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  1. N

    Walrus with Canada North Outfitters

    Hope you have a great hunt but walrus tastes terrible. On the other hand, the head mounts with the ivory look really cool. And don't forget the oosik.
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    What Caliber For Dangerous Grizzly Bear, Open & Read This Link You Won't Believe This

    This is very true. I've seen too many people move up here, buy a .44 and snort that they are now 'ready for bear'. No, you aren't. It's why Alaskans say if you buy a .44 for bear, file off the front site so it won't hurt as much when the bear sticks it up your ass. I know of 2 cases in which...
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    Any fly fishing recommendations for chasing King Salmon in Alaska?

    I agree, which is why I get cod or rockfish with fish and chips. Another issue with halibut is that its frequently over-cooked so it's dry. But halibut is meaty. I cook halibut in my sous vide. I'll throw in butter and umami-rich flavorings like soy sauce, vegemite, anchovy paste, or Thai fish...
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    Any fly fishing recommendations for chasing King Salmon in Alaska?

    One issue we have is that commercial fishing interests dwarf sport fishing and subsistence use. That means that commercial fishing interests have a LOT more money and are much better represented in lobbying and boards. Those commercial fishing interests have a strong financial motivation to...
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    Any fly fishing recommendations for chasing King Salmon in Alaska?

    Go to Alaska Bear Trail Lodge in Naknek/King Salmon. Nanci Morris is literally world-class and if anyone can help you get a king on a fly, she would be the one to do it. Plus you'll fish on the Naknek so you can also fish for monster trout. I've got 2 trout >30" on the Naknek.
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    Red Meat... Best Hunting Vehicle

    I'm surprised nobody has written about the ultimate go-anywhere vehicle: The Argo Sasquatch Snow. Mud. Water. Hills. Rocks. It will take you where you want to go. Might not send land speed records but you'll get there.
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    After Polar Bear Import Ban

    Polar bears are covered by the Marine Mammal act and cannot be taken by non-indigenous people, generally Alaska Natives. However, Alaska Natives cannot sell a polar bear hide unless they have worked on it to convert it to a craft. For example, my brother-in-law lived in Barrow (as it was then...
  8. N

    Wild hog meat… do you eat it or is it too risky?

    I freely admit I have not had the pleasure (yet) of eating feral hog. But I love to cook and there's a cooking method that has not been discussed yet: sous vide. French for 'under vacuum,' sous vide involves vacuum-sealing meat in a plastic bag and immersing it in a water tub. The sous vide...
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    Question for long-time alaskans

    I was thinking about this race in particular: Appears from the article that this was from longer ago than I remember. Bad issue with getting old. Here's another guy attacked while riding a bike...
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    Question for long-time alaskans

    To answer OP: I've lived in AK for almost 30 years, 5 of those in the Alaska Bush. I also practice law in Alaska and I've represented more than a few people charged with fish and game violations for a wide variety of offenses, so I have a pretty decent idea of what is a DLP (defense of life and...
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    Question for long-time alaskans

    You need a gun in Anchorage to deal with the crazy homeless. And the bear attacks in Anchorage are brown bear attacks.
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    Alaska Airlines question regarding ammo

    Mekaniks' response is a good one. And there are ways to ship ammo to Alaska via freight forwarding. Carlisle and Lynden will ship to Alaska from various ports in the Lower 48 based upon weight and it will go on a ship or truck. Not really worth it for a few boxes but if you wanted to buy ammo by...
  13. N

    Travel Through London Heathrow with my Holland & Holland Paperweight - Airport Security Fiasco

    I have used Balmshot for years now. It's good stuff but I got it because the base does not turn in my pocket and then fill up the lid with the chapstick. I go into courts quite frequently and in my home state of Alaska, I've never had a problem. Gone through TSA many times and I usually just...
  14. N

    Would you hunt with a operator hunting illegaly?

    Good question. Short answer, yes but it would have to be related to conduct within the US somehow. Put another way, if an Aussie hunts in Africa illegally and sends illegally taken items back to Australia, I don't see how the US would have jurisdiction. On the other hand, if the Aussie were to...
  15. N

    Would you hunt with a operator hunting illegaly?

    This is a long answer but it's not a simple subject. You have mentioned the Lacey Act a couple of times. I have not hunted in Africa yet, but I have a pretty good amount of experience representing clients charged in Alaska with Lacey Act violations. It's nothing to mess around with. There are...
  16. N

    Buzz Charlton tuskless charge

    If they already had one elephant down, did they push the client out of the way for legal reasons? That is, maybe the client did not have any further elephant licenses and it was far better for PH and help to at least make the first shots than for the client/hunter? I don't know. I'm just wondering.
  17. N

    Hello from Alaska

    I'm in Palmer. PM sent.
  18. N

    Standard Length or Magnum Action, which camp are you in?

    I will be the first to admit that there was not much logic to my point. I just really love the 'romance', if you will, of the old African calibers and I would love to hunt with them. In the same way, I'd like to hunt with a double. However, I recognize that logically, the R8 with appropriate...
  19. N

    Using Thermal Imaging for Hunting

    Im debating thermal v NV for predator control in south central Alaska. We have chickens and there are times when something gets at our chickens - at least foxes. I got a Bergara in .22Mag because shots will be 75 - 125 yards. I’ve seen foxes on our property but we also have coyotes and marmots...
  20. N

    Standard Length or Magnum Action, which camp are you in?

    Given these 2 replies, it sounds like my best bet is to get a Blaser R8 for PG and American game and a different rifle for DG. As I interpret this evidence, if I'm going to get a different rifle in a dedicated DG calibre, I should get a double rifle. Well, if I can pay off what I owe to Uncle...
  21. N

    Standard Length or Magnum Action, which camp are you in?

    I’d like an answer to this question. I think it would work in an R8 b/c the R8 is also available in .375H&H which has a magnum action. The R8 does have a .416 Remington barrel available so they would have a magazine/trigger set up for the .416 Remington but the Remington is 4mm shorter than the...
  22. N

    Barrel length in new bolt actions

    There is a good reason for a shorter barrel: you anticipate putting on a suppressor. Makes sense to take off a couple of inches if you are planning on putting on an 8" suppressor.
  23. N

    Bear Encounter - cool or decide

    I've lived in SW Alaska for several years and I've fished in SW Alaska for I don't know how many years. I have encountered hundreds - yes, hundreds - of brown bears during that time. Some were quite close. Had a fishing guide tell me once, "Watch your back cast. There's a bear back there." I saw...
  24. N

    Qatar airlines Question

    If you were using miles, do you have a sufficient airline status to get some help? I see you're from the best state in the country so I would presume you are using Alaska airlines miles. Are you a Gold MVP or Gold 75 or 100K MVP? If so, it might help to call the Alaska Air MVP desk and advise of...
  25. N

    Water Buffalo in Crocodile Dundee

    My family hails from southern Kansas. Lots of cattle farming. Saw a sign on several ranches that said, "If your bull wanders onto our property, please come get your steer." I understand that the ranchers want to ensure that cows are bred for particular lines and strains and they don't want any...
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    Fines for illegal moose hunting

    I would certainly check the regulations. As I said and others have echoed, Alaska game laws are extremely complex because Alaska is so damn big. Hunting in SE Alaska on Prince of Wales Island is a far different hunt than hunting in SW Alaska or northern interior. Game limits, methods of taking...
  27. N

    Fines for illegal moose hunting

    I've represented my fair share of hunters from Alaska and Outside. I've represented hunters, guides, hired help, lodge owners, and pilots. While free legal advice is worth what you pay for it, I can give you some recommendations to avoid anything like this if you hunt in Alaska. Some of this is...
  28. N

    Dumbora The Croc & Bad Choices

    1. You write very well. 2. I'd like to hear about the elephant. 3. I'd like to hear about your buddy's buffalo. 4. Congrats. That is a great story and a great result.
  29. N

    Man Kills Kodiak Bear Inside Home

    I lived in the Alaska bush for several years. We had a pickup truck with a cover over the back and I would use it to take my trash to the dump. I remember the first morning I came out and saw bear paw and nose prints in the dirt on the back of the pickup because I had taken trash to the dump the...
  30. N

    Proposed BATF ban on privately made weapons - Gun Grab Forthcoming

    I've been in touch with some of FPC people because I'm currently litigating the constitutionality of some provisions of 18 USC 922(g) post-Bruen. Last time I checked, FPC had plans to hire additional attorneys in the future but I have not see that they have decided to go through with that. I...
  31. N

    Proposed BATF ban on privately made weapons - Gun Grab Forthcoming

    I would love to work as litigation counsel for FPC. Most of my experience in federal court involves criminal cases but I think fighting the government over gun regs would be a great job. I'd look at Cooper & Kirk but I do not want to move to DC.
  32. N

    Proposed BATF ban on privately made weapons - Gun Grab Forthcoming

    I would encourage members of this board to join Firearms Policy Coalition and Second Amendment Foundation. Their presidents don't fly in chartered jets at members' expense. They do not really lobby. Rather, they just file lawsuits challenging gun laws. Both of them file lawsuits throughout the...
  33. N

    10mm auto new pistol which one?

    I fly fish a lot in SW Alaska. During a typical week, I estimate we see between 25 - 50 bears, sometimes quite up close. I was on one side of a small stream with my son on the other side when a bear popped out of the grass about 5 feet from my son. I yelled at the bear and it ran away but that...
  34. N

    Rifle rich and pistol poor...

    Get it in 10mm. I carry a full-sized 10mm in a chest holster when I'm in bear country. Those 200gr bear bullets work wonders. And because I use the 10mm there, I just use it in my EDC with a compact Springfield with holosun optics. Why the 10mm? 1. Ballistics are just a bit below .357 magnum...
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    Bear Attack Palmer Alaska

    Yes. He was medi-vacced from Palmer to Harborview Medical Center in Seattle b/c of their trauma unit. He was seriously injured but is expected to recover.
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    A Rifle Related Question For American Bear Hunters

    That makes sense. I checked with contacts I have and the boy was transported from Mat Su to Harborview in Seattle. He's in serious condition but is expected to survive.
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    A Rifle Related Question For American Bear Hunters

    Where did you see that? Neither ADN nor KTUU are reporting that the child died and both have been updated within the hour. Nor does the Trooper website list the child as having died. Not disputing you but just wondering where you got your info.
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    Custom Dangerous Game rifles

  39. N

    Custom Dangerous Game rifles

    Had not heard of Granite Mountain Arms before. Looks extremely promising but their website really sucks. Bad navigation, no customization options, and no prices listed.
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    Custom Dangerous Game rifles

    This action has piqued my interest:,182,276,262,248 Mauser extractor and Springfield ejector. It's gotten a lot of good press but mainly in the long-range, precision community. You can get it with a bolt face of...
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    When showing off your new Elephant rifle goes wrong

    I've practiced law in Alaska now for about 25 years. I've not had a case from Barrow (Uqtiavik now) but otherwise I've had a case from every standing Superior Court in this state, from Kotzebue to Dutch Harbor to Ketchikan. I have seen all kinds of horrible things come from mixing guns and...
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    Alaskan Hunter destined for Africa

    This posted while I was answering. I've been researching that issue because I'm aiming to go to Seychelle or Mauritius to go fly fishing within the next couple of years. You can fly SA Air from Atlanta but if you're a real Alaskan, you have a ton of Alaska Air miles. Qatar Airways is a mileage...
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    Alaskan Hunter destined for Africa

    I just joined recently after lurking for some time because I am trying to make a trip to Africa in the next couple of years or so. I'm in Palmer and used to live in Dillingham (which should explain my name to Tundra Tiger). Feel free to DM me. We could hit the Ale House and talk hunting or fly...