Search results

  1. 375sunrise

    Wanted 300 DAKOTA

    Thanks, I found a set on another site.
  2. 375sunrise

    Wanted 300 DAKOTA

    Still looking.
  3. 375sunrise

    Wanted 300 DAKOTA

    I know this is asking alot but I need a set of 300 Dakota dies. Any make or condition will work. If you have a set of dies that you dont need please let me know. Thanks.
  4. 375sunrise

    Reloder 22 & 25 For Sale

    This still available?
  5. 375sunrise

    M70 300 Dakota

    I will take this. Message sent.
  6. 375sunrise

    M70 300 Dakota

    Who did the rechamber work & stock replacement? What level of accuracy has this rifle delivered after the chamber work? How does it feed rounds from the magazine?
  7. 375sunrise

    M70 300 Dakota

    Is this still available?
  8. 375sunrise

    Want To Trade New Dumoulin Mauser Action & 6.5x55 Lightweight Barrel For Commercial Magnum Length Mauser Action, 375 Barreled Action, Or Rifle

    Would a FN deluxe commerical action be of interest? It is presently in use with a 300 H&H barrel. DM me & we can discuss the possibilites.
  9. 375sunrise

    Kimber Caprivi 375 H&H Mag

    So the purchase can be a F to F in H-town?
  10. 375sunrise

    Lever Action Rifles In Africa?

    I met a guy at lgs awhile back & we were discussing a PH that we both had hunted with in Zim. H e showed me some pics of his BLR take down in 400 Whelen that began as a 3006 & was rebored & chambered. He also had pics of plains game & buff that he had taken with the rifle. That sounds like a...
  11. 375sunrise

    Winchester Model 70 Safari Express .375 H&H + Extras

    I have a McMillan actioned 6.5x284 that is a one hole gun at 100 yds. PM me if are interested in a trade.
  12. 375sunrise

    Sight, sound or smell, which evokes African Safari the most?

    The trackers & PH I was hunting with were very surprised with the find. PH stated he had seen only 3 or 4 in his many years of working in the bush. This was several years ago while hunting Buffalo in the Greater Kruger.
  13. 375sunrise

    Sight, sound or smell, which evokes African Safari the most?

    The first time I saw the green bark of the Fever Trees. Also when the Pangolin rolled up into a ball when I picked it up.
  14. 375sunrise

    Sight, sound or smell, which evokes African Safari the most?

    For me its the call of the Go Away bird, always gets my attention. Also the chatter of the Ox Peckers when you are tracking Buffalo.
  15. 375sunrise

    Want To Trade Ruger 77

    I have a Hogue piller bedded stock in Ghille green for a Ruger 77 long action with standard barrel inlet that I would like to trade for same in Mauser 98 inlet with standard barrel channel any colorwill do. Let me know if you are interested. Thanks, Dale.
  16. 375sunrise

    Thoughts: A rifle battery for a 28 day Safari hunt...

    After you have jumped the "POND" a few times you tend to get very minimum in your baggage. I have & will again take one rifle, 404 J or 416 Rigby. That will take care of anything from Ele. to Duiker.
  17. 375sunrise

    404 Ruger

    This is an old post & that project was completed & has since moved on to another rifle nut. I have been using a 400 Whelen lately & am happy with it.
  18. 375sunrise

    Cape Buffalo & Kudu Shoulder Mount For Sale

    Mounts are sold. Thanks everyone for your interest.
  19. 375sunrise

    Cape Buffalo & Kudu Shoulder Mount For Sale

    These mounts are in very good condition & will make a proper Trophy Room complete. PMs answered.
  20. 375sunrise

    Cape Buffalo & Kudu Shoulder Mount For Sale

    I would consider it what do you have in mind?
  21. 375sunrise

    Cape Buffalo & Kudu Shoulder Mount For Sale

    42 inch Cape Buffalo shoulder mount & Kudu shoulder mount for sale. Can text pics to serious parties. $500.00 for both mounts located in North Texas.
  22. 375sunrise

    Cape Buffalo & Kudu Shoulder Mount For Sale

    I have a buffalo shoulder mount with 42 inch outside spread & a Kudu shoulder mount that I need to sell. I have down sized & these do not fit in the present house so they need to go to someone that can appreciate them. I will let them go for $500.00 for the two mounts. I can text pics to serious...
  23. 375sunrise

    Want To Buy 40 Caliber Bullets

    My barrel is .410 but the .411 bullets work fine in it. Both are accurate in the Douglas tube & really can't tell any difference in velocity. This particular barrel seems to prefer the round nose soft points in all weights but that may be due to my load techniques.
  24. 375sunrise

    Want To Buy 40 Caliber Bullets

    I need .410 or .411 bullets for my 400 Whelen. I have bought some on another site but still need 400 gr. soft round or sp . Please let me know if you have any available at reasonable price. Thanks, Dale.
  25. 375sunrise

    Want To Buy 400 Whelen

    A member on another site helped me out with brass & bullets. Still need dies. Thanks, all.
  26. 375sunrise

    Want To Buy 400 Whelen

    New dies are in stock at a couple of sources but trying to save some $ . May have to go with the new ones . Time will tell.
  27. 375sunrise

    Want To Buy 400 Whelen

    Do not need the H&H as already have a 404 Jeffery & the Whelen is being completed by smith now.