Search results

  1. MTA

    What do you do for a living?

    I like to fall down at the local walmart from time to time
  2. MTA

    HK P30 / VP9 / P2000 9mm 17 Rnd Magazines

    sold ty
  3. MTA

    Bags are packed...let's go!

    subbed! good luck over there
  4. MTA

    Good Gun Deals This Week

    Figured I would share this one here. This my local FFL and he has a Merkel Combination Gun, Two Barrel Set, 7X65R, .22 Hornet, 16 Gauge AB up for auction on gunbroker
  5. MTA

    Let’s be honest….accuracy off the sticks

    Eh i wont argue with you
  6. MTA

    Let’s be honest….accuracy off the sticks

    Getting on the sticks and taking the same shot every time consistently with a bench accurate rifle is what drove my success in hunting in Africa. The shots group themselves but I am not sitting there slow firing on sticks. Big difference in my mind
  7. MTA

    Let’s be honest….accuracy off the sticks

    When I practice on sticks I focus on making a kill shot on every shot, not grouping..
  8. MTA

    HK P30 / VP9 / P2000 9mm 17 Rnd Magazines

    bump, will be at the cabelas in FW tomorrow
  9. MTA

    CVA Optima V2 Stainless Receiver

    bump, will be at the cabelas in FW tomorrow
  10. Beretta A300 Outlander Shotgun

    Beretta A300 Outlander Shotgun

  11. MTA

    My first Snipe

    Thank you for sharing! Tandoori Snipe sounds excellent to me
  12. MTA

    My first Snipe

    The amount of folks in my area scratching their heads, replying "you shot a what?" made me think these birds were a rarity, like quail in some areas. Glad to hear it was a wrong assumption on my part
  13. MTA

    My first Snipe

    I have hunted on my neighbor's property for the last 7 years. It is about 20 acres or prairie/oak woods, nestled between farm fields and other undeveloped properties. Most of the hunting I do there is for small game, doves, squirrels and cotton tails. Over the years I have seen woodcock & snipes...
  14. MTA

    Ruger 270 hard to chamber ammo

    I had this issue with a Ruger American. It was tight headspace and they replaced the entire rifle My money is on a headspace issue if this is a new production rifle. Rugers QC is not too great these days
  15. MTA

    Just picked this one up

    Sort of related, I was an armorer in the USMC and was stationed on Camp Foster in 2008. The Col. of our unit pulled strings to keep a 1911 in the armory that was his own issued weapon. This was left over somehow after the switch to the M9 in the 80s I spent many an hour carrying that 1911...
  16. MTA

    Sauer 100 rifle

    The barrel is a thinner profile and the rifle overall is very light. LOP is 14” which is perfect for me but not for others. Aftermarket stock options are very limited but WOOX makes a great one that is worth it (from reviews not personal experience). The trigger is adjustable and was amazing for...
  17. MTA

    What did you reload today?

    Loading some 200gr FTX 45acps
  18. MTA

    HK P30 / VP9 / P2000 9mm 17 Rnd Magazines

    6 - 9mm 17 Round Magazines. According to this chart the mags are compatible with: P30 VP9 P2000 USP Compact Can only ship these where legal (don't blame me) $30 a piece + shipping. Venmo, cashapp, paypal F&F, zelle or postal MO all work. Shipping or FTF in the DFW area
  19. MTA

    CVA Optima V2 Stainless Receiver

    $50 shipped
  20. MTA

    Just picked this one up

    I will shoot it, but probably not a lot. Smith just released the model 10 classics without the internal lock so I think I might get one of those to beat on instead.
  21. MTA

    Just picked this one up

    Original S&W M&P (model 10). Its in very good condition!
  22. MTA

    Bravo S&W!!!

    They are releasing the 686 plus and 629 mountain guns again without the lock Click
  23. MTA

    Would you like a Cigar?

    CI sent me this sign with my NUB order The Connecticuts are my favorite
  24. MTA

    I don't bring this up lightly...

    Hey Franz, I belong to a popular gun forum for Texans and it uses a feedback system for the classifieds section.. The option to leave positive, neutral or negative feedback are available as well as commenting where folks can leave comments for that particular transaction. It has really helped...
  25. MTA

    CVA Optima V2 Stainless Receiver

    $60 shipped!
  26. MTA

    Chest Holsters

    I have used the kenai in the past and really liked it (G20 Gen 2). I am looking at some of the leather models that are on midway for me 629 performance hunter with scope.. that said if you end up making these holsters, I am in for a G40 model cut for optics
  27. MTA

    Free Booze and Food! January 11th, 2025

    Awesome party! Big thanks to @mdwest for opening up his home to all of us. Food was fantastic I won the Ostrich picture and got it up on the wall this morning Now to plan that 2026 safari to get a matching blue wildebeest..
  28. MTA

    Free Booze and Food! January 11th, 2025

    Man, I am glad I jumped on here and saw this thread! I almost forgot about this. I will be there with my wife and daughter (toddler). PM incoming
  29. MTA

    Would you like a Cigar?

    I wish, more like an expensive trip to visit in-laws up north that ended up in a big fight between my wife and her sister.. I should have bought a bottle of whiskey to drown in :ROFLMAO:
  30. MTA

    Would you like a Cigar?

    Ive been MIA from this thread for a bit.. just got this yesterday. These are great 'cheap' cigars
  31. MTA

    CVA Optima V2 Stainless Receiver

    snow day bump
  32. MTA

    CVA Optima V2 Stainless Receiver

    friday bump
  33. MTA

    CVA Optima V2 Stainless Receiver

    CVA Optima V2 Stainless Receiver.. this is a muzzleloader and not a 'firearm' as defined by the ATF so I can and will ship it right to you (US only). What is remaining after a part out. In good shape with less than 50 rounds fired. $75 shipped or ftf in DFW area
  34. MTA

    Purchases On AH References

    Same to you sir, @cash_tx is a great guy to deal with, thank you!
  35. MTA

    Lot of .50 cal muzzle loader bullets

    Sold, thank you!
  36. MTA

    Lot of .50 cal muzzle loader bullets

    80 shipped!
  37. MTA

    Lot of .50 cal muzzle loader bullets

  38. MTA

    Lot of .50 cal muzzle loader bullets

    30 - Powerbelt 295gr 11 - Powerbelt 270gr 11 - Hornady XTP 240gr 30 - Hornady SST 300gr 31 - Hornady SST 250gr $90 shipped or ftf in DFW
  39. MTA

    MagnetoSpeed V3 Chronograph

    sold!, ty
  40. MTA

    Cape Buffalo pedestal finished

    That is awesome
  41. MTA

    MagnetoSpeed V3 Chronograph

    early black friday special $170 shipped
  42. MTA

    MagnetoSpeed V3 Chronograph

  43. MTA

    Accurate MagPro Read Description!

    Sold! Ty
  44. MTA

    Accurate MagPro Read Description!

    Selling 9 pounds of still sealed MagPro.. Nothing wrong with it, its just a powder that I traded into that I don't use. Looking at powder valley and others this is about $320 worth of powder before hazmat and shipping. $250 FTF in Texas OR I am also traveling from TX to PA/NY/NJ area using I-40...
  45. MTA

    MagnetoSpeed V3 Chronograph

    Bought last year for $350. I used it once and it worked great. I no longer have a need for a chronograph so it needs a new home! $200 shipped
  46. MTA

    Franchi Instinct SL 12 Gauge

  47. MTA

    Franchi Instinct SL 12 Gauge

    friday bump $900 FTF in Texas $950 shipped to your FFL who accepts firearms from individuals, $975 shipped to your FFL who only accepts from FFLs.