldwide. How common is it to carry a sidearm (pistol or revolver) as well as a rifle when you are hunting? I have recently seen a few hunting videos where the PH had a handgun of some sort on their belt as well as a rifle in their hands and it has raised the...
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    Will a BRNO 602 action fit in a CZ 550 magnum stock?

    Hopefully a very simple question... Has anyone tried fitting an older BRNO ZKK 602 magnum action (458 Win Mag but that shouldn't make a difference) into a stock from a CZ550 Magnum? I am considering buying a Bell and Carlson American Safari stock but would like to know if it is feasible before...
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    UK shooting really needs some support from the worldwide community... Please!!

    Here in the UK we have very few shooting ranges available and our gun laws are amongst the most restrictive in the world. We are currently facing a situation where two of our rifle ranges are facing possible closure as a consequence of pressure brought about from a nearby (2 miles) Buddhist...
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    Is this optic a bad idea for my SHTF rifle??

    So I recently acquired this lightly used BRNO 602 in 458 Win Mag that is to be my S**t hits the fan rifle]. I really find the factory iron sights really hard to pick up quickly,as the bead is quite tiny, and my eyes are not as good as they used to be. Anyway I was trawling eBay last week and...
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    Has anyone used a McMillan CZ Express stock

    Hi Guys, I have a BRNO 602 in 458 Win Mag that is heading for a makeover. I am intending to get a 3 position safety installed that works the right way and replace the stock. My current thinking is to replace the hogs back wooden stock with a glass and pillar bedded McMillan CZ Express Safari...
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    Does an all round TSX or TTSX exist?

    Please excuse the newbie question that may have been covered elsewhere. I am new to owning a 375 (in fact won’t own one until next week when it is delivered) and am pondering the choice of bullet weight for this calibre. I am pretty set on the TSX and/or TTSX but am unsure if there is an all...
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    Combined hunting/horseback riding safari

    I am after suggestions for possible venues for a safari to appeal to all members of our family. The thing is that my wife and daughter are horse mad but dont like participating in hunting, but my son and I are hunting mad but lukewarm on horses!! Do any of you know anywhere that the girls can be...
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    Magazine capacity of a 375

    Once again I would like to pick everyone’s brains. Can I ask how important people think the additional magazine capacity is when comparing the likes of a CZ /BRNO that has 5 round capacity with a Winchester model 70 Safari Express with 3 round magazine capacity. Are there situations that arise...
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    Sauer 90 in 375 H&H and BRNO 602

    I have come across a Sauer 90 in .375 H&H for sale at a reasonable price. The photos look like the rifle is barely used. Does anyone have any experience with this rifle in a PG and DG capacity? It seems to have quite a complex rear locking system where fins are pushed out from the bolt body when...
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    Hello from the UK

    Hi Firstly thank you for left me join this forum. I live in north west England and have been shooting and hunting for the last 35 years. I spend most of my spare time stalking Roe and Red deer but also enjoy target shooting (in particular precision rifle shooting). I have joined this forum to...