Search results

  1. mark-hunter

    I met someone from the internet (and didn't get murdered!!)

    Good for you! But keep in mind: its never too late. ;) Thats a joke!
  2. mark-hunter

    Snake taxidermied in South Africa and imported to the US?

    In 2017, first week of September I met cape cobra and black mamba sun shining on dusty road. Cape cobra would be fairly easy shot, but PH did not let me shoot. If I did, I certainly would ask for option to send a skin home.
  3. mark-hunter

    New Safari Ammo Product Line

    Do you plan export to EU countries? I couldn find any dealer list on your web site. Welcome to AH!
  4. mark-hunter

    Member Category Assignment

    Politics thread is the worst on the forum, and it has this "join the dark side, my son" appeal. Plus many other crap. I must admit, I get dragged there by gravity on occasion and in my weak moments. Like the Borg alien syndrome from Star Track. Some interesting threads hunting related have...
  5. mark-hunter

    Member Category Assignment

    Number of posts, category assigned automatically. Similar system is on other forums, as well.
  6. mark-hunter

    Snake taxidermied in South Africa and imported to the US?

    Asian version, of a tequila worm!
  7. mark-hunter

    Does the price of ammo impact your choice of a rifle caliber

    I consider following: Availability of ammo. Velocity of bullet. Equation with these two variables:: If bullet is high spped, then I beleive it will require exclusively premium ammo. (Nosler and moose story) This for me annules rare high speed magnums from my choice. And when i come down to...
  8. mark-hunter

    Snake taxidermied in South Africa and imported to the US?

    The only snake I ever saw on a trophy package list in Africa, was a rock python offered as B class animal in Cameroon. I wonder if anybody has exported it home? Other snakes shot by hunters on this forum, appear not to be exported or taxidermized. On this topic, I think we need to seek advice...
  9. mark-hunter

    Browning Love?

    I have Browning B525 shotgun, I wouldnt change it for anything. In my clay shooting club, they swear on Browning shotguns, as the best and most durable shotguns. But Browning rifles are not overly present in my local hunting community. Recently I came in touch with and A bolt, that a friend of...
  10. mark-hunter

    American Standards For Commercially Manufactured Sporting Ammunition

    SPCE in 30-06 and Soft point in 9.3x62. I dont know exactly the year, but it was in last 5 to 7 years. (Changes noticed after 2017)
  11. mark-hunter

    American Standards For Commercially Manufactured Sporting Ammunition

    I havent seen that in European commercial ammo manufacture, either. Sellier & Bellot had one lot of steel jacket, then next on copper (or other alloy), without any notice, for same bullet types. I would say, it happens and the market (end users) has no control over it, except to complain when it...
  12. mark-hunter

    Where to move to?

    I would like to offer Croatia. Friendly gun laws (For European standard - definition, no limit on quantity of guns to own, besides bolt actions, you can buy semiauto ar15 or pistols, etc... these are good gun laws for European standard of gun hate frenzy), and 12 months per year of hunting...
  13. mark-hunter

    LVPO question for a DG rifle

    My preference to DG scope, is to have some size of front bell. The reason is better light transmission, because you never know when you will make the critical shot. So, my choice for DG rifle is 1.7-10x42 Swarovski Z6. I did take buffalo mid day, so light transmission for that occasion was not...
  14. mark-hunter

    Hello from Russia!

    Welcome to the forum!
  15. mark-hunter

    A First Timers Guide to Buffalo

    it was well made video! I am sorry it was removed.
  16. mark-hunter

    Scope Reliability

    From cheap to expensive, I never had a failure of rifle scope, from 0.17 air rifle, up to 375 hh, dg rifle and everything in between. Some scopes stay zeroed for years, some i rezero frequently due to any reason.
  17. mark-hunter


    I take. All small gear, camera, first aid, water, etc goes there.
  18. mark-hunter

    What does everyone do with boar or warthog tusks to prevent splitting?

    Candle wax, or normal silicone. All ok. I also have one pair of tusks, never filled with anything, and in good shape for all these years. I wonder if filling is really necessary?
  19. mark-hunter

    A First Timers Guide to Buffalo

    I agree to this! The CRF was test proven for trench war condition, unlike other exclusively sporting rifle types. The question is how tough do we push our sporting rifles? Not many are dragged through mud. (I pamper mine all the time, oily rag baths, ;) etc) The point is modern sporting rifle...
  20. mark-hunter

    A First Timers Guide to Buffalo

    I shot my first cape buffalo, just like 6 months ago. (so I am not an expert) But your narrative is mirroring most of the path I took, till I got to that buff. Great video! Really well done! But, man! "Only a controlled round feed action is appropriate"... You cannot speak like that! Now you...
  21. mark-hunter

    AHR upgrades: safety

    Correct. I was not sure of exact word, I used translation. Heat treating to harden.
  22. mark-hunter


    I can understand your point: but my approach to the subject is you can not be overgunned in Africa, but also I dont know your local areas specifics, and what animals are around.
  23. mark-hunter


    Do you have any DG trespassing your property? Lions, leopards, elephants? Are you willing to assist local community or neighbors in problem animal control? Do you have a meaningful supply of ammo in local gun shop? And in what calibers? Does Tanzania have any limits in quantity of firearms to be...
  24. mark-hunter

    AHR upgrades: safety

    That was the purpose of my post, to collect all info. (y) Tempered or non tempered remains the question.
  25. mark-hunter

    Thoughts on the CZ 600 Series?

    I am also CZ fan, but its becoming like historian. I have ZKK 602 (vintage 1985) 375 HH, CZ 452 - 22lr, and customized CZ75B (Sport 2) 9mm - long slide 6'' bbl, for bulls eye shooting. Older models are just fantastic. With 452 I won few medals on 100 meters competition. Same as with my 75 on 25...
  26. mark-hunter

    Thoughts on the CZ 600 Series?

    This will not happen. But I would be supportive as well!
  27. mark-hunter

    The Future Dangerous Game Guns and Ammo Thread

    Of course it is. ;) Because Holland and Holland, Rigby, Westley Richards and the likes produce CRF exclusively, besides their double rifles. So, it will remain like this for some time now. Blaser will in time become more often choice then CRF, for sure.
  28. mark-hunter

    The Future Dangerous Game Guns and Ammo Thread

    It will be interesting to see if major factories will continue production of lead ammo for safari hunters? But in any case, Sellier&Bellot has premium exergy bullet, and there are other variants of monolithic bullets with other factories, that just need to be produced in appropriate calibers...
  29. mark-hunter

    The Future Dangerous Game Guns and Ammo Thread

    You forgot the modern safari champion. Blaser R8. Heym express, bolt action DWM Mauser 98 Then, Zastava m70 - maybe. They still offer in catalogues rifles M70 in 375 and 458, but I havent seen them new in local shops for some time. Maybe they stopped production. Zastava USA is heavily...
  30. mark-hunter

    Go Pro

    I took it for buffalo hunt last year, and found it not usable. Too large field of view for me. Finally I kept it in my bag for the duration of the hunt. Actual footage of buffalo hunt we made by mobile phone, as it makes much easier zoom options for the person using it. If I am on the rifle, I...
  31. mark-hunter

    AHR upgrades: safety

    For those who may know: Is the safety from AHR (American hunting rifles) company for CZ 550 or ZKK 602, made of steel or inox? If made of steel, does it need tempering or similar procedure before installation?
  32. mark-hunter

    DSC thread Deleted

    The original thread seamed interesting. But it was longish. So I decided then, to read in peace when I have some time (like now), and then it was deleted. Thats just too bad.
  33. mark-hunter

    New York “Big 5” Trophy Ban Sails Through Committee with Complete Disregard for African Conservation Efforts and Self-Determination

    Hmmm? Cape buffalo is not on any endangered species list, and they put it on big 5 ban? Recently I wrote somewhere on the forum, that "big 5" is obsolete term. Now it has backfired.
  34. mark-hunter


    I confirm this. You defined the problem in two sentences! I have been to more then 60 countries of the world. Many third world countries, first impressions: I dont know about CO2 emmitions (or how to measure CO2 myself), but I have seen plastic everywhere. On canals, on road sides, in rivers, in...
  35. mark-hunter

    What is going on with tipping culture in the hunting industry?

    What is overall opinion on tipping after unsuccessful hunt? This subject was not much covered in famous tipping thread. I am divided on that.
  36. mark-hunter

    What is going on with tipping culture in the hunting industry?

    I agree. Dump the price of hunt, increase "expectations" in tipping. It is just a marketing policy. When considering the tipping and the values: i always check average salary for a specific country. USA average salary is 6228 $ per month (74.738 $ per year), or 207.6 $ per day. Anyway I turn...
  37. mark-hunter

    Capes destroyed and useless

    Nothing much you can do. What you get, you get. Horns are most important. To have maximum damage control of your original taxidermy plan: try to work out with taxidermy shop to send you again other capes on maximum discount, yes it will cost again. Or, to buy capes locally in the states. yes...
  38. mark-hunter

    EU ammo lead ban updates

    I wish I could shoot so much to even consider a risk of lead poisoning!:(
  39. mark-hunter

    O'Conner vs Keith (Small & Fast vs Big & Slow) - Which is Best?

    Both are effective for hunting: is so far in majority of opinions. (I selected heavy and slow) I think that both types to be effective is under condition of using quality bullet. My choice was under assumption of using classic soft point bullet. Cup and core. But, yes, if using premium bullet...
  40. mark-hunter


    Later edition of ZKK 602, 375 that I have has an inlet in stock forend, and connecting screw. Price of this is barrel that is not free floating. (old fashion design) I was entertaining myself to install crossbolts and make free floating barrel. But the gusnmith suggested not to do, and rifle has...
  41. mark-hunter


    I am following this debate with interest. Mind, first, in politics there is no like, or dislike, there is only articulated and defined interest. Secondly there is no historic permanent evidence of liking or disliking between America and Russia. But i will come to that later. I met in drilling...
  42. mark-hunter

    Range issues

    Him. he was wrong. If the rifle is pointed at target, and range is hot. And person on the rifle aims to target he can squeeze the trigger anyway he likes (or being coached to do). But arguable people are everywhere, you can find them everywhere. I dont see any common range safety rules being...
  43. mark-hunter


    Many times! (y) I am not surprised any more!
  44. mark-hunter


    Red Leg, American govt, influencing political movements in foreign countries? Somehow, I think it has happened before. There is only an overnight change in US politics, that one can find a bit surprising. BTW, reading news daily, everyday, there is always something that I cannot believe I read...
  45. mark-hunter

    Has Sako stopped producing their big bore ammo?

    Development of hunting bullets of controlled expansion is challenging. I would be happy if they just start loading other factory bullets for big bores.
  46. mark-hunter

    Has Sako stopped producing their big bore ammo?

    This is good news for Hornady and Norma!
  47. mark-hunter

    MY biggest questions

    I think at least 80-85% of clients got to Namibia and South Africa, and better half of them to South Africa. Reason is economic pricing, gun friendly and hunter friendly place, easy paperwork and well run in trophy shipping routes. Thus, majority of videos will be from those two countries, and...
  48. mark-hunter

    MY biggest questions

    Farms vs ranches. In my opinion, it is the same. ranch is American term, and farm can be used as well as American term. In Africa, it s farm, game farm, or cattle farm. I never heard any locals speaking about ranches. Fences. many times discussed. For those who dont mind, there are fences. This...
  49. mark-hunter


    I think the idea is stability in international relations, with trade agreements. Also, Russians will think twice before attacking American engineers and industry expat professionals. (they would not think twice on engaging army in current war conditions in Ukraine) Remember Captain Phillips...
  50. mark-hunter

    Best calibre for Giraffe

    I would use 375 H&H, 375 Ruger, 338 win mag, 9.3x62, 9.3x64. But I dont know if I am to be considered "sensible" in this modern Creedmoor world.