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  1. Leopard Hunting

    Leopard Hunting

  2. ActionBob

    Any love for the federal terminal ascent?

    The tend to be heavy for caliber and that is exactly what my Kimber Mountain Accent 300 WSM loves. Also have a lightweight custom 280 AI that I've had the best results out of with those 155 grain. I had been scrounging them a box or two at a time. Good to hear they're available;)
  3. ActionBob

    Cost for Me To Take The Big 5

  4. ActionBob

    SOUTH AFRICA: Back From Safari #2

    Congratulations on another great trip. Lots of good trophies for both of you! Really cool that you added the extra side trips. Can we anticipate a report and pictures of those?
  5. ActionBob

    Cost for Me To Take The Big 5

    Bingo! Having done some of all the above, no you don't see as much area but when you go on that 21 day full bag hunt... What a hunt! Research it well. It messes up a hundred grand pretty well;) But compare to doing seperate hunts, leopard separately, with bait you will likely spend...
  6. ActionBob

    Cost for Me To Take The Big 5

    May as well post the rest of my Big 5. Real Tusks hanging in Afton House. And the replicas and their hand carved bases. Buffalo
  7. ActionBob

    Cost for Me To Take The Big 5

    South African lion Tanzania Rhino Mozambique leopard
  8. ActionBob

    New Lipseys M77 .35 Whelen

    Because it is a limited run ordered by the distributor.
  9. ActionBob

    Where to move to?

    Sheep to me at least seem quite specialized in the US. Cattle are much more widespread. Of course very capital heavy investment. Especially now with cattle prices what they are. It seems to me that appraisal work, especially agricultural, is also very specialized so a great field of work if you...
  10. ActionBob

    Where to move to?

    I believe Tennessee and South Dakota mostly make up for no State Income tax by staying out of people's business. In other words less services. Then there is sales and at lease in south Dakota, use tax. The sales tax in SD is really no higher than many other places.... but it is charged on more...
  11. ActionBob

    Dangerous game safari info

    Having done a traditional tracking hunt and having a good friend do the night hunt.... although he shot it in daylight. But listening to him it would not be my first choice. More of a cull than a hunt.
  12. ActionBob


    WTH it's not our fault the Europeans can't get along with each other and start wars that devastated their continent! It is also worth noting that we got droves of largely uneducated immigrants from Europe and Asia. And we are largely a country of hybrids from intermarried base stock of European...
  13. ActionBob

    Dangerous game safari info

    I did trelephant in Zimbabwe on my second trip to Africa. It was in November 2014 right after the Obama Administration put the ban on imports of ivory from Zimbabwe, Mozambique and Tanzania. The cost for a trophy hunt dropped from $37,000 to $20,000. It was a fantastic experience. Roasted and...
  14. ActionBob


    Yea, so what? I recall having such conversations at the feed store. Hell still do! I do not have a high school diploma and the only time I've ever stepped foot into a college classroom was to teach a class on marketing. Maybe that's why I'm unemployable? Although I did have a job for 2 months...
  15. ActionBob


    I suspect that is a universal trait World wide ...
  16. ActionBob


    Sounds like a family problem. Go DOGE on him and cut him off!
  17. ActionBob

    Dangerous game safari info

    Where do you plan to go? It sounds like you want a great hunt at a great price..... Look towards Zimbabwe;) And yes avoid that whole by the inch thing. Find a hunt where you take the best you can find and go in an area known to have what interests you. Especially on buffalo. I've only hunted...
  18. ActionBob


    No that doesn't typically work out. Only working hard rarely cuts it. You have to work hard and smart. Understand leverage and take risk..... A lot more to it than this. Most people spend to much. Take the wrong kind of risk. If you want to start a business you need to stay too broke to be able...
  19. ActionBob


    I travel around and am astounded by the plethora of opportunities available. People are just lazy and/or lack ambition, tenacity, and creativity;)
  20. ActionBob


    Everyone has opportunities. Few fully investigate, take risk, and go for it! Yes of course other places have opportunities. At least if they have Capitalism.
  21. ActionBob


    Phil i think you may need too polite to say it, but we determined after 2 World wars started in Europe within one generation that we could not leave Europe to it's own devices. Lest we be pulled in yet again. So we became the World Police.... Admittedly not always doing the best job of it...
  22. ActionBob


    On the first part, yes. And that is exactly what the Democrat party of Biden and Harris looks like! We were precariously close to going exactly there! On the second part of your reply to fail to mention that Everyone has the Opportunity to succeed. This is The American Way! It is the only...
  23. ActionBob


    I was referring to Socialism in the way the NAZI's used it. Not Communism as you reference. I don't view them being completely one and the same.... Although i do believe many of our self branded Socialists or Democratic Socialists.... would really rather have all out Communism.
  24. ActionBob


    But they called themselves National Socialists. And didn't Hitler gain that power using some significant Socislist programs?
  25. ActionBob


    Just had these discussions with a group of bankers. A lot of focus on the 10 year and the forward curve of the short term rates.
  26. ActionBob


    I can only take so much politics so come and go on this thread;) Not sure if I'm caught up on the issues but yea, Canadians are VERY protective of their dairy quota system. It heavily restricts how much milk a Canadian Dairy Farmer can produce.... I think that has been figured out already...
  27. ActionBob

    Capes destroyed and useless

    This in far too many cases! And it goes farther than Africa.
  28. ActionBob

    Capes destroyed and useless

    Exactly what I was talking about. Different priorities and options for every person and individual situation.
  29. ActionBob

    Capes destroyed and useless

    All has been true but your number 1. Is extremely variable and has recently turned false. It all "depends". On our hunt last year we met 4 guys on their first hunt and they were going all out! One guy was a taxidermist and he was having all his critters done in South Africa because it was so...
  30. ActionBob

    Reloading Bench

    On sale this weekend at Harbor Frieght. Requires assembly, is pretty heavy and easy to screw or bold things to. Intended as a wood working bench with a wood vice. @Just Gina likes it so much she got one for her craft room.
  31. ActionBob

    Capes destroyed and useless

    That's some bold statements;) There are always risks! I had a large crate of finished mounts that got delayed just prior to covid and missed it's ride. So it sat and shipping rates tripled. Ended up shipping it ocean freight but then got stung with some ridiculous dock fees and they tried to...
  32. ActionBob

    F.A.I.R rifles feedback

    I wouldn't waste any money on another one. Thankfully got rid of the one i had. I had the single trigger model. It doubled on me twice. And didn't regulate at all well. Especially for a medium bore gun and what you may want to shoot. It looked great so would be wonderful hanging over a small...
  33. ActionBob


    Yes this really did hurt most! I still think a lot of the rise in the stock market was adjusting for inflation. Especially with companies that have a lot of hard assets. Exceptions abound of course... But markets went up and buying power dropped precipitously. I'm quite sure Trump's First...
  34. ActionBob


    I've got to agree with that! I only wish he had stopped during Covid at Hydroxycloride and not gone into chlorine in the blood. Although this really changed my personal opinion of Zelinsky for the worse. I guess we all see it a little differently. Gina and I watched the whole thing a couple...
  35. ActionBob

    Cost for Me To Take The Big 5

    The cold shouldn't be a problem as long as you are geared up properly and follow some common sense. Don't take a deep breath through your mouth. Be very careful of exposed skin. No pissing in the wind;) The thing that worries me is that I don't want to be put in one of those damned sleds...
  36. ActionBob

    Cost for Me To Take The Big 5

    I found a picture of my lion done by Kanati. But it is a real skin mount.
  37. ActionBob

    Cost for Me To Take The Big 5

    I think their Polar Bears are outstanding! Tempted to do that myself;)
  38. ActionBob

    Cost for Me To Take The Big 5

    After I got them home I discovered a lower cost option that did every bit as good work. However I was very pleased with the lion and lechwe, there are pics on here somewhere;) The hyena i gave them artistic license and they did it sneeking around the corner towards the lion. So great concept...
  39. ActionBob

    Cost for Me To Take The Big 5

    I paid about $12,000 for a real lion/dead lechwe and a hyena done by Kanati around about 9 years ago. Recently paid closer to $9000 just for my Tanzania lion with a different taxidermist.
  40. ActionBob


    Not that I know anything about defense other than as a Nation we need to remain strong and on the cutting edge... But isn't there a history lesson regarding the Navy and Airpower/carriers? Wasn't the most important and powerful Impliment of Military Strength and projection of power around the...
  41. ActionBob


    Joe i just don't understand this line of thinking in the middle of your comments. If we agree that the defense of Europe is in our Nation interest, how is it not important to us that Europe does as much as possible to defend itself? Especially if we are picking up any slack? Less slack = less...
  42. ActionBob


    I would say you are mostly correct. I do believe a lot of Mortgages are based on the 30yr. But yes a lot of business loans are based on the 10yr.
  43. ActionBob


    I believe you are correct on this. If anything you may be giving an abbreviated description of the 10 year importance. I don't have an MBA at all, nor any other degrees. But I do deal with the finance of our businesses all the time. And the 10 year is very important to both our long term and...
  44. ActionBob


    Yea that would be great but I don't think it's going to happen;) Trump is going to continue being Trump. I do believe he is very open to becoming more informed but on camera in his own house is not the time nor the place.
  45. ActionBob


    But it does when our National interest includes sound fiscal management.
  46. ActionBob


    No please don't! I cannot hope to keep up with all this the way it is. You comments regarding transparency are bordering on the stature comments ;) Whether Trump is right or wrong in his facts, i don't see how you can mock the transparency unless you don't like the fact that we are able to...
  47. ActionBob


    Peter Doocy gave a report on what set Vance off. According to Doocy it was a good half hour of hostile body language by Zelinsky. Very apparent to Vance (and some of the reporters) from his position in the room. Not so to Trump as he was sitting side by side with Zelinsky. It had apparently...
  48. ActionBob


    But we should shoulder the bulk of the bill you defend Europe while they bloat their Social programs? Canada as well... Democrats have long been quoting how far behind other countries we are on health care spending for example. Well if Canada and Europe pay their fair share of defence perhaps...
  49. ActionBob


    Musk is doing an excellent job of explaining the entire National debt and spending as well as taxing issues if you listen. He puts the relationship of government spending without bouncing a check (just print or borrow more money) into perspective and ties it in to inflation in a way that most...
  50. ActionBob


    Of course he is. And he keeps referring to what the President asks of him. It's probably going to take some money out of my pocket but I'm absolutely loving what Musk and DOGE are doing! It is long overdue. Many are like like me who may recieve some sort of funds from the government at times...