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  1. michael458

    45-70 dangerous game?

    Much of the appeal of 45/70 for many, is not so much the cartridge, but the rifles which come chambered in the 45/70.........I am talking the Lever Guns. Many Americans grew up watching Cowboy and Western Movies, lever guns were the rifles of choice in those days. Many Americans grew up with...
  2. michael458

    45-70 dangerous game?

    Brian........ North Fork has been my favorite Premium Expanding for some time now, they are superb in all ways, for premium expanding. Some years ago I did a few tests with the 350 North Forks, designed primarily for 45/ different velocities. And the 400 North Forks at a...
  3. michael458

    Colt 1911, market scouting

    @Shootist43 I now understand exactly where you are coming from with the grips! And, I concur with you on this as well. I know "Bullseye" shooters very well, and for the rest of the gentlemen here that do not, know this, Bullseye Shooters are the best there is! A Bullseye Shooter can branch...
  4. michael458

    Colt 1911, market scouting

    I love Ivory, and very partial to Mammoth Ivory because of the various colors, age, cracks and other very unique character. Someone here said that from a functional standpoint ivory was useless? I don't understand that at all, makes no sense to me, my guns feed, function, shoot just as well...
  5. michael458

    45-70 dangerous game?

    I hope that you will rethink this before ever going to the field to put it to practice. Reason being, honestly it is a poor choice. I know, because I did it and it was a poor choice 23 years ago, and its still a poor choice, especially in light that we now have real Super Bullets for 45/70...
  6. michael458

    45-70 dangerous game?

    Very excellent Lance......... Impressive as well. The 325 Lever Solid can be pushed to 2100 fps and stay under 45000 PSI which is fine with the Marlin lever guns, you can push that a little more with a Winchester 1886. As @Tundra Tiger has shown, the 325 Lever Solid is more than adequate for...
  7. michael458

    Colt 1911, market scouting

    I suppose I am going to have to bore you with more 1911 Porn, the above post was getting photo heavy.......... I hope I don't bore you guys too much.............. This is perhaps one of the finest handguns I have ever owned. It is a very early production Kimber stainless gun. It is an...
  8. michael458

    Colt 1911, market scouting

    I currently own 24 Colt 1911 handguns, all Colt, all made before 1980. Series 70 guns, Commercial, and 1911s made in 1967-1968. I very much prefer the older Colts, where they paid attention to quality. I do not own any Colts made after 1980. I am also a Kimber fan if you are going to...
  9. michael458

    Scope Reliability

    Hi Clodo........ No, sorry never dealt with the Nikon 30mm scopes................. Being 30mm I never had any interest. No thanks needed nor required, glad I could help and happy all is working out. You are very welcome. The 450 #13 Solid is "The #1 for .458"............. Have used it many...
  10. michael458

    Scope Reliability

    I Have always used Leupold QRW Rings and bases.................. Always happy to assist and pleased it helps.........
  11. michael458

    The Penetration Capability of the 416 Rigby

    Not opinion, Fact. Cup Points, Woodleigh Hydro, Lehigh Extreme are all examples of; Limited Penetration Solids Cup Points have large concave noses, or meplats. In surface area meplat size is actually increased, in relation to its caliber. When my friend John owned part of North Fork, on...
  12. michael458

    The Penetration Capability of the 416 Rigby

    .416 Caliber Solids......... this is our discussion and depth of penetration............. Good Morning Mark and group........ .416 is an odd duck when evaluating Solid Terminal Performance. For the heavies I am not so much of a 416 caliber fan, I much prefer .458 to .500, and throw in .510...
  13. michael458

    Bullet yaw in this Youtube video

    There are 8 Absolute Known Factors for Solid Penetration and are as follows in Order of Importance..... #1 Meplat Percentage of Caliber Meplats that attain 65% Meplat of Caliber are terminally stable.... Above 70% Meplat bullets remain stable, however depth of penetration begins to decrease...
  14. michael458

    Bullet yaw in this Youtube video

    Mark is correct on this point, a bullet is not 100% stable as it leaves the muzzle, it takes some distance for it to become fully stable, depending on the factors that Mark listed. With the big bore solids in .458 caliber, a faster twist rate helps with this, but still is not fully stable...
  15. michael458

    Scope Reliability

    No, never had one..... can't say anything about them........ Smart. They served me to the extreme on heavy recoiling rifles. Would be hard to duplicate for all the features they offer, size, field of view, eye relief, cost, and of extreme importance, reliability. Yes, you might be able to...
  16. michael458

    Scope Reliability

    Excellent Dave....... I ran into some issues with eyesight last May. I have Macular Degeneration in both eyes, get injections every two months. Last May, my Right eye started leaking, causing a gray blind spot in center of vision. It has cleared a good bit since, and I keep hoping, but I...
  17. michael458

    Scope Reliability

    No. I busted many a Vari X as well............... Most of mine started out as Vari.......then they changed to VX........ not sure what they are now..........I bought a nice little 1X4 Leupold a couple of years ago, I did not need it for a big bore, I put it on a 358 MPG....... something easy...
  18. michael458

    Scope Reliability

    This could be a very long story, so I will try to cut it as short as possible............ First, lets clear the air a bit, I do not like 30mm Scopes....... they are too big, too bulky, too heavy for my tastes, and even my guns......... Most 30mm Scopes it is my belief they are a bit tougher...
  19. michael458

    Cost for Me To Take The Big 5

    I hate Leopards, and I hate people that get one on the first try too...................And it happens, just not to me........ I spent over 70 nights in blinds, over 7 years, with 5 different PHs, in 5 different countries before getting lucky. I have had 3 pals hunt leopard and get them on the...
  20. michael458

    577/500 No. 2 Express

    @flatwater bill , I have never used a bullet in the field that I did not test first. All my tests are done with a wet print mix for over 30 years. After testing Hawks in .416, .458 and .500 I had too many failures to trust them in the field. Now, do take note, this was probably 15+ years...
  21. michael458

    50 alaskan

    I am not trying to change the name! I don't give a rats ass what you want to call it, I call it 51 for my benefit and the benefit of others to know the difference........ Good God.......... The 50 B&M Alaskan is designated B&M......... 50 for .500 caliber........ could have called it 500 B&M...
  22. michael458

    50 alaskan

    Well ...... Of Course, but when you have both, .510 and .500, one needs to designate which is which, so people do not get confused..............also when speaking with common folks it keeps the confusion down. The point is, in 2007 there were about 25 + more bullets available for lever action...
  23. michael458

    50 alaskan

    @Green Chile , over the years I have heard many a tale about some of these lever guns being pushed way way too hard, I commend you for knowing what you were doing, and admitting it afterwards. So many do it, and claim it to be common practice.......... I have a couple of 51 Alaskans. .510...
  24. michael458

    New Life for an Older 458 B&M..............

    A few years ago SSK Industries, JD Jones, sold to David Fricke of Lehigh....... Probably a year after that Fricke decided that now SSK Firearms would no longer build any custom rifles or firearms. They had a contract to build barrels and such for contenders and what have you. Currently there...
  25. michael458

    Showcase your Dangerous Game hunting cartridges

    I was just getting started properly........
  26. Dangerous Game Hunting Cartridges

    Dangerous Game Hunting Cartridges

  27. Dangerous Game Hunting Cartridges

    Dangerous Game Hunting Cartridges

  28. Dangerous Game Hunting Cartridges

    Dangerous Game Hunting Cartridges

  29. Dangerous Game Hunting Cartridges

    Dangerous Game Hunting Cartridges

  30. Dangerous Game Hunting Cartridges

    Dangerous Game Hunting Cartridges

  31. Dangerous Game Hunting Cartridges

    Dangerous Game Hunting Cartridges

  32. Dangerous Game Hunting Cartridges

    Dangerous Game Hunting Cartridges

  33. Dangerous Game Hunting Cartridges

    Dangerous Game Hunting Cartridges

  34. Dangerous Game Hunting Cartridges

    Dangerous Game Hunting Cartridges

  35. Dangerous Game Hunting Cartridges

    Dangerous Game Hunting Cartridges

  36. Dangerous Game Hunting Cartridges

    Dangerous Game Hunting Cartridges

  37. Dangerous Game Hunting Cartridges

    Dangerous Game Hunting Cartridges

  38. Dangerous Game Hunting Cartridges

    Dangerous Game Hunting Cartridges

  39. Dangerous Game Hunting Cartridges

    Dangerous Game Hunting Cartridges

  40. michael458

    New Life for an Older 458 B&M..............

    First my main mission here was to see if I could get the rifle/cartridge at 20 inches viable for the heavies, buffalo, elephant and hippo. This needed to be a 450 Gr #13 CEB Solid at MY minimum of 2150 to 2200 fps. I did that without issue at all.......... I was busy with some other things we...
  41. michael458

    New Life for an Older 458 B&M..............

    Well, if one can ONLY choose ONE Rifle/Cartridge, then I would not really disagree with that statement, you can come out very well with a good ole 458 Winchester and never need for more, or even less....... Did not expect that eh?................. Well, let me tell you a little...
  42. michael458

    The “458 Winchester Magnum, all the cartridge you’ll ever need” thread

    I tested what Nosler called the Ballistic Silvertip some years ago, and it went to hell at a bit over 2300 fps tested in one of my 458 Super Shorts........ I assume this Ballistic tip is very similar .............. After this test I never loaded anymore of these for anything....... Reduced...
  43. michael458

    The “458 Winchester Magnum, all the cartridge you’ll ever need” thread

    When you leave the "Conventional Confines" of Factory Ammunition, and Enter the Magical World of HandLoading, you can really experience a massive shift of Excellence not only with 458 Winchester, but any cartridge. I can't even imagine having only Factory Ammunition to choose from. You can...
  44. michael458

    The “458 Winchester Magnum, all the cartridge you’ll ever need” thread

    Yes, I would concur with that statement..........100%........... Think about this, much of the time the solid is going to be needed at very close ranges, the quicker you have aerial stability before going terminal, the better off you are going to be. Damn sure can't hurt anything. Twist rates...
  45. michael458

    The “458 Winchester Magnum, all the cartridge you’ll ever need” thread

    OK how about we call a spade a spade.......... Instead of a really nice word, "Meticulous" how about we say Pain In The ASS.......... or can be. Short story..... my Pal Sam and I had been doing extensive research, load data and pressure data and barrel strain data on a 500 NE. So much so...
  46. michael458

    The “458 Winchester Magnum, all the cartridge you’ll ever need” thread

    No apologies needed at all. In fact, it is an excellent question. It was the same question I had when I first started testing bullets some 30 years ago. Let me define the medium and tell you why I decided to use the medium that I use. In the very early years of test work I used straight...
  47. michael458

    The “458 Winchester Magnum, all the cartridge you’ll ever need” thread

    I think it has more to do with stability than SD. I can't recall, but there was something about the 480s, it might have been a slightly smaller meplat, but I am not 100% sure of that right now, its been a few years, forgive me please. But the 480 does present stability issues, I tested it...
  48. michael458

    The “458 Winchester Magnum, all the cartridge you’ll ever need” thread

    Yes, that was our first version with the .600 nose projection......... I don't think there is much difference in the two nose projections beyond .600..... This puts the bubble collapsing behind the base so as to not create drag at .600 or .700...... My thoughts anyway. No, I have never tested...