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  1. lhook7

    DSC Update from the CEO

    My hotel is already booked for Nashville and I will definitely check it out.
  2. lhook7

    DSC Update from the CEO

    That sounds positive, but, at this point, I'll believe it when I see it. I also find it frustrating, that as a life member, I have yet to receive one of these communications. The only recent communication I have from DSC was trying to get me to upgrade my lifetime membership to some new $5k...
  3. lhook7


    My girlfriend used my 9.3x62 in Uganda a couple of weeks ago; she took buffalo, warthog, reedbuck, and waterbuck, all were one shot kills. It was shooting 286gr Northfork SS.
  4. lhook7

    Bringing 2 guns on a dangerous game hunt?

    My second rifle is always big enough to take the dangerous game I am hunting, just in case there is an issue with my primary DG rifle.
  5. lhook7


    The article I read stated that Rasool's support of the South African land expropriation and their stance against Israel also played a part in the expulsion.
  6. lhook7

    Drinking a Tusker in Kampala

    Chartering to the concession tomorrow. Like is good!
  7. lhook7

    Hats on safari

    I always wear a fully brimmed hat. I have finally settled on the Stetson mesh hats.
  8. lhook7

    Dallas Safari Club Convention Summary

    If they were as concerned with conservation as much as they are ego, they wouldn’t be in this mess. I’ll give my conservation dollars elsewhere.
  9. lhook7

    Dallas Safari Club Convention Summary

    I finally received an email from DSC. Nothing to do with the subject at hand, they were soliciting me to upgrade from “Lifetime” member to “Legacy” member for $5,000.
  10. lhook7

    American Hunter Killed in Uganda

    I know this outfitter requires an emergency contact, but mine is not my next of kin. Maybe the same for Mr. Cox.
  11. lhook7

    American Hunter Killed in Uganda

    Deepest condolences to all involved.
  12. lhook7

    Dallas Safari Club Convention Summary

    Thank you! I’ll download it and listen
  13. lhook7

    Dallas Safari Club Convention Summary

    Ryan, Yes, that is one of the lies. The others revolve around who made the decision and why members were not notified.
  14. lhook7

    Dallas Safari Club Convention Summary

    Did they explain why they lied to their membership?
  15. lhook7

    Dallas Safari Club Convention Summary

    Neither did I, which only adds to my frustration with them.
  16. lhook7

    Dallas Safari Club Convention Summary

    This is so disappointing. I'm a lifetime DSC member but I am joining SCI and will attend the SCI convention for the first time next year.
  17. lhook7

    Verney Carron Azure 470NE

    Still available.
  18. lhook7

    Who Likes to Hunt the Tiny 10 Antelope?

    If things go well next month, I’ll end up needing a suni, red duiker, and blue duiker to finish out my 10. I’ve never hunted South Africa, but that is probably where I will go for them.
  19. lhook7

    Who Likes to Hunt the Tiny 10 Antelope?

    I've got 5: Damara dik dik, common duiker, grysbok, steenbok, and klipspringer. When I go to Uganda next month, I am hoping to get guenther's dik dik and oribi.
  20. lhook7

    CMS safari

    I've known them for about 20 years and have hunted with them three times, once in Makuti, once in Dande, and once in Dance East. I had great success in all three areas. They are an excellent outfitter who not only deliver high quality hunts, but also partner with the local government in their...
  21. lhook7

    Any Freemasons on this forum..?

    Gray Lodge #329 Houston, TX.
  22. lhook7

    Alberta & Saskatchewan Whitetail Outfitters

    I follow them on Facebook, but didn’t know about their YouTube channel. I’ll check it out.
  23. lhook7

    Alberta & Saskatchewan Whitetail Outfitters

    One of the outfits I’ve been looking into is Canadian Whitetail Outfitters. Does anyone here have any experience with them?
  24. lhook7

    Alberta & Saskatchewan Whitetail Outfitters

    Thanks for the information! That is a very good looking heavy horned buck. When I saw the first picture I thought he was going to be in the 160s.
  25. lhook7

    Alberta & Saskatchewan Whitetail Outfitters

    Thank you. I hunt both, but I am planning on this being a rifle hunt.
  26. lhook7

    Alberta & Saskatchewan Whitetail Outfitters

    Thank you! I’m going to Uganda in February, so I’m skipping SCI this year.
  27. lhook7

    Alberta & Saskatchewan Whitetail Outfitters

    Thanks Bashaw. I read your report and will not be considering Northway.
  28. lhook7

    Alberta & Saskatchewan Whitetail Outfitters

    I’m in the planning stages for a whitetail hunt in either Alberta or Saskatchewan. I’m already looking at a couple of outfits, but would like to have more options to evaluate. I’m looking to hunt large deer with a quality outfitter and willing to pay appropriately. Planning on 2026 if I can...
  29. lhook7

    Your 2025 Hunt Plans?

    Uganda for buffalo in Feb/Mar.
  30. lhook7

    What do you do when you fill your package early?

    The last couple of times I’ve done that has been in the Save with CMS. We changed camps to their Matombo camp overlooking the Zambezi and fished for a few days.
  31. lhook7

    Is retiring to Africa a wise decision?

    Here is my family’s experience with Africa: I was born in Libya to an American father and Scottish mother. My father owned a company in Tripoli. The Gaddafi revolution happened about two years after I was born, and they nationalized my father’s company. Dad sent my mother and me to Scotland...
  32. lhook7

    Looking to buy double rifles or big bore bolt guns
  33. lhook7

    Cape Buffalo in SA or Tanzania? The better hunt

    If those were my only two options, I would absolutely choose Tanzania.
  34. lhook7

    Shout out to Courteney Boot Company

    Courtney boots are fantastic. The best warm weather hunting boot I have ever worn.
  35. lhook7

    DSC 2025 in Atlanta....are you going?

    Lifetime DSC member. I will not be attending; I’m going to join SCI and go to Nashville.
  36. lhook7

    Lord Derby Eland Hunt 2025

    If I wasn’t already booked for Uganda, I would be all over this hunt.
  37. lhook7

    USA: 2024 Wyoming Shiras Moose

    Congratulations! I'm up to 14 points now.
  38. lhook7

    Verney Carron Azure 470NE

    No, it is still available.
  39. lhook7

    Verney Carron Azure 470NE

    No, that is my only one.
  40. lhook7

    Verney Carron Azure 470NE

    Still available
  41. lhook7

    Collecting the tiny ten

    I love hunting the little guys! I have a klipspringer, grysbok, common duiker, steenbok, and damara dik dik. I’m going to try for a guenther’s dik dik next year in Uganda. I’ve never hunted South Africa, but I’ll probably either go there or Mozambique to try to finish out my tiny ten.
  42. lhook7

    Recommended outfitters in Zambia

    That is a unique way of looking at the issue. Fico took the money for the hunt, but failed to provide the hunt. How is that anyone’s fault other than his?
  43. lhook7

    Verney Carron Azure 470NE

    For length of pull I’m coming up with 15 1/8” to the front trigger using a regular measuring tape. About an inch less to the rear trigger.
  44. lhook7

    Verney Carron Azure 470NE

    Good point. Round count is under 200, accuracy is fine, but I only needed it to shoot minute of elephant, so I have never been a person who tries to really dial it in with big bore dangerous game loads. The rifle has been on one hunt and took a tuskless cow and a baboon. I’ll measure the LOP...
  45. Verney Carron Azure 470NE Rifle

    Verney Carron Azure 470NE Rifle

  46. Verney Carron Azure 470NE Rifle

    Verney Carron Azure 470NE Rifle

  47. lhook7

    Verney Carron Azure 470NE

    Sorry, I’m not looking for trades. I’m thinning the herd at this point.
  48. lhook7

    Verney Carron Azure 470NE

    Hi doc. No scammer here. I’m new to this site, but have been involved in African hunting for about 20 years. I know numerous people on this site personally. I have been on three episodes of Hornaday’s Dark and Dangerous; one of the episodes was me taking a tuskless cow with this very rifle.
  49. lhook7

    Verney Carron Azure 470NE

    Verney Carron Azure round body 470NE. 25” barrels, flip up front sight and single rear sight with gold line, ejectors, English case color hardening, Prince of Wales pistol grip and splinter forend. The rib is dovetailed for the Docter Optic/Noblex sight shown in the picture and the sight is...