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  1. tigris115

    Idea related to politics

    I can do sponsors and contests. Like, if you do some thing like charity, donate to an NGO, sign petitions, send some letters, you can get entered for a chance to win free crap.
  2. tigris115

    Idea related to politics

    Ok so I've had this idea in my head for more than a week and I wanna write it down publicly because I know it's gonna soon leave like an angel's kiss So here's the genesis of the idea. Every time I look at the news, I find it quite overwhelming as, no matter the affiliation, I feel it's just a...
  3. tigris115

    A Death Of Ethics: Is “Hunting” Destroying Itself?

    Oh shut up, you're making me blush lol
  4. tigris115

    A Death Of Ethics: Is “Hunting” Destroying Itself?

    On the contrary, I found that my professor who taught the course on human/wildlife conflict had a very good, impartial attitude, even once talking about the pragmatic use of trophy hunting in conservation. The main takeaway we got from the class is that every idea at least deserves to be heard...
  5. tigris115

    A Death Of Ethics: Is “Hunting” Destroying Itself?

    Technically yes, not being a hunter, my opinions don't hold nearly as much weight as those of someone within the hunting community. Tho, with your analogy, someone can still talk to non-doctors and get varying opinions on different treatments. I know I certainly did as such when trying to find...
  6. tigris115

    A Death Of Ethics: Is “Hunting” Destroying Itself?

    No but I see no reason that such a fact prevents me from at least giving a fair look at certain hunting practices. However, I will give the giant disclaimer that I make some mistakes. Such is life ig Personally, I'd love to some day take up hunting, especially duck hunting
  7. tigris115

    A Death Of Ethics: Is “Hunting” Destroying Itself?

    Nah I totally think that, even if given protections, all large predators should be hunted as game animals based on quotas that, in of themselves, are based on the facts from field scientists and zoologists. My thing was more that, if inhumane practices aren't immediately canned, you'll...
  8. tigris115

    Pig/hog damage to crops

    I feel like corral traps work the best since you can immediately capture a whole group of pigs instantly
  9. tigris115

    A Death Of Ethics: Is “Hunting” Destroying Itself?

    I know that but what else I know is that a lot of people are not gonna make a difference.
  10. tigris115

    A Death Of Ethics: Is “Hunting” Destroying Itself?

    This is a rly big crux of what I'm saying. If inhumane methods of killing predators continue to be allowed, the hammer will be brought down.
  11. tigris115

    A Death Of Ethics: Is “Hunting” Destroying Itself?

    So, ooc, how do the kangaroos and sambar affect cattle grazing? I imagine they provide some competition as well as some disease risk with the sambar since both them and cattle are ruminants. Also, what are ways that ranchers in Australia keep dingoes at bay?
  12. tigris115

    A Death Of Ethics: Is “Hunting” Destroying Itself?

    Yeah I think purposeful torture of an animal is where you have to put your foot down. Any animal taken by a hunter should be taken as ethically as possible. As well, in arguments about the role of the state vs. feds about conservation of species, people will immediately point to this as an...
  13. tigris115

    A Death Of Ethics: Is “Hunting” Destroying Itself?

    So, the reason that I made this thread was that, I feel that a lot of people just have a massive seething hatred for wolves and other predators. Especially on the internet, I've seen a lot of people make comments about how wolves are murdering everything and how they need to be made extinct...
  14. tigris115

    Hog Hunting Banned in Kentucky??????

    I'm subscribed to the JagerPRO channel and I'm sold on trapping the entire sounder in 1 big corral trap. That way, the whole social group is taken care of and you don't educate other pigs.
  15. tigris115

    Life Goes On A Gorilla Hunt

    These pictures are quite sobering. I think it's pretty easy to say why there's such a unease. The great apes are so close to people. I also think it's why so many people are spooked around apes I think the only two situations I could see myself shooting a gorilla is if it's genuinely a threat...
  16. tigris115

    Professional Hunters How Do You Judge Game?

    I do assume every PH gets that one guy's who's chronically obsessed with scoring "The Big One" and who's eyes have gone red from pouring over SCI records. I know being a PH is essentially customer service and every customer service job has ""that guy.""
  17. tigris115

    Professional Hunters How Do You Judge Game?

    Yeah a lot of PH's I saw on YouTube emphasized taking only older specimens that have had a decent breeding tenure
  18. tigris115

    Professional Hunters How Do You Judge Game?

    I'm legitimately curious about how a PH judges game animals and how do they pick the ones their clients will take. The only ones I'm really familiar with are lions and buffalo to some extent.
  19. tigris115

    A Death Of Ethics: Is “Hunting” Destroying Itself?

    Nah I do think that, to understand life, you have to come to terms with what provides your way of life. I think more people should at least be grateful for what allows them to have such a high quality of life, especially as a lot of people tend to forget. This isn't a major sin, just something...
  20. tigris115

    A Death Of Ethics: Is “Hunting” Destroying Itself?

    I feel like I actually gotta state myself more, as a non-hunter Obviously I'm pro hunting as the use of hunting in conservation has paid in dividends for a wide variety of species. I've done extensive research and a wide variety of cases has shown that, while hunting can have glaring...
  21. tigris115

    A Death Of Ethics: Is “Hunting” Destroying Itself?

    Exactly. With dogs, the margin for shooting the wrong cat is absolutely minimized. When it comes to life in general, I like to leave as little margin for a mistake as possible
  22. tigris115

    A Death Of Ethics: Is “Hunting” Destroying Itself?

    Ok, I wanna say this though Hunting predators like cougars with hounds is something I heavily agree with for the reason that it allows you to take animals very selectively; a good thing. For example, if I got a cougar treed with my team of hounds up in the Rockies, I can glass it for a bit and...
  23. tigris115

    A Death Of Ethics: Is “Hunting” Destroying Itself?

    I always try to be open about anything. Yes, I have things I believe in but I think a good philosophy is that you gotta be open to the idea that you're wrong. You'll always be wrong about something for your whole life.
  24. tigris115

    A Death Of Ethics: Is “Hunting” Destroying Itself?

    Ok I'm not a hunter but I THINK I have something I can compare with that kinda applies. I'm part of a lot of fandoms; video games, cartoons, etc. And, while people generally behave well, sometimes there's that guy™ The kinda guy who just has to be a MEGA SoB, constantly starting arguments...
  25. tigris115

    A Death Of Ethics: Is “Hunting” Destroying Itself?

    Prelude from the OP Ok so, quick warning, this article is L O N G. As well, it covers a lot of controversial points in American conservation such as predator contests and wolves. Of course, the majority of people here are adults over the age of 18 and more of y'all are decently old so I...
  26. tigris115

    Why You Should Travel To Zimbabwe

    So how much cheaper is Zim compared to the more "sexy" countries like Botswana, SA, Kenya. etc? Because I think a good point to make would be how you can get as good accommodations and game viewing/hunting while spending less. And for photo safaris, less crowding
  27. tigris115


    I think the food desert problem ain't talked about enough anywhere near as much as it currently is.
  28. tigris115

    The Art Of Hunting The Royal Bengal Tiger: A Comprehensive Guide

    If you ever want, I'd love to proof read and edit this with you. Maybe get it made into a small book
  29. tigris115

    In the Blood (Safari Documentary)

    I do wish more of these hunting documentaries could be ripped and uploaded online. Hell, if you don't know how to, I'm sure there are services and people out there that'll do it well for a decent price
  30. tigris115

    In the Blood (Safari Documentary)

    I watched this documentary before. I think the best part is the audio mixing with both the music and sounds of nature. Many parts of this documentary are utter auditory honey.
  31. tigris115

    58 Kibler Colonial Rifle

    Hi guys. Yeah, my account was stolen. Got it back and changed my password
  32. tigris115

    58 Kibler Colonial Rifle

    I think you should stop bullshit, I'm reporting you to the moderator.Don't you see the picture above?
  33. tigris115

    58 Kibler Colonial Rifle

    Price update: $950 shipped.
  34. tigris115

    58 Kibler Colonial Rifle

    Thank you everyone.!(y) Also a new picture.
  35. tigris115

    58 Kibler Colonial Rifle

    Yes it's mine. But it was not sold at that price. I lower the price on the forums
  36. tigris115

    58 Kibler Colonial Rifle

    yes i made it.. This is an incredible rifle. Congratulations in advance to the buyer.
  37. tigris115

    58 Kibler Colonial Rifle

    58 kibler colonial rifle. Stocked in figured maple. Carved with some engraving. Rice barrel square bottom rifling. Kibler CNC round face lock. Finished to a slight aged look. Kibler standard 13 7/8ths length of pull. Of the colonial rifle 58 having the best in balance and weight. At 8 1/2...
  38. tigris115


    There's shooting yourself in the foot and then there's trying to propel yourself into the air via a rocket launcher like you're in Quake. And @Tanks I wouldn't even mind if politicians were so old if they weren't so gleefully out of touch. Obviously, I don't wanna paint all people my senior...
  39. tigris115

    Comment by 'tigris115' in media 'Dwarfing a Tall Man: The Greatest of the Anthropoid Apes'

    Well, even with rhinos, you can justify the killing of old bulls under conservation and stopping them from killing the other rhinos. Great apes are very much more complicated than this as, to put it bluntly, they're basically people. Especially with their intelligence. It's why nowadays, the...
  40. tigris115


    Real talk. I know Joe Biden's """"haters"""" are characterized as Trump supporters but I feel like ragging on how senile and kooky he is is one of those things that at least >80% of Americans can agree on. I personally see him as a symptom of a lot of greater institutional problems with...
  41. tigris115

    Question about who buys guns

    I was wondering; is there a survey on the kind of people who buy guns Specifically, I'm talking about how many guns the buyer already owns I heard during 2020, most of the guns and ammo were being bought by totally new gun owners. So I was wondering if there were any statistics to show how...
  42. tigris115

    Dinosaur Hunting Guns: Taking Down T-Rex and Other Extinct Reptiles

    Of all the dinosaurs, I'd say the hardest to kill would be the sauropods. You could maybe get a brain shot if they lower their heads down for a drink but if you miss, you're dead.
  43. tigris115

    Best starter guns for an adult newbie

    A dude actually
  44. tigris115

    Best starter guns for an adult newbie

    So I'm interested in taking up hunting one day. However, like a lot of people, I didn't learn from my family as my parents aren't big on the idea of hunting. So I'm wondering what's the best group of rifles to look into if I ever want to get serious about hunting. I'm fairly heavy so I THINK I...
  45. tigris115

    Gun control

    P much. That and I see the 2nd amendment as a tool of equalization.
  46. tigris115

    Gun control

    Lemme reiterate. to me, the care to have the 2nd amendment apply to all law-abiding citizens with NO EXCUSES OR EXCEPTIONS counts as justice in terms of the distribution of wealth, opportunities, and privileges within a society. If there were laws that made it harder for specific demographics to...
  47. tigris115

    Gun control

    I'm weird because while I'm pretty pro 2nd amendment, I'm motivated by it being a social justice issue. I also don't own anything but u get the idea.