Search results

  1. Daktari

    Exclusively hunting with Winchester cartridges?

    @Hunter-Habib thank you sir! I'm very thankful to receive advice from someone as knowledgeable as yourself. I was thinking .405 for the lion and leopard and .458 magnum for elephant, rhino, and buffalo. What advantage would the .416 Remington magnum offer compared to the .458?
  2. Daktari

    Exclusively hunting with Winchester cartridges?

    I wanted to know if hunting with Winchester cartridges specifically the Winchester .405 in lever action and Winchester .458 Magnum in bolt action would be effective for Big Five hunting? I am partial to the Winchesters and wanna see if they would get the job done. Also the fact that many double...
  3. Daktari

    Hunting in the Caribbean?

    @grand veneur thank you very much sir! I'm not able to read the regulations due to it being in French but looking at the species available was very interesting. Out of curiosity do the Martinique regulations mention anything about non-French citizens?
  4. Daktari

    Hunting in the Caribbean?

    @grand veneur any additional info on hunting Martinique or Guadalupe? I have not been able to find anything
  5. Daktari

    Hunting in the Caribbean?

    The only legitimate options I've found are Bahamas, Jamaica, Puerto Rico, and Dominican Republic.
  6. Daktari

    Hunting in the Caribbean?

    More info on the dove hunting of the Bahamas:
  7. Daktari

    MG Hunting Argentina....Asian Water Buffalo 2023 Highlights

    @ROCKET @MG Hunting Can species such as Capybara, Puma, and Brocket Deer be exported to the US?
  8. Daktari

    Any other Cheese lovers here?

    Jasper Hill cheese from Vermont is also very good!
  9. Daktari

    Any other Cheese lovers here?

    One of my many culinary delights is cheese. My favorite is Sartori's Merlot flavored cheese. Was curious what everyone's favorite cheeses were?
  10. Daktari

    Got my ivory import permit!

    Beautiful elephant! How heavy was the ivory?
  11. Daktari

    Tanzania vs Zambia?

    My vote would be for Tanzania, being in East Africa opens up a wide variety of sub-species that are unattainable in Southern Africa. Additionally, pairing the species with locations as rich as Masailand and the Selous and being close to iconic landscapes such as Serengeti and Mount Kilimanjaro...
  12. Daktari

    SOUTH AFRICA: Third Hunting Safari With LJ HUNTING SAFARIS

    Very nice animals, love the Nyala
  13. Daktari

    New member from Minnesota

    The .375 is an excellent all round rifle for Africa! We look forward to future hunting reports.
  14. Daktari


    What general area did you get your bird? Mine was west of Lake Okeechobee
  15. Turkey Mount Taxidermy

    Turkey Mount Taxidermy

  16. Daktari

    A Rigby morning stalk

    Beautiful rifle!
  17. Daktari


    @Hunt anything They are an excellent bird to hunt! If you ever want a recommendation for guide give me pm!
  18. Daktari


    My understanding is that they are freeze dried real heads!
  19. Daktari

    Wanted for 2025 in Namibia only

    Do you plan on replica mount for the cheetah? I'm curious of the plans of those who live in countries where it can not be imported.
  20. Daktari

    Any gin drinkers here?

    Ungava Gin from Quebec is very good!
  21. Daktari


    My Osceola is finished! I'm very happy with how he came out and can't wait to have him home.
  22. Daktari

    Fishing Addiction Group

    Just finished a day of fishing in Boca Grande for Tarpon and Goliath Grouper. It was a beautiful day on the water and I ended up bringing a 100 lb tarpon to the boat only for it to get eaten by 2 bull sharks. Unfortunately was not able to snap a picture of it in the chaos. The tarpon bite was...
  23. Daktari

    USA: Florida Swamp Buggy Hog Hunt

    I recently gotten to try an experience that I've wanted to do for a long time, a hog hunt on a swamp buggy. I ended up going with Lightsey Family Ranch by Lake Okeechobee. When I arrived I was completely blown away with their lodge given how big it was and the exceptional trophies! I met up...
  24. Daktari

    New member from Montana

  25. Daktari

    African 29

    With which outfiter if you dont mind sharing? Was that a dart hunt as well?
  26. Daktari

    Winchester "Big Five" 470 Capstick

    Not sure if Richter is trying to be funny or not. :unsure:
  27. Daktari

    African 29

    Congratulations! Was your rhino taken on a dart hunt? Beautiful rhino
  28. Daktari

    Y'all are missing the bigger picture: rhinos move to extinction

    This is a very nuanced issue. One perspective is the important job as conservationists we have to ensure the long time survival of the species. Does CBL help achieve that? It does but only in a limited fashion. Part of any animal breeding program should be "rewilding" efforts and introducing...
  29. Daktari

    It took me a while, but I finally finished it!

    @Milo Congratulations sir! Thats a very impressive accomplishment. You will need to show pictures of the 41 birds mounted :cool:
  30. Daktari

    Big Game Hunting Australia - BIG COUNTRY SAFARIS AUSTRALIA

    Welcome! Can non-residents hunt kangaroos?
  31. Daktari

    Happy Easter!

    Happy Easter!
  32. Daktari

    Free Flights to Africa

    What would you all recommend as the best travel credit card for hunting Africa?
  33. Daktari

    MOZAMBIQUE: Mozambique 2023

    Very nice Safari!
  34. Daktari

    Any place to hunt goats in USA

    @Hunter-Habib is it possible for non-citizens to hunt in your area for Serow?
  35. Daktari

    Trophy Room Build after 45 years of hunting

    Wow that is really gonna be something special! If you dont mind sharing how much does it cost to build a trophy room like this? Not asking for specifics just a ballpark figure please.
  36. Daktari

    Dove Hunt Argentina

    For those that have hunted in Argentina, have you been able to import your bird trophies back to the US?
  37. Daktari

    It took me a while, but I finally finished it!

    Congratulations! Did you go on a guided hunt for the Fulvous?
  38. Daktari

    What do you think of the Winchester .405?

    Those of you who have one please post pictures!
  39. Daktari

    Spain or Portugal 2025

    I recommend trying a driven Monteria style hunt!
  40. Daktari

    Hello from Pennsylvania

    Welcome to the best forum!
  41. Daktari

    New Destinations, Longer Stays: How Travelers Are Embracing Bold Exploration In 2024

    I'm wondering if anyone on the forum has actually had to use services such as Global Rescue and what their experiences were?
  42. Daktari

    What do you think of the Winchester .405?

    What do ya'll think of the Winchester .405 as a African hunting caliber? After learning about Teddy Roosevelt's fascination with it has piqued my interest. How does the caliber measure up to .416 Rigby?
  43. Daktari

    European Bison Prepared By Taxidermist

    Beautiful mount!
  44. Daktari


    Lets go Trump! Beat Nikki in her homestate!
  45. Daktari


    Very nice, the Caprivi is a dream location!
  46. Daktari

    Most Iconic Animal of Oceania?

    Hello everyone what animal do you find to be the most iconic of Oceania? I personally find it to be the Philippine Deer found in the Central Northern Mariana Islands and Guam for hunting. I picked this animal due to its esoteric nature and the fact that it is a truly native Oceanic species...