Search results

  1. Rob404

    Selling My Tikka

    Offering up my Tikka TX3x Lite in 300 Win Mag complete with a 34mm Vortex Venom 5x25x56 along with Bases and mounts. spare mag also included.Rifle has never been hunted and only seen limited range time. This Tkka is extremely accurate as the target at 200Yds will show. I'm looking for a $1000.00...
  2. Rob404

    Selling My S&W 45 ACP

    Hate to part with it but its seldom used. Purchased 14Years ago back when Gander Mtn was still in business in my area. Very low round count 750.00 FTF or Plus shipping to your FFLI still have the factory grips if you want them
  3. Rob404


    I found these Primers at the Gunstock in Minnetonka Minnesota, has anybody seen or used these Primers.
  4. Rob404

    Does anybody have experience shooting 168G Sierra Matchkings using CFE 223 Powder

    Looking for a little help with load data etc
  5. Rob404

    Another Sows Ear Project completed

    I Have lusted owning another 338Win since I had to sell mine to pay some Covid bills.I was doing my usual scrounging and came across this Winchester CRF Stainless Steel Turd on GB from a dealer in Iron Mtn Mich. After buying the Rifle I took the rifle to the range and while the recoil is pretty...
  6. Rob404

    Selling My Pentax Spotting Scope

    ED Glass comes with the standard Zoom Lens and a additional Pentax fixed Lens. Clear glass and in Great shape, 550.00 plus shipping and Ins. Check the prices and reviews the spare lens sells for around 270.00
  7. Rob404

    My Labradar For Sale

    I bought this a few years ago thinking I,d use it ,but in two years its been to the range 2 times so I'm putting it up for sale. It comes with all manuals, tripod and a protective case. (about 100.00) 450.00 plus shipping
  8. Rob404

    257 Weatherby Vanguard For Sale

    Fantastic condition bought to take to Africa on my next trip, but its not likely to happen so I'm putting it up for sale,,,,,,675.00 plus shipping L48 and ins.Certified Funds, PM me if interested
  9. Rob404

    From a Sows Ear

    I needed to sell my 404Jeff to pay a few bills and while it kind of left me with a ton of regret I decided to own another as soon as my finances got better. My old set up was done by Triple River using a donor CZ550 375HH so I figured I would use the same set-up for the new build. Unfortunately...
  10. Rob404

    CZ 550 Euro Stock in 7x57 For Sale

    Since I’m still on the mend from Back surgery I need to pay some bills. The rifle is in excellent shape as the pictures will show. It also comes with 1inch Alaska Arms detachable mounts. I need to get 750.00 plus shipping USA only.
  11. Rob404

    NAMIBIA: Has Anyone Hunted With Hunters Namibia Safaris?

    Looking for some hunting reports etc
  12. Rob404

    Leupold VX-3 1.5x5x20mm For Sale

    Great Condition, No rings Marks Gloss Finish (perfect for old school build)Duplex Reticle 1 Inch Tube comes with original box and paperwork and Scope cover. 335.00 shipped l48
  13. Rob404

    The Whitworth gets some Bling

    Bolt work done by Baldwin Bolt Service
  14. Rob404

    A Couple Of Nice Scopes For Sale

    1. A Leupold VX2 3x9 Gloss 225.00 2. A Bausch and Lomb Balvar 2.5x8 150.00 Both scopes in extremely nice condition Free 1" Leupold engraved mounts to the first buyer More pics on request Buyer pays shipping
  15. Rob404

    Midway Has Some Deals On Factory Second Bullets

    Time to load up on some practice bullets
  16. Rob404

    Selling My Whitworth .375 H&H

    It seems the guy Iv'e been trying to coax into selling me his Rifle has finally succumbed to my begging and has agreed to sell his rifle to me, so I'm putting my Whitworth 375HH up for sale. The price will include a pair of Leupold Quick release bases and a pretty nice Burris 1.75x5 so grab...
  17. Rob404

    Hot Deal or Impulse Buy

    How many of us like to go to Gun Swaps or check out the used gun racks at the local Gunshops or check out Gunbroker on line. As for myself I check out Cabelas used gun racks or The nationwide online Gun Library. In the past I made some purchases for donor rifles for Barrel swaps but I wonder...
  18. Rob404

    Pillow Talk

  19. Rob404

    416 Brass & Bullets On Sale

    It appears that American reloading has some 416 Brass and Bullets for sale, I do not shoot that particular caliber so I'm not sure if there are any real savings I'm just passing the Info along
  20. Rob404

    Spotting Scope lenses

    I recently picked up a Nice Pentax ED Glass Spotting scope It came with a Variable Power Lense that seem to do ok on all diameter bullets up to 150yds but after that it craps out, I want to replace it with a lense that I can see bullet holes out to 350, I realize that trying to see a 223 hole at...
  21. Rob404

    Tell me why buying a Rifle chambered in 6MM Remington is stupid

    Ok I have the hots for another obsolete caliber, the idea of having a rifle capable of 4000fps is giving me a warm fuzzy
  22. Rob404

    My Latest Purchase 35 Whelen

    I've been thinking about this cartridge for quite a few Months,,I don't Know what draws me to these not so common Calibers Maybe I just want something someone else doesn't have or perhaps there are some kind of caliber or a Ballistic gap but the caliber intrigues me,it's a step up from my other...
  23. Rob404

    375HH Love

    I really enjoy shooting and experimenting with my 375HH, it's not a high priced high Value rifle maybe the Chevrolet of 375s (Whitworth/Zastava) but I think it's a great looking and the Zastava action is bulletproof. My standard load is a 300g Sierra Gameking that shoots 2 MOA at 200 meters at...
  24. Rob404

    Just Joined The Club

    Iv,e been following all the discussions on 404 Jeff and decided as much as I think my 375HH should do the job on Cape Buffalo maybe something just a little larger would work even better so back in December I Bought a used CZ550 Safari Classic in a 375HH caliber. I found a Gunsmith who has done...
  25. Rob404

    30-06 Heym/Westernfield

    Built for Montgomery Wards by Heym in West Germany On a large ring short action Mauser, maybe started life as a 7x57 ,I can't find a ton of information on this Rifle built as a limited offer sometime in the 50s-60s . The barrel is slightly long at 21" for a Mannlicher stock. The action is slick...
  26. Rob404

    They Start Them Early in Wyoming

    My friend Lee sent me this Pic of his Grandson
  27. Rob404

    200GR loads for a 375HH

    In an attempt to make my Whitworth/Zastava 375 more versitle I've ordered some Sierra 200Gr bullets. In the past year Iv'e also loaded from 235 to 300 just to get and Idea of what the capabilities are from a 375. Any thought or ideas will be appreciated
  28. Rob404

    Man is it Cold

    it's so cold
  29. Rob404

    Spotting Scope Opinions

    I'm looking for a New/Used spotting scope,,this scope will most likely spend it's days at the range so Size and weight won't come in play.Its use will be to spot holes in paper for Calibers from 6.5 to 375 out to 300 Yds. I understand the big names will get the job done but I don't want to spend...
  30. Rob404

    Bluey Spotted in Minnesota

    Heres the proof
  31. Rob404

    SOUTH AFRICA: My First Trip To Africa With CT Safaris

    Well I've been back about a week Now and thought I'd better post something before my Old Timers Kicks in. I started e-mailing Chris about a year and a half ago basically trying to get as much out of a Africa trip as I could fit in 7 days,,I was going to celebrate a Milestone Birthday and wanted...
  32. Rob404

    375 HH Ammo Boxes

    I recently purchased a CZ550 in 375HH,,I plant to Load my own Rounds,,I have read that some countries require you to Have your Ammo in a factory style Box, so I,m wondering if anybody out there has a couple empty boxes they can spare,,thanks in advance,, Rob
  33. Rob404

    What to Do

    Just Got my Christmas Bonus today, should I 1, Buy a New Rifle 2, Pay my ex-wife more Alimony 3, Put a New Transmission in my car 4, Buy a New Rifle 5, Put a New Heating system in My House 6, Pay for My Obama Care 7, Buy a New Rifle 8, UpGrade to First Class for my Africa Trip I,ll...
  34. Rob404

    Thinking of Moving up to a 375

    What a Dilemma,,I,ve been thinking of a 375 either in H&H or Ruger I reload so I won,t have a problem coming up with a good set-up so that won,t be of a problem ,,my main problem seems to be in choosing the right Platform,,,I,ve handled the Remmington,, Winchester M70,,CZ550,,Ruger,,Savage and...
  35. Rob404

    Schumoos Coffee AD

    I don,t know how to post this Video Ad for Schomoos Coffee but if you want to see something really funny post this
  36. Rob404

    Telling a joke in Afrikan

    I want to surprise my Host,,can some body help me tell a Joke in Afrikaan
  37. Rob404

    Getting a case of the Yips

    Or pre recoil Flinch if you prefer,,,It doesn,t affect me when I shoot heavy Pistol Calibers,,,,and I,m not shooting anything Heavier than 7MM Rem Mag,,, I,m trying to Zero in at 200yds and my Flinch is stopping me from putting together a consistant Group,,so I,m constantly adjusting and sending...
  38. Rob404

    Birthday Greetings to CT Safaris

    Not sure if you guys keep track but I happen to know that today is Chris Troskie's Birthday, that is of course if it's still May 20th in SA.
  39. Rob404

    6.5x55 Swede Loads

    I know I,m posting this the right place,, even though the 6.5 is reasonably popular here in the Colonies, it,s not near as popular as it is in Europe,,Tomorrow I,m going to look at a Swede Sporter and if all goes well and the Rifle Passes Inspection I hope to start gathering the equipment...
  40. Rob404

    It,s Cold Here In Minnesota

    How Cold Is it,,,,It,s so cold The prostitutes in Downtown Minneapolis are Giving Fat Guys a 20% Discount,,,Thanks Folks I,ll be here all week,, and don,t forget to tip your waitress
  41. Rob404

    Hello From Minnesota USA

    Hi my name is Rob44 I found this site and have been checking it on a daily Basis,,,a member from another Forum just returned fro a Hunt to S.Africa which peaked my interest,,,I have to admit I haven,t hunted in 30 years,,you know the story never enough time,,always something else to do,,Married...