Search results

  1. VertigoBE

    SOUTH AFRICA: Two Brothers And Two Double Rifles

    This adventure started right around the moment it was time to return back home from my latest adventure. In November of 2022, I had spent a wonderful 18 or 19 days hunting in Zimbabwe, with Mapassa Safaris, taking a majestic, old elephant bull. While waiting for my final flight back home, in...
  2. VertigoBE

    475 Nitro Express - Experience

    Hello esteemed members, does anyone use, or has experience using the .475 Nitro Express in the field, especially on pachyderms. Or any experience/warnings/pittfalls on the reloading front? This caliber is garnering interest for me as an inbetween 450NE - 500NE. But mainly because hammer...
  3. VertigoBE

    Elephant leather maintenance

    Hello AH friends and experts, I have had made a few gunbags, belts and a pair of Courteney's out of elephant leather. In grey coloration of course. The question is, how do I maintain this leather? With any old cow leather, I would just get some grease of some sort to rub it in, but if often...
  4. VertigoBE

    ZIMBABWE: Once Upon A Time With Mapassa Safaris

    Dear esteemed AH members, My apologies for keeping you waiting, I wanted to wait for certain import procedures to conclude. As well as finish re-editing my text. Bear with me, this will be a text-heavy hunting report, at round 48p and 27000 words. I'll put a few select pictures in there. Also...
  5. VertigoBE

    Elephant taxidermy

    Hello esteemed AH members, I wanted to share this rather unique piece of taxidermy that Vince from Collet’s Wildlife Artistry from Bulawayo, Zimbabwe created upon my request. When I was thinking about the possible taxidermy that could be created out of an old elephant bull, that would...
  6. VertigoBE

    Elephant Bull Quartering-to Brain Shot At 15 Yards

    During a conservation hunt in Zimbabwe, this ancient bull elephant with broken tusks was hunted in the thick brush. A quartering-to brain shot from 15 yards was executed while surrounded by about 40 more bull elephants. An insurance shot was provided but ultimately not necessary.
  7. VertigoBE

    "Musée de la Chasse" in Paris

    Hello Members, Not quite a hunting report this time, but just some pictures of the Hunting Museum in Paris, that my wife and I visited a few weeks ago. To the moderators: I post this in the hunting reports, for lack of a better place? If you feel like it should be elsewhere, do not hesitate to...
  8. VertigoBE

    UK Hunting in August?

    Dear members, I'll be travelling with the family in southern UK from about 9 august till 17 august. Probably spending a few days in London, then off direction Cotswolds, so my wife can enjoy those quaint old British villages. I was wondering if anyone has any leads on some muntjac or Chinese...
  9. VertigoBE

    Degol bullets

    Hi all, This is mostly directed to our European members, as I believe it improbable that our overseas friends have much experience with this bullet maker, or have even heard of him. But who can tell me about their experiences with Degol bullets (from Wim Degol)? Especially in .500NE caliber...
  10. VertigoBE

    Is this legal/a good idea?

    Dear AH members, I'm turning my question mostly to those with some form of legal back ground, hoping to find some answers. We all worry when travelling with firearms: - might get "lost/forgotten/stolen" - might get "damaged" We will try to use such devices as air tags and alike, to track...
  11. VertigoBE

    The Very First Rifle In 585 Nyati...

    ... built by Mr. Davenport, is currently residing in Belgium. And I got to fondle it for a few moments. In my favourite Belgian gun store, I have had the honour to befriend the resident senior gun smith, Mr. G. He is a previous long time PH in the CAR and has more hair raising stories than...
  12. VertigoBE

    Double rifle safeties

    Dear AH members, I'd like to hear the connoisseurs and users of double rifles out about something that I cannot get out of my mind. References have been made in a variety of threads, not the least one of the many hundred's discussing the African Carry. One user in the end made the...
  13. VertigoBE

    .500NE Double Rifle - "Artisan Belge"

    I managed to get ahold of a starter .500 NE, to see if I could handle such a big bore. I posted a few pictures before in another thread, but here are a few more. As per the question from @Andrew Short, I do not know the maker, nor the model. All I know is it is Belgian proofed. But there is no...
  14. VertigoBE

    300 WinMag - lead free

    Hello AH, would anyone have any good factory ammo (preferably easy to source in Europe) recommendations for the .300 Winchester Magnum cartridge, but lead free. It should be useable on larger game as well, for when I take this rifle to Africa. It is not yet an obligation here in Europe, but...
  15. VertigoBE

    Wanted Dies

    Dear AH members, I'm looking to begin a career in reloading, spurred on by an arriving .500 NE. (yes I'll be sharing pictures) Anyway, as I'll likely need to buy a bunch of reloading equipment, I'm trying to find good deals on dies. Because buying a reloading press for just one caliber seems a...
  16. VertigoBE

    Enough said

    Really enjoyed the introduction in this video. This is what there should be more of. Calm and articulate explanation on how trophy hunting is beneficial to wildlife. And right, 4-bore!
  17. VertigoBE

    Belgian Gunmakers still active

    The thread about Dumoulin had my head in a twist... just which Belgian gunmakers, once so world renowned, are still active? Below I try to create a list of gunmakers that I have found, where one can still order a bespoke gun or rifle, and where contact details can still be found online...
  18. VertigoBE

    Insurance for valuable firearms in Europe

    Dear esteemed AH members, who could point me towards an insurance firm that provides insurance policies to European clients, for collectible and or high value sporting arms. I have an insurance currently running, but the cost is a bit high in my opinion. Versus the insured amount, I'd be...
  19. VertigoBE

    Another caliber question

    I currently possess a bolt action .416 Rigby rifle, with on the side of the Mauser action the gold inlaid engraving of “African Legend”. This rifle was part of a two rifle set, with the second one being a .338 Win Mag, engraved with “Alaskan Legend”. Provided I can get my hands on this second...
  20. VertigoBE

    AH Get Together at Jagd & Hund January 2023

    Hi all, Jagd & Hund in Dortmund Germany will be open in 2023 from Tuesday 24th of January till Sunday the 29th of January. Who will be going? If we can find some members to go on the same day, shall we organize a drink? They seem to have decent beer in Germany... :D I'll be there on Friday...
  21. VertigoBE

    Alternative for the "tactical dangerous game rifle"

    Dear AH members, not to take away from the recent thread on Building a tactical dangerous game rifle , but I believe there is perhaps a better direction to look in. Recently, looking through social media, a post and picture of a fine well built beautifully stocked rifle caught my eye (as...
  22. VertigoBE

    Airlines requiring a UN0012 or UN0014 proof

    Dear esteemed AH members, I have another question for you. One that might be more for our European members. I have been looking into the requirements to go hunting in South Africa, with my own firearms and munition. An airline that I am considering is asking me for "proof that the ammunition...
  23. VertigoBE


    Hello fellow AH members, I’ve been spinning some thoughts recently. At some point we will all be leaving this material world and sometimes it’s good to prepare such events a bit, no matter how unlikely. So I got to thinking, after 99% of my assets would be going to wife and children, to...
  24. VertigoBE

    Tips before going on your first elephant hunt

    Dear esteemed AH members, Out of purely academic reasons ;) what would you like to have known before going on your first elephant hunt. Anything from practical gear lists, but mostly also the perhaps lesser known parts of hunting elephants. Looking forward to hearing your insights! Vertigo
  25. VertigoBE

    Help wanted for EU petition

    Dear AH members, I have received the go ahead from @BRICKBURN to ask for your help to sign the following petition. It is coming from the organisation FACE, the EU lobby group for all things hunting, who are looking to garner as much signatures as possible for the support of huntin in the EU...
  26. VertigoBE

    Happy Independence Day!

    To all our American AH brothers, happy Independence Day! Celebrate well!
  27. VertigoBE

    Wanted Americase 2 Or 3 Gun Case Wheeled

    Dear AH members, With Americase having stopped the production of gun cases, I'm turning to the AH members if someone has a used 2 or 3 gun wheeled Americase that they are willing to part with. I have a preference for the lighter 2-gun case, but will consider the 3-gun one. I am located in...
  28. VertigoBE

    Here we go again…

    Just found this on my Facebook feed… seems a lot of conclusions, and public naming/shaming without all the facts again. Anyone can further clarify? Name of the company (very very well known outfitter, also on AH) name of the PH, and the client, plus the company he works for have all been...
  29. VertigoBE

    I’m having my bachelor party tonight

    We have been drinking and eating since 17:00, it’s 22:00 and now I’m waiting in a room for a surprise :D
  30. VertigoBE

    Hubert Vereecke .416 Rigby

    I hesitated a bit of sharing my latest acquisition here, because I'm not really wanting to show off, but rather share in my enthusiasm of my latest find. More importantly, as I could not find almost any other examples from this maker, but after having talked to two different gunsmith's (one who...
  31. VertigoBE

    Ideas for our resident artisan's

    In a thread not so long ago, @Von Gruff had mentioned that his immediate market for the knives he makes is starting to get a bit saturated and he was looking for some new ideas around which he could develop a product line. I've made a few suggestions over time, but so far these are only things...
  32. VertigoBE

    EU - Jagd & Hund June 2022 - Who is going?

    Dear members, After Jagd&Hund being postponed from its traditional month of February, to June 2022, the dates are approaching fast now. The Messe is opening on Tuesday 7th of June, until Sunday 12th of June. Every day from 10:00 till 18:00. Who of the AH members will be going, and on what...
  33. VertigoBE

    BE import ban

    Crap… Focus is on Elephant, Rhino, polar bear and Argali sheep. All species on Annex A + some species from Annex B.
  34. VertigoBE

    Mid-range rifle scope suggestions

    Hi AH, been looking a lot online, and on the AH forum for recommendations on mid-range scopes. (it shouldn't always be 2-3KEUR scopes) I have my (new to me) Ruger No1 270Win to be scoped and I do not want to put an optic on it that will be 4 times the cost of the rifle. I'm currently...
  35. VertigoBE

    Ammo storage

    Dear AH members, after the sad news about the Woodleigh factory burning down (although there seems to be a bit of light at the end of the tunnel), I tried to ensure that my new double (still not arrived, best indication is mid april now) that is regulated with Norma .375H&H Woodleigh's...
  36. VertigoBE

    Looking forward to the new season

    After months of getting irradiated by my 8 pc screens, now the last few weeks of watching the Belgian drizzling weather, sneaking a little Youtube video from an African safari during my lunchbreak, I can't keep it anymore... I really need to know that there is light at the end of the tunnel...
  37. VertigoBE

    Most idiot gun purchase

    So wanted to get this off my chest, and was wondering if any of you have made any purchases over the years that you truly regretted afterwards. Too expensive, wrong item, or finally no use for. Might be enlightening :D I'll start off: When I joined AH about a year ago, I had just found out...
  38. VertigoBE

    Dumoulin Centurion

    In order to have my messages on this exquisite rifle no longer muddle the good gun deals thread, I created this new thread. Just some pictures to get started :)
  39. VertigoBE

    Running a double rifle

    Dear esteemed members of AH, In light of obtaining one of these months my first double, I have started searching through all 16 pages of threads on double rifles, as well as many other places, on what the best practices are in the use of a double rifle. I sometimes read from from very...
  40. VertigoBE

    The craziest Blaser you'll see today...

    Hi all, when going through some old pictures from my visits to the Jagd&Hund trade fair in Dortmund/Germany, I came upon this picture I took from a Blaser R93. This rifle was not on the huge Blaser booth, but rather on the wall, very unsuspectingly, of one of the smaller booths. I suppose it...
  41. VertigoBE

    What do you carry on your belt?

    So I've been giving this some thought recently. After my first African safari experience, and now in eager expectation of receiving my Heym, I think I need to upgrade a bit my gear for the next safari. No more every pants pocket and shirt pocket stuffed with stuff, having to use a small camera...
  42. VertigoBE

    Tips on making sausages for the grill

    Hi culinary inclined members of AH, I just purchased an industrial grinder for the production of minced meat (for bolognaise sauces) and sausages. But I have actually never produced either up until now. Obviously I purchased some dried intestines as well, to be able to produce the sausages...
  43. VertigoBE

    What is this thing? And what is it for?

    Hi all, this is probably a very stupid question, very obvious for most of the knowledgeable owners of doubles, but I saw this in a video on Youtube. I was always under the impression that the front of a double is simply flat, yet there appears to be a piece of metal sticking out in the middle...
  44. VertigoBE

    Swarovski Optik announcement 14/10

    Hello all, just found this in my instagram feed: Swarovski Optik Hunting announcing a new product reveal on 14/10/2021, with the phrases "see more" "see the unseen" while showing a video of wild boar at night. (I'd add the link to the instagram video, but that might get this post removed...)...
  45. VertigoBE

    Any thoughts on the new Blaser R8 Ultimate X?

    Hi all, received the following announcement in my mail from Blaser. An funky looking R8 with a 10 shot capacity... they put some kind of intermediate piece between the action and the pistol grip, to allow for the longer magazine. Seems to me it removes a lot of the advantages the R8 was...
  46. VertigoBE

    Look what AH made me buy...

    Hello all, Much has changed since I signed up in January of 2021 on this forum. I went on my first safari in Africa, met lot's of wonderful people on this site and now, thanks to AH member @rookhawk who took interest in my search for something truly fine, yet still reacheable, I am now (almost)...
  47. VertigoBE

    Looking for Experience importing UK rifle into EU

    Hi all, I wanted to reach out to any European members on AH, who have experience with the purchasing and subsequent importation of a rifle from the UK into Europe (Belgium is final destination) I’m looking into participating to an auction by Holts auctioneers (thanks to @rookhawk for the...
  48. VertigoBE

    New Reading material

    I ordered myself one of these. Very interesting first 40 pages so far. I’ll probably order “Safari Rifles II” from Boddington as well.
  49. VertigoBE

    AH Get Together Europe Jagd & Hund February 2022

    Is there anyone planning to attend Jagd&Hund in Dortmund Germany in February 2022? It's from Tuesday the 1st till Sunday the 6th of February 2022. The 2021 session having been cancelled due to covid, the 2022 session should be bringing a lot of people back. Any of the outfitters, fellow...
  50. VertigoBE

    Mauser M03 Mounts For Sale Or Trade

    Hi all, I have two mounts for my Mauser M03 that i would ideally like to exchange for others. (Located in Belgium) First up is a Docter/noblex-standard mount, unused and as new. I’d like to exchange it against a aimpoint micro-standard or a 30mm rings mount or a swaro rail mount: Next...