Search results

  1. Ivan Carter

    A Conservationist's Cry

    gents - you will be pleased to hear that the video is being distributed to all CITES delegates - thats 2500 of them that are in session right now - the goal of posting it here is to give everyone the chance to share and distribute it as far and wide as possible - you will notice that there are...
  2. Ivan Carter

    Hello from Ivan Carter

    thank you so much for the kind words , yes indeed folks like richard are a rare treasure to conservation ...
  3. Ivan Carter

    Hello from Ivan Carter

    thanks for the warm welcomes people ! - apologies for my delayed responses , its been a crazy busy show season - good luck to everyone this season and be safe !
  4. Ivan Carter

    Carter's W.A.R.

    thank you for the kind words jerome and gents thanks for the positive comments , its appreciated by the team - i have to say i am just a very small part of this , its the guys behind the cameras and the computers who deserve the credit - thank you
  5. Ivan Carter

    Carter's W.A.R.

    thanks hank for the feedback , i am sorry if you found it over dramatic - regarding hunting i think that the very much more subtle approach is very important here as we seek to get more and more non hunters to watch , the fact that i say multiple times i am a hunter and conservationist will in...
  6. Ivan Carter

    Carter's W.A.R.

    thank you to those who watched the show , i have had a lot of folks from outside the US want to see it and unfortunately here and now thats not possible but we are working on some streaming options and will keep you all posted - i appreciate the feedback and thanks again for watching - those who...
  7. Ivan Carter

    Happy New Year 2013

    happy new year everyone very very best wishes to each and all for an outstanding 2013 , wishing you all the excitement in your adventures , safety in your endeavors and good luck on the front line , imc
  8. Ivan Carter

    A great Eland

    excellent trophy of an incredibly wary and alert animal , congrats to the team that made that possible for him ....
  9. Ivan Carter

    as you get ready for the hunting shows

    thanks for the kind words stretch , and cliffy dont worry i am sure you will have great attendance , i feel the same way at seminars and always find myself wondering what i will do if only one or two people show up ! Sometimes outdoor channel and others have signings at their booths and its...
  10. Ivan Carter

    as you get ready for the hunting shows

    yes jaco you are dead right , if you base your decision on price alone better br9ing a firesuit because you will likely be burned - people prepared to pay a little more end up often getting a LOT more experience , trust me , the guy who has key permits available in june for that same year may be...
  11. Ivan Carter

    as you get ready for the hunting shows

    thank you patrick i appreciate the compliment ..
  12. Ivan Carter

    as you get ready for the hunting shows

    people , just thought i would put a few thoughts out there as you get ready for the hunting shows in january - its overwhelming entering a hall with thousands of operators , all with the "deal" of the century , world class camps the highest scoring animals in africa- here are a few things to...
  13. Ivan Carter

    Good advice for first timers to Africa

    great post , all these questions so much better asked via email and then followed up with a meeting at one of the safari show , that will give you an excellent idea of the integrity of your outfitter and having his email response will mean you have the answers in writing ...
  14. Ivan Carter

    A preview of our new DVD - across The dark Continent

    people , i am proud to announce that our new DVD is fully editted and in the reproduction stages as i type. i would like at this point to recognise the cameramen and editors that have made this possible , while the DVD carries my name, in fact the credit should go to the team without whom...
  15. Ivan Carter


    jaco , thank you for the kind words , you are NO lesser Ph and its always a pleasure to help someone in the industry - after all i am where i am because a lot of people help and continue to help me navigate through it all - tahnsk again for the kind comment , its appreciated from a...
  16. Ivan Carter

    450/400 to light?

    shakey , when you say young , how young are we talking , if we are talking a small person that will be recoils sensitive then 100% i would go with a well fitted 375 with a muzzle brake thats removable - that way practice will be pleasant and enjoyable and on the front line when actually hunting...
  17. Ivan Carter

    Outdoor Channel - Tracks Across Africa

    pete and ole bally , not sure what the plans with outdoor chamnel are regarding and affiliation with dstv - i will suer ask and will let you know ....regarding local flack - dont worry i doubt it will increase in volume :D we are asctually talking aboit putting together a best of tracks dvd for...
  18. Ivan Carter


    thanks you very much for your kind words and votes , its much appreciated -
  19. Ivan Carter

    BOTSWANA: Three Botswana Tuskers Full Report & pictures

    Outfitter- Johan Calitz Safaris PH: Me Dates : October 2012 client RA cameraman doug king safari classics We all know that October in southern Africa is hot hot hot not just hot buty very dry and so for that very reason we chose to start hunting right in the middle of the month , and yes it...
  20. Ivan Carter

    "Low Fence" Elephant Hunting

    will do so now ...
  21. Ivan Carter


    thank you for your effort !
  22. Ivan Carter

    Looking for some ideas

    there is some great birdshooting in south africa at that time of the year - what will you be hunting for prior to that ..
  23. Ivan Carter


    folks , we havent got the shows on dvd at the moment but we are certainly discussing doing a small run - will let you know as soon as we decide either way - thanks for your kind words and support
  24. Ivan Carter


    at the very least we need to shake hands and say hi ! perhaps our seminars will overlap ...thanks for the vote
  25. Ivan Carter


    thank you so much people , i truly appreciate the time !
  26. Ivan Carter

    Gaining a Professional Hunter license

    redriverjake ... many african countries do not care where you are from , they care more if you have the money to pay the licence !! tanzania - if you can get an outfitter to register you , study some and pass the exams that are held at the start of each year in dar es salaam , is an easy...
  27. Ivan Carter

    Customs Brokers For Trophies in Detroit or Chicago

    d&l are great - efficient and very fair pricing
  28. Ivan Carter

    "Low Fence" Elephant Hunting

    the hole was where they had been mud bathing , there were twelve bulls , and in fact about two hours after this photo we managed to shoot one of them it was a great bull and my client made an excellent frontal brain shot ,we were very fortunate that day and the bulls tusks weighed in at 73 and...
  29. Ivan Carter

    450/400 to light?

    from what i have seen of that calibre in action its truly an EXCELLENT calibre for buffalo , in fact its the one i recommend for a guy buying a double who will kill more buffalo than elephant - i have had many succesful buffalo hunts guiding folks with heym 450/400 rifles - one thing i would...
  30. Ivan Carter

    Outdoor Channel - Tracks Across Africa

    hi there mstewart- thanks for the post and comment - one of the reasons we put such an emphasis on the dangerous game and "glamour game" is that truly its more exciting to watch - most of our folks who watch will probably never get to experience it and we feel honored to bring it to peoples...
  31. Ivan Carter


    Well people its that time of the year again, as we close the season and look back at our year. This year the Tracks Across Africa team covered nine different countries,not just in pursuit of adventure but also experiencing first hand the profound effect that hunters dollars have across the...
  32. Ivan Carter

    South Africa was ADDICTIVE......

    great stuff , congrats and welcome to african hunters anonymous , - you addict !
  33. Ivan Carter

    Jonathan Hulme

    zimbabwe , zambia , mozambique and tanzania
  34. Ivan Carter

    Jonathan Hulme

    people , Jonny asked me to post the following on his behalf ..thank you ! PRESS RELEASE For immediate release Zambezi Hunters / Jonathan Hulme To all concerned Hunting is my passion its what I have loved and pursued for as long as I remember ?eing a PH was something I...
  35. Ivan Carter

    global rescue is having a competition

    people , here are the details and link ... global rescue is having a story contest ... You can link to the full details at: Global Rescue Story Contest Based on the them I've lived to tell the tale we have asked people to tell us of the story of a time when they most needed a Global Rescue...
  36. Ivan Carter

    dsc daily news

    Get closer to the action every day ! the Dallas Safari Club has a new FREE daily newscast at ... DSC Daily as you know the DSC is the very best at what they do ....making sure that such a huge %age of their gross gets into the field in the form of youth education , conservation and the...
  37. Ivan Carter

    Trophies from CAR

    welcome erik ...some fine old animals there well done ...
  38. Ivan Carter

    A real Bargain

    second wind , as cliffy says it came down to slower factory loads than are available todayu ...the case is pretty short and now with modern faster burning powders its easy to get the adequate muzzle velocity ...not so much 20 years ago ..when powder had to be packed very tight and more often...
  39. Ivan Carter

    Conservation Through Hunting?

    richkn , have a look through my facebook posts and as you scroll through i think you will get a pretty clear picture of what i am talking about .. heres it put as best as a i know how ... The next time you are in a supermarket go to the vegetable aisle and look there the most popular...
  40. Ivan Carter

    Your first Eland...

    congrats on a great eland ...eland hunting is one of my favourite when tracking and stalking is involved , they are sharp witted , tough to approach and need a good shot to put them down ... regarding the ruff , very often without fast and adequate priomary field prep , with all the mud and...
  41. Ivan Carter


    he only hunts the toughest individuals of a species ! or needs to review shot placement ! or is full of ........!!!:)
  42. Ivan Carter

    bad weather for good guns !

    i was just watching this clip that we produced for a "teaser" to our tracks shows and it was thought provoking for me to start a thread on care of guns in bad weather ...the wet season in massailand means , well ...wet !!! you and all your equipment are going to get wet .. the ruger...
  43. Ivan Carter

    the crew behind tracks across africa

    thank you people , i will be showing the guys (and gal) this thread and they will be very proud i am sure ...thanks for supporting our team ...
  44. Ivan Carter

    the crew behind tracks across africa

    thanks blackfly , without a team indeed we are nought !
  45. Ivan Carter

    A Question for the Big Five PH's

    you are right rumours abound and one way or another i think most of them get to me and a lot make me laugh ...!!! either way some i wish were true , some are true and some dont have a hint of truth ..would also welcome an opportunity for a cup of coffee....always good to share time with guys in...
  46. Ivan Carter

    Hello from Ivan Carter

    tap , thanks for the post .. i have to respectfully disagree when you say none of my clients has ever killed a thing ...on the contrary , i involve my clients in most decisions and they always feel an important part of the whole experience , its not just their shot ...lots more goes into it...
  47. Ivan Carter

    Hello from Ivan Carter

    thank you jerome , looking forward to it aswell , i have already enjoyed reading many posts here .. kind regards
  48. Ivan Carter

    A Question for the Big Five PH's

    based on the fact that the phs job is as a "stopper" the rifle should be such .. something that can stop a charge and something that can stop a wounded animal from dissapearing ..i have carried a double for many years , i am well familiar with it and a well made double rifle will be accurate to...
  49. Ivan Carter


    interesting deformity , looks like the deformed tusk is heavier will be interesting to see ..
  50. Ivan Carter

    Anyone knows PH Butch Coaton?

    butch is an extremely experienced hunter , a great guy and zambezi hunters is a great operation , you have no worries at all there ..i did my first dangerous game hunt as an appy with butch in 1989 in the omay, and we have remained good friends ever since ...