Search results

  1. L

    Proper Gin and Tonic

    I’m hesitant to try this because for the last half hour the politics forum is cordial with discussions about a proper Gin and Tonic. I know this has been explored, but share your G&T. It can be a commentary on ratios, citrus, brand of gin, garnish, etc.
  2. L

    HUNTING Axis Deer

    Does anybody have any diagrams on the vitals of axis? I haven’t been able to find any and all the post mortems I’ve done have been on animals that were hanging and that’s not a natural position of the animal (obviously).
  3. L

    Practice Drills

    How do you practice with your DG rifles? What distances, targets, drills, etc.?
  4. L

    .416 Rigby Regulation Loads

    Good evening all. I’m starting load development for a Rigby in .416 Rigby that will be shot with the iron sights only. I’ve read a lot of good info on here about load data but can’t find anything about loads that will shoot to the sights on the rifles. Hornady factory stuff is close at 50 yards...
  5. L

    Hawk Bullets

    Has anybody taken Hawk brand bullets to Africa? Specifically with .375”+?
  6. L

    EAW Pivot Mount DIY Install

    Does anybody have any experience/tips for installing EAW pivot mounts? Mark at NECG said it was an hour or two job that’s not too difficult if you know what you’re doing. He even offered to talk me through it on the phone, the only problem I have is my time off the clock and his work schedule...
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    Ramshot Big Game in .375 H&H

    Has anybody used Ramshot Big Game for .375 H&H with 300 grain projectiles?
  8. L

    Twist Rates Rigby HS

    I posted this in the >.375 section, maybe it’s more appropriate here. Does anyone know what twist rates Rigby uses for their Highland Stalkers in .275 and .30-06?
  9. L

    Highland Stalker Twist Rates

    Does anybody know what the twist rates are for Rigby’s HS in .275 and -06?
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    Fishing in Dominican Republic

    Has anyone fished in DR? Preferably vicinity Punta Cana? If so, recommendations on outfits, what to look out for/avoid, etc? Anything you wish you’d known? Times of year?
  11. L

    J. Rigby Co.

    Has anybody ordered any rifles direct from Rigby? If so, feedback on experience. Lead times? Options you liked or wish you had/hadn’t opted for, etc.? I’m assuming customer service is first rate given their target clientele…? Specifically for the PH/Big Game magazine rifles, but also Stalking...
  12. L

    Long time listener, first time caller

    ‘Evening all. I’ve been on for some modest research and finally joined the brotherhood a week or two ago. I mostly avoid hunting/shooting forums for obvious reasons but I’m digging the vibe here. Plus I’ve had my eye on a DG hunt ever since I narrowed my granddaddy’s copy of “Hunter”. Definitely...