Search results

  1. davidg8480

    Elephant call the shot 1-13-25

    Above the eye, level with the blue dot and 4 in to the right 458 lott woodlehigh Hydro Solids. Assuming the picture represents actual shooting position.
  2. davidg8480

    375 Ruger brass

    Careful! Just saying...
  3. davidg8480

    What is considered a reasonable trophy size Warthog?

    You calling me Old? Brahaaa :giggle: Thank you, Sir,
  4. davidg8480

    Brass pro armory

    According to "scam detector "
  5. davidg8480

    Powder & Primer Deals Today

    And rl 19 Midway
  6. davidg8480


    Stunning ! Outstanding job
  7. davidg8480

    Alaskan Brown Bear - Close Quarters Encounter - Lessons Learned

    My takeaway on this ! And at the risk of not being judgmental, I only have a question " They flew by float plane to the general area where they then took Zodiak boats across the bay to where the tent camp was set up." Why not just have the float plane drop them off at the campsite ? And by the...
  8. davidg8480

    Need help, Load discrepancy Swift vs Hodgdon

    Lol Shoot them if you got em and Enjoy it. Have fun! " Education is not the learning of facts, but the training of the mind to think." AE
  9. davidg8480

    Need help, Load discrepancy Swift vs Hodgdon

    I ask again. Why do you ask how many barrels I have burned out?
  10. davidg8480

    Need help, Load discrepancy Swift vs Hodgdon

    Maby #6 Why you ask ?
  11. Crocodile Hunt

    Crocodile Hunt

  12. davidg8480

    HUNTING Crocodile

    Oh gotcha what was I thinking lol
  13. davidg8480

    HUNTING Crocodile

    Like this?
  14. davidg8480

    Bullet Performance Database

    thanks for the report i have been really curious about Federals Terminal Ascent performance .
  15. davidg8480

    Need help, Load discrepancy Swift vs Hodgdon

    Never too much time at the range.
  16. davidg8480

    Woodleigh Bullets - Feedback for Production Requested

    .375 300gr rn sn hd .338 250gr rn sn .308 pp ?
  17. davidg8480

    Powder & Primer Deals Today

    Glad I was able to help out.
  18. davidg8480

    Powder & Primer Deals Today

    Midway Lg mag primers available
  19. davidg8480

    338 Partition & TTSX

    Are these sold ? The Partitions gold
  20. davidg8480

    First time to Africa question

    Who is "they" ? and what airline did you fly out of Johannesburg with and where, too? I've never had this happen to me.
  21. davidg8480

    First time to Africa question

    @gordon kings langley I have made the trip to the RSA 2x with reload ammo in plastic ammo boxes and have never been flaged. I was not aware that ammo was to be in factory boxes. I have looked into this and never found a factory ammunition box directive. I'm not saying you're wrong and I'm not...
  22. davidg8480

    Speer 375h&h tungsten core load data

    Hope this helps.
  23. davidg8480

    Are You A Member of SCI?

    Yes I am,but not a life member
  24. davidg8480

    Alaska High School Biology Class Skins And Cuts Up Moose

    Darn....I would of spent more time going to classes if was going to be like that, instead of learning that men can give birth too! Seams that Alaska has their shit together a little.
  25. davidg8480

    Importing - Safari Specialty Importers

    Just last night I spoke with three different importers one of them Wyatt with SSI. The conversations I had with the first didn't give me that warm cozy feeling of confidence, they kind of hemmed and hauled when I ask questions. Then my conversation with Wyatt from SSI, he then explained...
  26. davidg8480

    Ready To Bring Your Hunting Trophies Home? Special $50 Discount For AH Members!

    i am concidering your services soon, New York Area.? jfk/ewr do you have service there?
  27. davidg8480

    Need help, Load discrepancy Swift vs Hodgdon

    You guys are on such a different level than I am when it comes to reloading ,so I kind of keep my mouth shut my ears open. Sort of. Now, going back to my original post, now I see why there might be such a wide discrepancy in published load data; in a nutshell, ( hodgdon / swift) actual...
  28. davidg8480

    Replacement foam

    Cobra foam inserts ...inserts for all style cases and can be customized for your needs
  29. davidg8480

    Travel to RSA on United Airlines ammo question

    Correct ! " Loose ammunition is not accepted. Ammunition must be packed in its original container or in securely packed fiber, wood or metal containers. You can’t combine different quantities of ammunition in one package." Right out-of United's website No mention of locks.
  30. davidg8480

    Travel to RSA on United Airlines ammo question

    Just going to miss you ill be leaving the 4th/ 16th with Somerby Safaris
  31. davidg8480

    Travel to RSA on United Airlines ammo question

    @Letzhunt When in May are you heading over? I'm heading out on early May to jnb on united,my 3rd trip
  32. davidg8480

    Coppersmith, trophy shippers, or other?

    By any chance do you know if they have a bonded warehouse in NY/ NJ?
  33. davidg8480

    Coppersmith, trophy shippers, or other?

    Gentleman, any opinion on " Trophy Shippers " performance?
  34. davidg8480

    Christensen Arms Mesa, bronze 300PRC - Africa plains game setup

    How are you liking the CA.300 prc Mesa fft ? How does it shoot for you? And good luck with your safari.
  35. davidg8480

    215 Federal Magnum Primers..haven't seen them in Canada for over a year! Tips? Help needed scored "76.7 Known. Standard. Fair." according to ""
  36. davidg8480

    NAMIBIA: Namibia Chapter Two

    The Awesome Adventures of " CAustin "pt 2 I can't wait !
  37. davidg8480

    Zambia Spots

    Congratulations on an outstanding animal ! and thank you for sharing your exciting adventure as well.
  38. davidg8480

    Leopard Setup

    Gentelmen,full disclosure here. I don't know squat about hunting for a leopard, and please educate me. Wont some of these rounds just blow up and explode the cat, making it a nightmare for a taxidermist ? With all due respect. David
  39. davidg8480

    Federal large rifle mag primers at midway

    I was on a notification list and did not get one either. i think if they have a limited supply, "new old stock", found buried in some deep corner of the Wherehouse.
  40. davidg8480

    Federal large rifle mag primers at midway

    Outstanding !
  41. davidg8480

    Recent dip and ship cost

    @Hyde Hunter , why dose Freight on Turkish air going to Atlanta clears agriculture without storage, but Freight that goes to Chicago has to sit till it clears agriculture. Isn't it the same process? Why the difference? I ask because I don't know this is all new to me. Thanks, David
  42. davidg8480

    Recent dip and ship cost

    Thank you sir I appreciate the explanation David
  43. davidg8480

    Recent dip and ship cost

    Who and what is " Zingela in Africa" thanks David
  44. davidg8480

    this sucks

    Sorry I'm not up on all the abrveations in here. What is " SSI" supposed to stand for? Thanks David
  45. davidg8480

    Kudu mounts? Low-ish ceiling

    What I like most about the lower pedestal mounts is that they're face-to-face with you. It feels like, they either want to lick you bite you or want you to pet them.
  46. davidg8480

    Model 70 Range Day

    Awesome day(y)
  47. davidg8480

    Just received my 22’ lion Taxidermy

    Verry cool congratulations