Search results

  1. T

    DSC Update from the CEO

    DSC has (or had) a seat on the KBHCC committee that was looking into options for the convention center. They were talking about all options, including a total tear down, at one point. Believe that you're correct that the current plan is to tear down, rebuild in phases now to keep some portion of...
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    DSC Update from the CEO

    Agree that the whip sawing story from KBHCC has been frustrating. It may (will?) change again too. Not sure what that means for KBHCC / THAA / DSC. The convention center could host both, just presumably (my assumption) not at the same time. Don't know what the details of the individual...
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    DSC Update from the CEO

    @wyattcm95 and @TEXLNGHRN Thanks for posting the podcast. Was a good listen. Glad that Rob is owning mistakes and putting a plan in place to fix going forward. Also glad that he addressed a number of the most persistent rumors. @mdwest Dallas has said that they're tearing down the convention...
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    DSC Update from the CEO

    I think that the biggest variable with returning to Dallas is when KBHCC reconstruction is complete. Hence the uncertainty around the return date. DSC has priority contractual on its return to KBHCC. Not sure what that means for TTHA - they could still both have their shows there just at...
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    DSC Update from the CEO

    Good response from DSC. It will take time to prove it all out but the fact that communication is happening is positive. @mdwest The inaugural DSCF Gala and convention this summer should help with the Texas base. That was the intent as I understood it. Have an event in Texas for the Texas crowd...
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    New Granite Mountain Arms 550 Magnum Left-hand Now Completed

    Very well done - beautiful rifle! Love the color case work. This is similar to my .500 Jeffery that Matt Roberts just finished for me on a GMA action. I'll be using CEB for softs and solids too. Already getting good results with the 570 grain flat nose solids and H4350. Only shot up to .500...
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    Update from DSC annual meeting

    @mdwest @K-man I agree with you. Trust comes from consistently doing the things that you say you're going to do. We haven't gotten that update from Rob yet. My guess is that there was a lot more to do to get the info needed to provide that response. Rob did say that he had crafted a detailed...
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    Update from DSC annual meeting

    I believe the intent is George R Brown. The article mentions that construction is planned for completion of the GRB Houston South by May 2028. That has 700k sq ft of convention space. Just a guess, but perhaps that is the reason for the range of '28-29 for DSC to host their convention there.
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    Update from DSC annual meeting

    As promised, here is a summary of the discussion last night. I attended in person and thought it was the best DSC meeting in quite a while. The candor was refreshing and there was a good crowd. A mix of old members and new members. You can dig into the details below, but overall I'm very...
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    Good Gun Deals This Week

    This looks like a good deal. Current bid is less than the action would cost.
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    Powder & Primer Deals Today

    Anyone seen any trail boss or 5744 powders recently? Trying to work up some practice loads
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    Matrix CZ 550 Safari Magnum 458 Lott

    Great looking gun from a good seller. Best of luck with the sale!
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    Safari without Sling?

    Great vocabulary word - had to look up "absquatulate"
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    CZ 550 Varmint 308 20" FS

    That's a great deal for an out of production model. The actions alone go for more than that these days. I've had several transactions with @Backyardsniper - buy with confidence
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    American Hunter Killed in Uganda

    Great suggestion @deewayne2003 DSC Frontline Foundation is the best option to support the injured PH and family. This is what it was created for. I reached out to some friends that are involved in the DSCFF. They are aware and reviewing. Mini and family are likely already aware of DSCFF as...
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    MOZAMBIQUE: 15 Day Hunt Report With Zambeze Delta Safaris In Coutada 11

    WHAT a hunt! Congrats to you both. I've been intrigued by ZDS for a while now - the team, the land, the hunting, the conservation efforts. World class! I also don't think that I've ever read a page was filled by three posts. This has got to be some kind of record :p Reading all this is making...
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    Safari without Sling?

    I'll echo the comments of others - no sling necessary. Hunted with one on my first safari (PG) and haven't missed it since. I think I employ just about all the carry styles mentioned to shift weight and not use one set of muscles the whole time. Muzzle discipline is paramount. One add I'll...
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    How did you get your handle or user name?

    Enjoyed this thread. Somehow missed it earlier... Texas sharpshooter fallacy is a scientific concept based on the story about a Texan that fires off a bunch of shots at the side of a barn and then paints the target around the closest holes. Thus, declaring himself a sharpshooter. The...
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    Official AH Get Together In Atlanta During Dallas Safari Club (DSC) Convention 2025

    I'm in for at least one, possibly two. Thanks @Rare Breed for making it happen!
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    Purchases On AH References

    Completed a transaction with @Never Been recently. Prompt shipping and item arrived as described. Thanks!
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    Allure of the Ruger No1

    We'd seen this bull once before. He was huge but had funky horns. Guide wanted to pass but I was all in. He was noticeable larger in body than the others we'd seen. I wanted the biggest, baddest bull we could find. Didn't care about the horn measurements - just my preference. We slipped up on...
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    Allure of the Ruger No1

    Indeed. Luckily, @Huvius knew what he was doing! Picked this up from him when he had a brief onset of momentary insanity and decided to sell it.
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    Allure of the Ruger No1

    My 450/400 NE and I connected on a South Texas nilgai this spring. 400g Swift A-frame hit him hard. Still loving my No.1! A joy to carry and hits with authority. I haven't found the recoil to be unpleasant even in the light gun.
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    45 ACP BRNO Mauser

    Will do - got a cull hunt coming up in January. I'm thinking some pigs and doe may be in for a quiet surprise.
  25. Ken Owen Built .318 Westley Richards Rifle On A Argentine 1909 Action

    Ken Owen Built .318 Westley Richards Rifle On A Argentine 1909 Action

  26. T

    New "classic" .318 Westley Richards?

    That's a great classic caliber too!
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    New "classic" .318 Westley Richards?

    @HunterX I did not end up building. Found a nice custom that checked all the boxes for me, so I picked it up instead. Ken Owen built .318 WR on a Argentine 1909 action. Even came with dies and load data from Ken! Very accurate with irons. Haven't taken it hunting yet but I definitely will.
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    45 ACP BRNO Mauser

    I'll take it if Jason passes
  29. T

    Want To Buy 416 Rigby

    I've got a beautiful Empire in .416 Rigby along with dies, bullets, brass. PM if interested in more details and or pictures.
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    Looking to buy double rifles or big bore bolt guns

    I've got a fine .416 Rigby and a solid .458 Lott. Will send you a PM.
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    New "classic" .318 Westley Richards?

    My vote would be for the 1909 Argentine (I'm biased). You can't go wrong with either. I've never spoken to RJ but I'd guess that most of his work is semi-custom. Sounds like you are leaning full custom. There are few gunsmiths out there that lean traditional. One is Matt Roberts with MNR...
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    Wanted 416 Rigby

    I've got one for sale, let me know if you'd like to chat
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    Autobiography of one of our most accomplished members

    Received my copy yesterday. Thanks again @Hunter-Habib to sharing your experiences and @baxterb for wrangling the cats. Excited to read it!
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    7x64 Brenneke, The Wundercaliber

    Enjoyed that write up, thank you for sharing. I've been toying with the idea of a 7mm single shot for a while. Leaning 7x65R for nostalgic reasons. Have heard a lot about the 7x64 Brenneke over the years too though. Appreciate the depth of coverage the article took - even touching on the rimmed...
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    My New Album MY LAST SAD SONG is out today!

    Enjoyed that Toby - well done. And to think we didn't even talk music when we were chatting in music city this past January! Got more to talk about next time I see you.
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    Burgess - Milliron - Brevex 416 Rigby was made for RCBS Fred Huntington

    Very cool rifle and history - thanks for sharing. You have quite the knack for finding gems like these.
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    Wanted Ruger No 1, 450/500 Model 11385

    Don't be afraid of the lighter barrels. I was at first with mine but it has been a fantastic rifle and still a soft shooter. Handles like a dream too.
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    Selling - Two Books!

    It is a wide ranging book that defies categorization. Covering ancient prehistory, evolutionary theory, autobiography, hunting, and much more. The language can be poetic and esoteric. Some would say snobby but I would call it meaty. But then again, I am the guy enjoys reading intros...
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    ZIMBABWE: My Recent Hunt With Dalton & York Safaris

    Sounds like quite the hunt so far! Keep it coming.
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    In memoriam - RIP Namibian PH Gert van der Walt

    Terrible news to hear. Prayers for his family. Glad to see NAPHA issue a statement correcting the social media noise quickly - good on them. I've also shared this with the DSC Frontline Foundation for consideration. For those that don't know, it is a great foundation that provides direct...
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    Selling - Two Books!

    Hate that I missed this earlier - McIntyre's Thunder Without Rain may be one of my favorite books period. I'm interested in Augusts on the off chance that Mac changes his mind.
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    Pay It Forward-Free

    They're yours, Bruce. Responded to your PM.
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    Purchases On AH References

    I'd like to say thanks to @ghay - completed a purchase with him recently. He was generous with his time promptly answering my questions. Shipped everything timely and kept me in the loop with tracking numbers, etc. Would not hesitate to do business with him again.
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    Pay It Forward-Free

    Posting these in response for claiming the bore site from @Rob404 I've got two unopened boxes (2x50=100 bullets) of Barnes TTSX 120gr .284 caliber Welcome to be claimed by anyone although if you've got less than 100 posts, I'll ask that you post something before I ship.
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    Wanted CZ 550 Safari Wood Take Off Stock

    No worries! Just didn't want to accidentally sink the ad
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    Wanted CZ 550 Safari Wood Take Off Stock

    I believe the OP is a want ad, not a for sale ad
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    Pay It Forward-Free

    @Rob404 I'll take the bore sighter Will put something else over the weekend once I dig through the safe.
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    505 Gibbs

    I understand the feeling, I've got a bit of that myself. I blame this forum. Very cool gun - enjoy!
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    505 Gibbs

    Congrats! I see that @krish didn't make it very far in his self-imposed ban on buying future guns ;)