On my one safari I carried my .280 rem loaded with 160 gr Barnes TSX bullets. My dad carried his 7mm mag loaded with the same bullet. I don’t remember exactly off hand but he had 150-200 fps on my .280 none of the critters noticed up to and including kudu and gemsbok
I have on set of warne steel two piece bases for a Winchester model 70 never mounted $25
One set of Burris Xtreme Tactical two piece bases for a Remington 700 or model 7 $25
Will ship to the CONUS my dime
thanks for the recommendations keep them coming. Going to look into all them.
Not dead set on BC but want a spot and stalk hunt not super interested in sitting over a bait site
I would love a boat based hunt but to be honest based on research I have done to this point I think those will fall a little above where the budget is. Have some flexibility with budget but would like to stay in the 6k or under territory.
Likely looking for a spring hunt but not dead set on...
I am looking to have a custom gun case made with some alligator accents from hides off of alligators me and my son have harvested. I am in the Texas hill country but could ship to maker if needed. I would potentially like a belt and some wallets or other items made as well. The gun case...
Went up for the last weekend of our general season last weekend. No buck for me this year but did get a hog with the ol F-150 on the ride up and the kid hammered another big boar
You own, lease, or do a guided hunt or have very generous friends with access. There is very little public land in Texas that you can hunt mule deer on and the lions share of that will take you 10+ years to draw
Well my son scored on another hill country cull this weekend and his first turkeys a couple of weeks ago
My dad has had some pretty good luck with a Texas mule deer buck and a nice 8 pt whitetail off our central Tx place
Been a pretty busy year for my son with some culls and a few pigs off of several properties we hunt. Maybe he will let dad shoot one before the seasons over
my wife is not much of a pork fan wild or domestic unless it’s bacon, cured ham or sausage so I only process one or two a year and am pretty selective in the ones I clean.
First they have to pass the smell test this means if they stink and can be smelled from a distance as you are walking up...
Well with hunting season winding down for the most part it’s time to knock the cobwebs off the boat.
As always had a few minor repairs before the first outing last week ended up with a nice mixed bag of spotted seatrout, bull reds and sheepshead
Man duck out for a spring break trip to the coast I missed a lot in that week. Let’s carry this on and I will dig around I know I have more stuff collecting dust.
Up is a full Lee die set for 257 Roberts. With full length sizing die, seating die, crimp die and shell holder. I have personally never used these dies might as well give them a good home
My son shot this 6.5 yr old managment buck tonight. Bringing in the new year with a bang. Used his howa mini action in 6.5 Grendel loaded with 100 grain Barnes TTSX
It’s really a pretty simple process. We start with the curing brine.
Curing brine is 1 part country sugar cure to 4 parts distilled water mix the water and cure till all is dissolved (don’t heat) and place in the fridge to keep cool. For this batch we did 1 lb of cure to 4 lbs of water...
This weekend we stayed home and hunted a property close to the house that we shoot does and culls on.
Saturday was pretty uneventful and this morning (Sunday) the boy was tired and wanted to sleep in so dad went solo and had a group of pigs invade the feeder so I had to defend it and dropped...
We do all of our own between the family we tend to process 15+ deer each year. As they are shot we skin quarter and age. What is typically our drink fridge gets relegated to this duty. We will package and freeze all scrap for grind during the season and then break out the grinder after the...
Just realized while looking back at this thread that I failed to post the picture of my sons buck from opening weekend on our annual father son hunt with a group of my long time (high school and before) friends
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