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  1. DonPablo

    South Africa in the American Southwest
  2. DonPablo

    SOUTH AFRICA: Kuche Safaris - Free State - August 2024

    Not to Not to hijack the thread but I've gotta wonder what the black dude thought about the fact that none of the black staff eat with the clients. Not trying to bash SA. I understand they're still several decades behind us in terms of race relations. But I'd honestly love to ask the guy what...
  3. DonPablo

    SOUTH AFRICA: Kuche Safaris - Free State - August 2024

    c As others have stated already, hunting with Kuche you may very well have a great experience. You may get great opportunities at Wiley animals. You may have The Hunt of a lifetime. But good communication is the one thing that you should know without a doubt you will have to go without.
  4. DonPablo

    Buffalo trophy lost in Africa-would you do this..........

    Is there an insurance you can buy that will cover lost trophies? I know there’s one that covers trophies that are in your possession before purchasing the insurance but it would be nice to get a check to go shoot another.
  5. DonPablo

    Ocellated Turkey Mount

    Where did you find the contact info for the USDA official at DFW?
  6. DonPablo

    Just won a 10 day trip Need Advice

    Well, in our situation there was no hassle nor standing in line trying to find a flight. We were notified on the app and were able to even get our new boarding passes in the app. I understand the appeal of talking to someone rather than an impersonal app it's just not worth the expense for me.
  7. DonPablo

    Just won a 10 day trip Need Advice

    What was to be taken care of? Informing us of the change? The airline has an app for that. Like I said, if you are not tech savvy or are high anxiety, by all means, use a TA. For those of us who are more independent (or realize the possibility that a TA could be a waste of money or could even...
  8. DonPablo

    Just won a 10 day trip Need Advice

    We had a delayed flight that caused a missed connection on our return flight and had no trouble adjusting. if you need a travel agent to figure that out, by all means…
  9. DonPablo

    Just won a 10 day trip Need Advice

    My opinion is skip the travel agent. Find your flight using Google flights. Go ahead and buy travel insurance but buy it directly from the company, not as an add on to your flight (it will cover more that way). If you buy the insurance within a day or two, you ought to be able to also insure any...
  10. DonPablo

    SOUTH AFRICA: Kuche Safaris - Free State - August 2024

    This is what I'm talking about. The young lady I mentioned hunted summer of 2023 and her crate arrived before yours. Makes no sense!
  11. DonPablo

    Bighorn Sheep Skull & Display

    I like it! But then again, I prefer skulls over mounts.
  12. DonPablo

    Word of caution (first hand) about hunting Mexico now

    But is is it legal for Americans to take their guns to Canada? Part of the reason Mexico is a no-go for many of us is because we can't take a pistol.
  13. DonPablo

    on a lighter note...

    Who is this?
  14. DonPablo

    Word of caution (first hand) about hunting Mexico now

    And I believe that the road that lead there was the repeal of their gun rights. Something to keep in mind.
  15. DonPablo

    SOUTH AFRICA: Kuche Safaris - Free State - August 2024

    My buddy just saw online that the young woman we shared a camp with for a night received her mounts back recently. We haven't even been contacted about ours. Of course she was a pretty little thing and who knows? Maybe she did some favors to speed up the process? :K Moon:
  16. DonPablo

    First-timers hunting in Africa

    You'll find your best deals on auctioned hunts. I know it's a little bit of a gamble but I'm a cheapo and had to take the risk. It worked out for me. Of course you can stack the odds a little by researching on here before you bid. Good luck!
  17. DonPablo

    Booking separate flights

    My 1st attempt on a safari, I used a travel agent. Do to an understandable mistake on the agent’s part we missed our flight. The airline would’ve rebooked us but we bought through the agent so we were at the agent’s mercy. The agent left us high and dry.
  18. DonPablo

    Looking for advice…

    So... What happened on your 1st 2 attempts?
  19. DonPablo

    Self-importing zebra mount to the US

    Are zebra CITES animals? I didn't think they were but have never shot one so IDK.
  20. DonPablo

    SOUTH AFRICA: Kuche Safaris - Free State - August 2024

    Aww man. I don't want to hear that!
  21. DonPablo

    SOUTH AFRICA: Kuche Safaris - Free State - August 2024

    2 years, huh? I'm at a year and a half now and wondering how much longer it'll take. Mine were all just skulls and skins with the taxidermy done there however I did request that they turn my warthog skin into leather and I know that's supposed to add time. I enjoyed my hunt at Kuche but I just...
  22. DonPablo

    Camels, Australia, Camel meat??

    I laughed at this one but was a little disappointed that in 3 pages no one mentioned the coveted camel toe. :E Rofl:
  23. DonPablo

    It’s disappointing the decision made in Australia

    They could issue tags like they do in TX & LA. Then the locals could harvest and sell or guide non-residents to do the same. At least they should consider allowing the locals to farm them like Mexico has.
  24. DonPablo

    Buffalo pics

    So after a LOT of online reading, I've been convinced that high FOC doesn't increase penetration but is rather a byproduct of heavy arrows that tend to have most of the weight up front. I'm going to try and build mine heavy with high but not excessive FOC. Wish me luck as I have a pretty short...
  25. DonPablo

    Buffalo pics

    Nice! I'm planning a hunt for water buffalo next month and I'll be building some heavy arrows in the next week or so.
  26. DonPablo

    Buffalo arrows

    Good discussion here. I’ve also followed some debate on what is ideal FOC. Some argue there’s such a thing as excessive FOC. What’s your take on that?
  27. DonPablo

    Buffalo pics

    Congrats! What’s your setup? Draw weight? Arrow grains?
  28. DonPablo

    Argentina vs Africa

    So... How's the Bowhunting there? Any outfitters who are set up well to accommodate bowhunters?
  29. DonPablo

    SOUTH AFRICA: BOWHUNT: Bowhunting With Dries Visser Safaris June 2024

    That a king's wildebeest? Those are so cool!
  30. DonPablo

    Hello from Spain

    Bienvenidos! Have you ever hunted acorn land there in Spain? I had plans to go that were ruined by the pandemic. Hope to someday reschedule.
  31. DonPablo

    South Africa Bowhunting Recommendations

    I've heard great things about African Arrow Safaris and Matsuri Safaris but have not personally been to either. I can get you contact info for bowhunters who have. I had a great time bowhunting with Kuche but others' experiences have been hit or miss. Plus if communication is important to...
  32. DonPablo

    Any other Cheese lovers here?

    Is there a cheese out there that is not better when smoked?
  33. DonPablo

    Southern Australia Bans Bowhunting

    What a shame!
  34. DonPablo

    Bowhunt Buffalo Bull US$7,500

    I was just curious. I know that compound bow technology has come a long way since Ashby's study. Similar results can be achieved at much lower poundage with today's bows. I don't know that I'll ever be able to bowhunt cape buffalo. I'm a wimp and doubt I'll ever draw back an 80 lb bow. I did...
  35. DonPablo

    Bowhunt Buffalo Bull US$7,500

    What is the minimum required draw weight by law these days?
  36. DonPablo

    FEMALE Specific hunting clothes and other gear

    Badlands has ladies clothing on sale right now.
  37. DonPablo

    Native Wood

    Nice! Where do you get that?
  38. DonPablo

    Native Wood

    I'm also hearing Kiaat or hardekool wood looks very nice. Where I would get some though...
  39. DonPablo

    on a lighter note...

    I looked through all 2141 pages and at least 25% of the memes are repeats Some only weeks or days after being posted previously. I'm guessing this says something about our age and short/long term memory.
  40. DonPablo

    Native Wood

    That's gorgeous!
  41. DonPablo

    Native Wood

    Should be getting my Euro mounts back this summer from Limpopo and the Free State. Any suggestions on native woods from those areas that would make a good plaque?
  42. DonPablo

    Any Bird Hunters In The American Southwest... Great Bird Dogs For Sale

    Still have one bird dog left. Things have been busy but I've been doing a little obedience training and working her with birds a little.
  43. DonPablo

    Mountain Lion Hunt-without dogs

    I heard this new caller is being used with success. But it's out of the price range for many (including myself):
  44. DonPablo

    Any Bird Hunters In The American Southwest... Great Bird Dogs For Sale

    One more at her forever home: Just one left!
  45. DonPablo

    Any Bird Hunters In The American Southwest... Great Bird Dogs For Sale

    This little guy went to his forever home today. The black and white female is now spoken for as well. Just one left and she's still small enough to fit in a stocking, maybe. Lol.
  46. DonPablo

    Any Bird Hunters In The American Southwest... Great Bird Dogs For Sale

    I need someone to buy these girls before my daughter gets too attached. Lol.
  47. DonPablo

    Any Bird Hunters In The American Southwest... Great Bird Dogs For Sale

    Plan on traveling to Llano, Albuquerque and possibly Dallas over the holidays...
  48. DonPablo

    Any Bird Hunters In The American Southwest... Great Bird Dogs For Sale

    Sent you a message. Did you get it?
  49. DonPablo

    Any Bird Hunters In The American Southwest... Great Bird Dogs For Sale

    Working with the pups using a quail wing. Showing a lot of promise. These two are still available: That last one's is going to be competition level good like the sire.