Search results

  1. ActionBob

    Guns for Hurricane Relief

    Hello all; @Just Gina and I are wanting to try something different here. We are going to offer up a couple surplus guns we have and donate the net proceeds after shipping costs to Hurricane Relief. Thinking to Samaritans Purse or something similar or connected. Any ideas are welcome. First...
  2. ActionBob

    That damned Yankee gun they load on Sunday and shoot all week!

    @Just Gina and I made a trip over to R &M Firearms to visit @Mark Biggerstaff and pick up a couple Ruger rifles we had ordered as well as some ammo I asked Mark to set aside for us. As I was waiting for paperwork to clear i was perusing the gun racks and cases. Lots of interesting revolvers as...
  3. ActionBob

    M70 30-06, M700 270 Win, M77 Tang 338 Win Mag $850 Choice

    Time to sell some guns we will probably never use. $850 choice or make an offer if I'm too low or too high. Plus $50 shipping to lower 48. SCI special! If you can pick up FTF with copy of DL at SCI I will throw in a box of ammo and you'll save shipping and FFL fees! The Ruger M77 tang safety...
  4. ActionBob

    30-06 Ruger Mark II Express - RSM Little Brother $2000 - Nice But Not Perfect

    Selling one of the hard to find Ruger Express rifles in 30-06. This one has a bit of damage to the black ebony top and a coule little safe dings. I bought it several years ago but this is my 3rd and the other two are even more special editions so keeping them. I've not shot this rifle but every...
  5. ActionBob

    470 NE Ammo Barnes Vortx TSX

    3 full boxes of 20 and a partial of 13. $200/full box. $130 for the partial. If you take it all I'll pay shipping.
  6. ActionBob

    Winchester M70 375 H&H Black Composite Stock

    This is Gina's rifle. She has a Rigby in 9.3x62. A CZ 404 Jeffrey, and a Chapuis 375 H&H double so she decided to part ways with this one. The LOP has been shortened just a bit to 13.25" Includes scope bases that look like Warnes. The metal on this rifle is also black. Great gun for stalking...
  7. ActionBob

    A Very Merry Christmas at Gina and Bob's House!

    Christmas is Gina's very most favorite Holiday of the year. She has surpassed last year's 12' Farmhouse Tree complete with cream cans, red barns and even wheelbarrows. This year @Just Gina went all in on red and white...
  8. ActionBob

    Wanted 450 3.25" Brass & .458 350 Grain Bullets

    Prefer Woodliegh softs but will consider any cup and core light for caliber .458 bullets. This is for a 140 year old Army and Navy double rifle. It was suggested I run a load of 73 grains IMR 4350 under a 350 grain Woodliegh bullet.
  9. ActionBob

    Unique Powder at Midway USA

    Just scored 2 pounds of Unique at Midway. Needed it desperately for my 12 bore Paradox! Got some 209A primers as well :)
  10. ActionBob

    SOUTH AFRICA: South Africa Big 5 Hunt With Bossie Of LIMPOPO BIG GAME SAFARIS

    Big 5 Hunt. This report is for a hunt that took place several years ago. As many of you know, I had two buffalo, a Zimbabwe elephant taken during the ban, fully exportable so still trying to get that imported. However my replicas are home on very nice hand carved wooden bases. A male lion that...
  11. ActionBob

    Merry Christmas AH Community!

    As many of you now know, @Just Gina and I got married in September. Well after we got back from our fantastic honeymoon on Zanzibar and epic hunt in Tanzania, Gina dove right into full on Christmas mode! I think she had the new 12...
  12. ActionBob

    Afton House and my trophies

    Short Version; I've got a few trophies stuck in Africa waiting for the US government to come to it's senses. A bontebok and some elephant trophies. So a partial solution has presented itself and I took advantage of it! They have been moved to the Afton Guest House where I can at least enjoy them...
  13. ActionBob

    My venture into the World of double rifles 470 NE and 9.3x74R

    I never really thought I would get a nice double rifle. After all, they are best for a stopping gun, to be carried by the PH on a truly Dangerous Game hunt. However on my last trip to Amarillo TX, I stopped in to look at the newest Italian offerings and ended up getting a nicely engraved Sabatti...
  14. ActionBob

    Australia advice needed

    I'm filling out an application to go on a Water Buffalo hunt in the Norther Territory of Australia. Being from the USA, all the rules on firearms are a bit confusing so looking for advice from those outfitters who deal with this or from clients who have done it. My outfitter is not currently...
  15. ActionBob

    ARGENTINA: On My Way To Hunt The Red Stag Roar With Rocket!

    I bought a 5 day free range red stage hunt on auction at Minnesota SCI. Normally not into auction hunts, but something seemed familiar about MG Hunting and it was a great deal. Good for '17 or '18. So I ended up buying it. Researched and reached out to our own Rocket on here and confirmed he is...
  16. ActionBob

    ActionBob's Taxidermy

    I have started getting some stuff back finally. I will post a few pics here as I go. To start off I've been holding out wanting to get it home, but after the discussion of shields and seeing some of the recent work billc posted up... I can't wait any longer and have to post a picture of the...
  17. ActionBob

    Proper way to play with ice Keep in mind this pretty much all out on the lake, on ice.
  18. ActionBob

    SOUTH AFRICA: Spear Safaris Kruger Area 2 Week Hunt

    I really wanted to hunt a lion this year and spent a lot of time researching. Really was looking for the best "hunt" I could find, not necessarily the biggest lion. There was a post a while ago discussing lions and based on what I had been told, I think I commented that there were no real wild...
  19. ActionBob

    SOUTH AFRICA: Tootabi Hunting Safari Quick Stop Over & Short Hunt

    We had a 2 week RSA Kruger area hunt booked but I wanted to go to the Karroo area and check on our taxidermy from last years animals. So when Loodt visited in March I made arrangements for a 6 day/7 night visit and short hunt following the other hunt. We wanted to relax a bit and met Loodt's...
  20. ActionBob

    New USA requirements in addition to the form 4457

    I took in my latest guns to customs to get 4457's on them and was informed there are some new requirements that one must log onto the internet and complete. The fellow was very helpful and gave me his card and told me to email if I had any troubles navigating through it. I thought it was also...
  21. ActionBob

    White water rafting

    I had the Sportsman Channel playing in the background and a show called Universal Huntress came on and after hunting these young ladies went whitewater rafting. It was in the Free State and I think they said on the Ash River. I would imagine you don't want to do that on just any river in...
  22. ActionBob

    Something else I learned down in Texas

    ... They have a very high incidence of whiplash in car accidents! Apparently many drivers in Texas, Oklahoma and even Kansas turn their head rests around so they tilt backwards and don't provide the support they are intended for in an emergency/crash situation. Seems as most of the residents...
  23. ActionBob

    Little Susie

    Little Susie comes home from school brimming ear to ear.... Mommy asks her how her day went and what she did in school. Susie replies, "Good! Little Johnny showed me his wee wee!" Mommy gasps, turns 3 shades of red and swallows hard as she is trying to think how to respond when Little Susie...
  24. ActionBob

    What can you tell me about this gun?

    Found an old Mauser at a local shop. No serial number, no caliber marked, the bore measures .323 to .325 and it will nicely chamber 8x57 Mauser rounds so I am assuming that is what it is. Has a double set trigger with an adjustment screw. Lots of engraving but nothing particularly spectacular...
  25. ActionBob

    Elephant importation ban litigation updates

    On December 26th, SCI and NRA received good and bad news in our efforts to challenge the ongoing importation bans on sport-hunted elephants from Zimbabwe and Tanzania. The D.C. federal district court issued a ruling on several motions that the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service had filed to try to...
  26. ActionBob

    Zimbabwe Game Rangers

    Threeways Safaris Game Rangers; I thought it interesting and insightful to see the Safari Companies have to hire their own Rangers to control poaching. I believe Threeways had at least 9 on staff. These guys rotated around the concessions and did regular patrols arresting poachers and...
  27. ActionBob

    ZIMBABWE: Our Zimbawe Adventure & Hunt For Buffalo & Elephant

    Having decided to take the opportunity for a great deal on an elephant hunt that came about because of the ivory import ban... The first challenge was to convince my wife to go.. In hind sight I probably should have gone alone but she did appreciate gaining the experience and the first hand...
  28. ActionBob

    Camouflaged activists

    Saw this blip on a blog from Rick Berman.... Thought I would pass it on FWIW. The Izaak Walton League of America, meanwhile, has also many local chapters that, by all means, are great advocates for hunters, anglers, and sport shooters. But the national office appears to have a lot going on...
  29. ActionBob

    Advise needed for Kruger visit

    Hey fellows; My wife and I plan to take 3 days to tour Kruger before our hunt in early November. We fly into Polokwane and will drive over the next morning to enter through Phalaborwa. So we have that day and need a place to stay that night, then a full day and another night in or near Kruger...
  30. ActionBob

    Examples or suggestions for Royal Guardian Lion Mounts

    Planning a lion hunt, 2 cats, one for me and one for my wife. But struggling with how to mount them. My wife does not want the full action or snarling/menacing mounts. And some pretty kitty thing is just not right either. We are not sure if we will take two males or a male/female combo. I have...
  31. ActionBob

    Best possitive one liners on TV shows

    The best one I've seen lately, and the most simple, insightful and understated was when Jim Shokey was sitting in an igloo with an Inuit guy talking about polar bears in the Uncharted show. The Inuit fellow explains how they cannot cache seal meat or fish anymore like they have done for...
  32. ActionBob

    Copper Springbuck and the Springbuck Slam

    Apparently copper springbucks are getting really high priced. I had wanted to do a springbuck slam and mount them all together on a kind of tree branch pedestal type mount. But now I am wondering. I have a common and a really great black and no real concern about getting a white one. and...
  33. ActionBob

    375 Ruger ammo for Lion and Buffalo

    Looking for advice from all you guys with experience and/or expertise on ammo for the 375 Ruger I just ordered for my wife to take Lion hunting..... I have not found an abundance of ammo out there in 375 Ruger and I do not reload, so I assume we will be mostly looking at Hornady. What I know I...
  34. ActionBob

    Scope for new 375 Ruger Guide Gun

    I just ordered a new Ruger Guide gun in 375 R for my wife... We are in the early stages of planning for a Lion hunt and as her first gun is a Guide Gun in 30-06 and fits her so well, we thought it would be best to stay with the same model. She has a little Leopold VX3 in 2.5-8/32 on the 30-06...
  35. ActionBob

    Advise needed for first trophies

    We need to decide how to mount our trophies from our first African hunt. My wife really wanted a Zebra rug so that is what we are doing with it. Problem is she wants it on the wall so it will take a lot my space! But maybe we can get it into one of "her" rooms to save space on the "yet to be...
  36. ActionBob

    SOUTH AFRICA: Crusader Safaris Early April Hunt

    My wife Ann and I went on our first African trip and had a great expieriance at Crusader Safaris operated by Andrew Pringle. We did 9 days in early April. Our PH was Mark and he was the perfect guy to team us up with. Not sure if it was planned or good luck but I had described to our booking...