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  1. mdwest

    Lets See Your Upland Shotguns

    my upland gun collection is pretty limited.. just 3 fairly pedestrian O/U's.. Webley & Scott 912 (12 gauge) Webley & Scott 920 (20 gauge) Berretta 686 Silver Pigeon (12 gauge)
  2. mdwest


    This is largely because of American culture... As a rule Americans adhere to one of two mindsets.. The vast majority want to consume high volumes of low cost "stuff"... The "buy once, cry once" crowd is a small minority, even among the wealthy that can afford the absolute best of...
  3. mdwest


    Nothing to dispute in your post… It has nothing to do with why auto manufacturing make decisions to build in the US vs Canada vs South Africa vs Korea vs Japan vs Germany though… @RLD ‘s post remains as incorrect and uninformed as originally stated…
  4. mdwest


    How about this… Do your part to secure the border… Those minuscule amounts of illegals and drugs will get smaller.. And those pesky guns will flow at a lessor rate at the same time… Win-win wouldn’t you say?
  5. mdwest


    I completely agree with you
  6. mdwest


    You need to do some more research... you clearly know nothing at all about the automotive industry or how it works.. MANY foreign companies build their plants in the US... You used Honda and Toyota as examples... Well.. lets see... 100% of Toyota Tundras sold in the US are built in the US...
  7. mdwest


    We are in agreement.... That said, the remaining 8 countries (that's a full 25% of NATO.. that's not a small number at all).. are among those doing the most bitching and complaining about the US saying "if you don't meet your commitments, we don't have an obligation to meet ours".. Canada...
  8. mdwest

    Does the price of ammo impact your choice of a rifle caliber

    I sold a custom 300 H&H built on a P14 action a few months back to another member here on AH for about that price.. I think the rifle was likely worth more.. but I let it go for what I had in it after buying the rifle and having some restoration work done on it..
  9. mdwest


    this is true... however it is only recently true.. and only reflects what has been happening for the last 18 months.. in 2018 only 3x NATO members were meeting their 2% obligation (US, UK, Greece).. in 2020 only 9x NATO members met their commitment.. That number dropped to 7x countries...
  10. mdwest

    1903A3 Springield stock

    I agree with OH.. before I dropped $350 on a ramline (they are on their best day a $89 stock to me).. I'd consider a laminate from Boyds or Richards Microfit, etc.. it'll be cheaper and will hold up to the weather you're concerned about..
  11. mdwest

    "Lighter Politics" Humour

  12. mdwest

    What do you do for a living?

    Yep, divorcing the starter wife at 40 can be quite a set back… especially after children enter the picture.. Choose wisely…
  13. mdwest

    Rigby Unveils Exclusive 250th Anniversary Edition Rifles

    Good Lord I’ve been trying so hard to resist spending on a Highland Stalker… This might be the end of my struggle lol… These are going to be beautiful collectors items for sure…
  14. mdwest

    Pay It Forward-Free

    Incredibly generous @wishfulthinker … Garry does great work..
  15. mdwest


    My concern is party leaders in Russia that appear to be possible replacements don’t look like they’d be any better for Russia or the rest of the world… It’s going to take a half dozen or so senior Russian officials falling out of windows before things improve I’m afraid..
  16. mdwest

    What do you do for a living?

    My firm used to work with MPC for years.. we moved to CCA during COVID for a variety of reasons.. but Ive found both organizations to be wonderful institutions.. more businesses should consider a chaplain service.. there's a whole lot of value in it for whats truly a negligible cost all things...
  17. mdwest

    "Lighter Politics" Humour

  18. mdwest

    What do you do for a living?

    Marketplace Chaplains or Corporate Chaplains? Both are great organizations…
  19. mdwest

    What do you do for a living?

    I was 29 when you were born :) Whats driven me to professional success is a pretty simple equation honestly... Im rarely the smartest guy in the room.. and while I am a very hard and dedicated worker, its rare that I'm the hardest working person in the room.. For me what has worked is strict...
  20. mdwest

    DSC Update from the CEO

    my best guess is DSC, depending on the impact of 3 years in ATL followed by a few years in Houston, will have a couple of different paths that they could follow.. assume they shrink significantly.. Rob is already saying they expect next year in ATL to be a much smaller show than we've seen in...
  21. mdwest

    DSC Update from the CEO

    I think the problem with the "tearing down" statement largely belongs to the City of Dallas (which Rob alludes to in the podcast)... they have said they are tearing it down.. they have also said they are tearing down "part" of it.. they have also said they are doing a $4B renovation.. they've...
  22. mdwest

    DSC Update from the CEO

    Ive only had limited interaction with Mike over the years.. and its been several years since I last spoke with John.. but he's a super cool dude.. He used to participate in a fundraiser we did for a few years to raise money for a school in Esteli, Nicaragua (huge tobacco growing and cigar...
  23. mdwest

    What do you do for a living?

    Ive bounced around in a couple of different, but related career fields... started life as a soldier.. spent some time in law enforcement.. then progressed into "security contracting"... which ultimately led me to corporate positions in the defense services industry... I now run a mid-market...
  24. mdwest


    Excellent link. Thanks for sharing! Well worth the 5-7 minute read..
  25. mdwest


    I think its already largely forgotten.. and its only Wednesday... This time around the administration is moving so quickly on so many things at once neither the media or the D's can keep up.. just about the time they get good and fired up about something or make an attempt to bring national...
  26. mdwest

    "Lighter Politics" Humour

  27. mdwest

    "Lighter Politics" Humour

    AOC memes never get old... :)
  28. mdwest

    DSC Update from the CEO

    For those into stogies, Crowned Heads is located in Nashville.. John and Mike, the founders/owners are great guys.. personable and super welcoming... Call them and ask to take a tour of their place.. My guess one of them would personally guide the tour and offer you a couple of smokes and a nice...
  29. mdwest

    "Lighter Politics" Humour

  30. mdwest

    "Lighter Politics" Humour

  31. mdwest

    "Lighter Politics" Humour

  32. mdwest

    Your 2025 Hunt Plans?

    We're headed to New Zealand in about 3 weeks.. wife will be chasing tahr.. if time permits, I'll go for a red stag.. South Africa in September to attend a PH course.. while there we'll also do a little hunting.. probably a few culls to donate meat to a local orphanage we support, and maybe a...
  33. mdwest


    You guys are way off the mark on American culture heros… George Floyd Trayvon Martin Colin Kapernick Dylan Mulvaney Lia Thomas These are the people the media and our politicians tell us we should emulate and herald…
  34. mdwest

    DSC Update from the CEO

    I think you have several problems with a DC show.. While it would be good (potentially) for political exposure.. it would be terrible for exhibitors I think.. People hate DC far more than they hate Atlanta as a general rule.. Its congested, with horrible traffic.. the hotels and restaurants in...
  35. mdwest

    DSC Update from the CEO

    at about 17 minutes he states that Kay Bailey still plans to be demolished and be unavailable after the World Cup... That is absolutely untrue.. SCI has already booked TTHA at Kay Bailey through 2030.. my understanding is they NEVER said they were demolishing the current facility.. they are...
  36. mdwest


    Policy, yes.. I could agree with that.. Signal is a reasonably secure resource (at least more secure than telegram, WhatsApp, and most of its common competitors).. Im not sure what this group was talking about was strictly a matter of policy though...
  37. mdwest


    We're saying the same thing... Gabbard and Vance both would be aware of NIPR, SIPR, and other less known systems that are in place for the sharing of sensitive information.. in their positions in the military (even with Vance being a low ranking enlisted guy and Gabbard being an MP guardsman)...
  38. mdwest


    The right wing press seems to be speculating that Waltz is at fault and that his head might roll soon over it..
  39. mdwest


    The guy at the Atlantic is a well established Trump Administrator hater… he’s feigning like he’s been a do gooder in this affair… he is not.. there’s no way he wasn’t going to purposefully take advantage of this opportunity when it fell like mana from heaven into his lap… Which leads me back to...
  40. mdwest


    The stink definitely isn’t on the journalist… The only question I have is whether this was an intentional act (clearly a stupid one… whatever positive purpose intended has clearly backfired)… or it was an accidental act (also clearly stupid.. since there are far better tools at the disposal of...
  41. mdwest

    DSC Update from the CEO

    I’m going to add a caveat… We need critter clubs that demonstrate integrity, honesty, transparency, and a commitment to the things we provide them money and time to support.. We don’t need another Wayne LaPierre run NRA… if Wayne’s in charge I’ll divert my money and time to organizations more...
  42. mdwest


    Like most things, there is culpability on all sides.. How Canada managed the past couple of decades is reprehensible on the defense front.. And the tactics now being employed by the US to try to get Canada to comply with its commitment leaves a lot to be desired.. I just find it amazing...
  43. mdwest

    Help! I need a new outfitter

    What country? What are the target species? and if you find a new outfitter, will anything you've done so far be transferrable? or are you starting back at square one? For what its worth, a good friend of mine owns a farm just a few miles down the road from Wytheville.. his son does quite a bit...
  44. mdwest

    DSC Update from the CEO

    Dallas and Houston are about equally bad honestly in terms of being spread out.. Houston metro is +/- 10,000 Sq Miles.. Dallas metro is 9,300... but DFW is growing north and west at a faster rate than Houston is growing "outward".. give it just 5-10 more years and they'll be identical in land...
  45. mdwest


    I think everything that is driving the NATO discussion was stated in the first 60 seconds of that video.. NATO wants to complain about the US saying it wont protect it in accordance with Article 5.. But has over and over and over again failed to meet its obligation to spend the agreed amount...
  46. mdwest


    Im not convinced this wasnt done on purpose.. (who knows what that purpose would be).. Signal/Whatsapp/telegram/etc isn't how classified information is shared among defense (and other) government officials.. even at the lowest level.. there are multiple govt systems in place where "chat...
  47. mdwest


    taking a short anytime between about Dec 15-30th was a smart move.. anyone watching the market knew that ALL stocks were going to fall and all the silliness associated with Musk was going to have a short term negative impact.. and at that point there had been 3+ months of explosive gains that...
  48. mdwest


    Which also points to what Elon has said time and time again (and his actions have proven this to be true as well).. Its no longer about money... He could give two damns if he never made another penny... he has enough in liquid assets that he could literally never spend in multiple...
  49. mdwest


    Tesla stock and all of the associated outrage is much ado about nothing.. Its merely a time to buy.. Tesla isn't going away.. in a year those who are buying right now will make a small fortune.. On Sept 24th, 2024 Tesla was trading at $254 a share.. Today, exactly 6 months later... its...