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  1. Doug3006

    Indulge me...Ruger no 1 thoughts.

    I’m a big fan of the No. 1 and own two of them. A 303 British and a 300 H&H. The No. 1 is a fine stalking rifle, and in heavy-barrel versions, a great varminter. I don’t think it’s the best choice for thick-skinned dangerous game. I’ve practiced shooting and reloading using a wrist band...
  2. Doug3006

    J. Switzer & Co

    Welcome! I signed up for your newsletter on the website. I’m interested in learning more.
  3. Doug3006

    Help, I've got to cut back...

    I’m an AH junkie too. I used to be a contributor to the Politics discussion. No more. The tone and level of discourse changed dramatically over a couple of years. I’m happier now that I concentrate on hunt reports and current offers. Oh, and I leave tomorrow for a few days of crappie...
  4. Doug3006

    Bullets that well advertised but were not that great

    I’ve shot quite a few deer with ballistic tips. I’ve never lost one. The bullet seldom if ever exits. It comes to pieces inside the deer’s chest cavity. Field dressing is a cinch. I just pour out what’s left of the lungs. Winchester had a bullet called the failsafe. It was OK on deer but not...
  5. Doug3006

    Where to move to?

    Here’s my case for considering the state of Missouri as your new home. 1. In 2024, Missouri’s cost of living index was the 6th lowest in the US, tied with Arkansas. 2. Missouri’s state tax revenue per capita is ranked 45 out of the 50 states. The state income tax, which is the largest...
  6. Doug3006

    American Standards For Commercially Manufactured Sporting Ammunition

    Hi @Hunter-Habib! Sadly, US ammo manufacturers make changes to ammo components with some frequency and without much notice. Occasionally they do so in response to feedback from the hunting fraternity, as was the case with Hornady’s DGX being improved (immensely) by bonding. Other times, it’s...
  7. Doug3006

    300 H&H

    I like round nosed bullets. The only thing better than a 180 gr RN would be the 200 or 220 grain! I have a Model 70 in 375 H&H that shoots 300 grain Hornady RN Interlocks into varmint rifle sized groups. Absolutely devastating on any and all plains game. Of course, Hornady discontinued it...
  8. Doug3006

    Starry night’s, turning your binoculars to the African sky

    During my trip to Limpopo, I took this picture of the full moon over the river.
  9. Doug3006

    A First Timers Guide to Buffalo

    Thanks for sharing! Good advice, and well produced.
  10. Doug3006


    A great report! Well written and some excellent photography. I especially liked seeing Namibia so green! Some excellent trophies too. Well done. I’m off to Namibia with my friend @Jeff505 in 29 days. It’s all I’m thinking about these days.
  11. Doug3006

    .270win and lead free ammunition

    The .270 is NOT marginal for plains game! It’s a sensible minimum for most plains game. Excluding Eland, it will cleanly take anything you’d like to hunt in that category.
  12. Doug3006

    Modern Day Classics?

    Thanks for the clarification! My definition of a modern firearm is anything invented since and including Paul Mauser’s Model 98 and John Browning’s 1911. IMO we’ve chipped around the edges of these designs, but haven’t much improved on them :LOL:
  13. Doug3006


    Marco Rubio has announced that SA’s Ambassador to the US, Ebrahim Rasool, is persona non grata. Mr. Rassool is being expelled. Why? Rassool has been quoted as saying that Trump is ushering in White Supremacy. Regardless of what was said or not said, the relationship between Washington and...
  14. Doug3006

    Modern Day Classics?

    Thanks Kevin. Here it is with a Blesbok I took later on that same trip. I hope we have the opportunity to share a campfire again soon. The rifle is a Ruger No. 1 in 300 H&H. The stock was a semi inletted one that I fitted and finished myself. Didn’t turn out half bad.
  15. Doug3006

    DSC thread Deleted

    I was there and I agree with you. It was like having a couple hundred outfitters set up booths just to talk with me! But I also know that a couple more lightly attended shows like that will kill the convention.
  16. Doug3006

    AHR upgrades: safety

    @rookhawk is correct. The replacement unit (lever and shroud) is steel. Mine got an upgraded stock, so no dutchman was needed.
  17. Doug3006

    Dangerous game safari info

    There are a lot of good options in Zimbabwe. I had a truly awesome Buffalo hunt with Charlton McCallum Safaris in the Zambezi Valley.
  18. Doug3006

    DSC thread Deleted

    I just might! Now that I’m retired, I have time for both Dallas and Nashville!
  19. Doug3006

    The Future Dangerous Game Guns and Ammo Thread

    Hi BJH65! I believe the guns offered by JD Outfitters are new, old stock guns that we’re manufactured by the old MRC. Good guns I believe, but not currently being built by the new owners.
  20. Doug3006

    DSC thread Deleted

    Recovery is possible if the leadership wants to recover. It takes a lot of soul searching and a ton of open and honest communication. The leadership of DSC has made it clear that they aren’t interested in communicating. They’ve made their bed. See ya’ll in Nashville.
  21. Doug3006

    USA: To Clap An Aoudad

    Great ram! The mountain range near Marfa is a special place. Rough, wild and beautiful.
  22. Doug3006

    DSC thread Deleted

    I think it would be a good thing to provide some sort of explanation whenever a post is deleted. If for no other reason than explaining the limits of our discourse.
  23. Doug3006

    DSC thread Deleted

    Sorry, I posted a report on the DSC convention that gained some legs…..17 pages I think. There was another one about DSC too I thought, but now can’t find it.
  24. Doug3006

    DSC thread Deleted

    This one?
  25. Doug3006

    El Paso Saddlery web cartridge belts?

    I have several holster rigs of theirs. Top quality. However, their customer service is poor. Just getting a call back takes several attempts. I experienced this when trying to BUY from them. That said, I’ve never needed to return anything they’ve made. Again, top notch construction and...
  26. Doug3006


    300 H&H for me.
  27. Doug3006

    What is going on with tipping culture in the hunting industry?

    Well, I guess we could flip the thread to discuss the suitability of the .243 Winchester for plains game. :p
  28. Doug3006

    Hello from Missouri

    Welcome @rhudson65 ! What part of Missouri? I’m in Sunset Hills .
  29. Doug3006

    What is going on with tipping culture in the hunting industry?

    An outfit that even hinted that I wouldn’t be welcome back unless I tipped a certain percentage wouldn’t have to worry about my return. I wouldn’t hunt with them in the first place. Seriously, I can’t imagine a more off-putting policy. I’ve looked at many, many outfits in my hunting career and...
  30. Doug3006

    Discontinued Product Frustration

    Maybe try Gokey boots. The company is owned by a gent who bought it from Orvis. He’s a hunter too.
  31. Doug3006

    Discontinued Product Frustration

    I just bought a Conner Portland waxed canvas hat because Filson stopped making them. Here’s a photo from their website.
  32. Doug3006

    Rota Cuff

    Yes, surgery is an option. I’ve had 2 unrelated procedures performed recently and neither turned out worth a damn. I am not in a hurry for a threepeat!
  33. Doug3006

    Why all the hate for CBL (Captive-Bred Lion) Hunting?

    My personal ethics are for me and me alone. Others are free to disagree. As long as we behave within the law.
  34. Doug3006

    Why all the hate for CBL (Captive-Bred Lion) Hunting?

    You’re asking the right questions. I believe there is a huge difference between hunting an animal in it’s natural environment, that has lived there all of its life, behaving as his kind have for millennium, versus shooting a lion that was raised for the gun having never really been a lion...
  35. Doug3006

    Buffalo trophy lost in Africa-would you do this..........

    Please send a picture of the taxidermied cat! :D
  36. Doug3006

    Rota Cuff

    I have the exact same problem! In Missouri, crossbows are legal during bow season. So I switched to a crossbow.
  37. Doug3006

    Why all the hate for CBL (Captive-Bred Lion) Hunting?

    I read the original post the day it was posted and have struggled coming up with a logical response. I’m still not there. Logical or not, here’s my two cents. As I understand the term, CBL hunts involve releasing a captive-bred lion for the purpose of shooting it. Sometimes the same day as...
  38. Doug3006

    MY biggest questions

    I think your question is whether being guided is really hunting. Hunting in Africa with a PH is much the same as hunting anywhere (including the US) with a guide. The difference is the average African PH is better qualified than the average US guide. This is especially so in Zimbabwe and...
  39. Doug3006

    New Safari Ammo Product Line

    Hi Steve! Welcome to! Are the loads offered for sale in inventory or do you load them upon order? If so, what’s your cycle time to load and ship?
  40. Doug3006

    Cartridge for the Big 5 that is usable outside of Africa as well

    Either would work well, but why not split the difference between the’06 and the 300WM and get a 300 H&H? Goes perfect with the 375 H&H, don’t you think?
  41. Doug3006


    I can attest that the ticks are numerous in June! If they are more plentiful in the warm season, then God help them! My PH shared a theory about the increase in ticks over the decades. The area used to be burned off annually, just like most wilderness areas iin Africa. With settlement, annual...
  42. Doug3006

    Leopard / Buffalo Hunt Chewore Zimbabwe 2025

    My upcoming Leopard hunt was priced with a day rate plus trophy fee once a cat was killed or wounded. Just like most African hunts. I’m not sure I’d agree to paying a trophy fee when no trophy was taken or wounded. Maybe if the day rate was low enough.
  43. Doug3006

    Texas Nilgai price. OUCH

    At least you can eat Nilgai!
  44. Doug3006

    Texas Nilgai price. OUCH

    That terrible freeze they had in Texas a couple of years ago killed a lot of exotics. I wonder if that hurt the Nilgai population and drove up the price.
  45. Doug3006

    Planned Adventures

    Just 49 days until I leave for my Namibia Leopard hunt! I’ll be crappie fishing in Mississippi at the end March. Between now and April I’ll be spending a lot of time at the range and the gym!
  46. Doug3006

    Products you love (not firearm related)

    The one and only Weber Kettle. Gulden’s Spicy Brown Mustard. Murray Custom Leather anything. Jim Green Ranger Boots. Duluth Dry On The Fly pants. Thermacel Mosquito repellent. Tag Heuer watches. Ram Trucks. Toyota FJ25L (some day)
  47. Doug3006

    Matrix CZ 550 Safari Magnum 458 Lott

    That’s a perfect DG rifle for anyone…..whether they make their money hunting or spend their money hunting! GLWS!
  48. Doug3006

    Removing scopes for travel

    I use QD rings. The primary scope remains attached to the rifle in the case. The backup scope has its own cutout in the case. Both scopes have been sited in well before leaving. A quick trip to the range at camp is all that’s needed o confirm. I’ve carried scopes in hard cases inside my...
  49. Doug3006

    OK Boys, let’s play a little trivia!

    I am a River to my people!
  50. Doug3006


    I’m sure they occur throughout Southern Africa, I’ve only encountered them in Limpopo SA. Not in Zim, Zam or Namibia.