Search results

  1. Peter Radekevich

    The perfect Buffalo Medicine

    That is an absolutely gorgeous R8. What level of wood?
  2. Peter Radekevich

    Good Gun Deals This Week

    Very useful
  3. Peter Radekevich

    How many people have a 35 whelen?

    It’s a .35 Whelen wrapped in pastry
  4. Peter Radekevich

    In memoriam - Of A Fellow Forum Member @Major Khan Whom I Both Greatly Admired & Loathed

    RIP Major. I enjoyed reading his stories. HH, you are a rare man who is willing to take responsibility for your actions and not place all the blame on the other party. You have my great respect
  5. Peter Radekevich

    Von Gruff #942

    Sweet knife. What sheath did you get for it?
  6. Peter Radekevich

    Recommendation for a good performing 9.3X62?

    Apparently also overlooked by Blaser.
  7. Peter Radekevich

    The Great Lion Killer

  8. Peter Radekevich

    How many people have a 35 whelen?

    Ruger Hawkeye.35 Whelen. Got it NIB about 6 weeks ago. Due to family health issues it has not been fired yet. Hopefully in the next couple weeks Pete
  9. Peter Radekevich

    An African Dilemma......Hmmm....What to Use?

    I would take 2 and 6 (but I’d put a nice wood stock on 6 lol) but that’s jus me
  10. Peter Radekevich

    Guns through Chicago?

    Just get a bunch of gang tattoos. Then you can open carry in Chicago
  11. Peter Radekevich

    Purchases On AH References

    +1 for @Heavyload. Easy and fast
  12. Peter Radekevich

    30 Cal, 338 Cal & 35 Cal Bullets For Sale

    Mine as well. Thanks @Heavyload
  13. Peter Radekevich

    30 Cal, 338 Cal & 35 Cal Bullets For Sale

    I’ll take the .35 cal Accubonds
  14. Peter Radekevich

    Officially a .35 Whelen Acolyte

    Thanks. Now the trick is finding powder and primers. I’m on the “notify me” list at every place I could find
  15. Peter Radekevich

    Officially a .35 Whelen Acolyte

    That’s a good question. You should start a thread to get a headcount lol
  16. Peter Radekevich

    Officially a .35 Whelen Acolyte

    Thanks. Seems like a pretty nice gun in a caliber I’ve been interested in for some 35 yesrs but never owned
  17. Peter Radekevich

    Officially a .35 Whelen Acolyte

    Meant to post this in the “up to .375” forum but I don’t know how to move it
  18. Peter Radekevich

    Officially a .35 Whelen Acolyte

    Here is my new to me and NIB Ruger 77 Hawkeye in .35 Whelen. Thanks to @Warpig602 fir the scope. Got some ammo coming but it will be a few weeks before I can get it to the range
  19. Peter Radekevich


    It’s a great site. I’m happy to be a supporting member
  20. Peter Radekevich

    ZIMBABWE: Of Cigars, Leopards & Cape Buffalo

    Extremely well written and a superb adventure. Congratulations!
  21. Peter Radekevich

    Newbie from New Mexico

    Welcome to AH! I lived in Las Cruces back around 2000. Loved it!!
  22. Peter Radekevich

    Your 3 favorite hunting cartridges of all time

    Cfe223 and primers as well as dies are like unobtanium right now. I’ll be taking it for a test run with some Hornady 200 grain super formance or whatever they call them. Stay tuned
  23. Peter Radekevich

    Bob Nelson convinced me - 35 Whelen

    My Ruger Hawkeye in .35 Whelen will arrive at my FFL tomorrow. Proud to say I do not, and never have, owned a .243
  24. Peter Radekevich

    Your 3 favorite hunting cartridges of all time

    I beat you to it. My Ruger Hawkeye in .35 Whelen arrives at my FFL tomorrow. I’ll be harassing Bob soon about load advice
  25. Peter Radekevich

    In memoriam - Bruce Moulds has passed away

    Prayers. I always enjoyed his commentary. He will be missed
  26. Peter Radekevich

    Want To Buy Ruger M77 MKII Express Rifle 30/06

    I’d rate that in the “it should be mine” category
  27. Peter Radekevich

    Purchases On AH References

    I think it’s a great idea to have a reference page. I along with Para45 was scammed by Chickenfarmers. I have had great transactions with Fgold67, Scoober78 and Warpig602
  28. Peter Radekevich

    SOUTH AFRICA: My first African Hunt With Hartzview Hunting Safaris

    Been to Buffalo a lot. Great little town also. Played golf at Powderhorn
  29. Peter Radekevich

    SOUTH AFRICA: My first African Hunt With Hartzview Hunting Safaris

    Do you live in Sheridan. I lived there until I had to come to Florida to care for my Mom who has late stage dementia. I loved Sheridan Pete
  30. Peter Radekevich

    For Sale Leupold VX3HD

    Well, I bought one from you and now my girlfriends son wants one so if it’s still available I’ll take it
  31. Peter Radekevich

    For Sale Winchester Model 70 Super Grade .30-06

    It is a great group of guys. Just the reactions to this incident proves that. I guess it makes it easier for a good scammer to worm his way in and take advantage though
  32. Peter Radekevich

    For Sale Winchester Model 70 Super Grade .30-06

    I’m the other guy he scammed and the post above says it perfectly!
  33. Peter Radekevich

    Your 3 favorite hunting cartridges of all time

    Mine are very close: .257 Roberts .300 H&H .375 H&H
  34. Peter Radekevich

    For Sale Winchester Model 70 Super Grade .30-06

    This one may be facing the same fate. Who did your conversion?
  35. Peter Radekevich

    For Sale Reloading Room Purge

    I’ll take the .30-06 brass if available please
  36. Peter Radekevich

    Pistol (Mostly) Reloading Supplies Want To trade

    I would be interested in buying the .30-06 dies. Please let me know how much you’re asking
  37. Peter Radekevich

    Hornady Interlock 30 Cal Bullets For Sale

    I’ll take these
  38. Peter Radekevich

    Winchester 70 Featherweight For Sale

    Could you send me pics please?