Search results

  1. Ontario Hunter

    1903A3 Springield stock

    Is that a Herters "world famous Belgian" stock? Looks identical to the one Dad put on my Springfield in 1962. Horse wreck broke it in two, 1981.
  2. Ontario Hunter

    Lets See Your Upland Shotguns

    "Black Beauty" Not real pretty but definitely deadly. I probably shot more pheasants this year than most guys will kill in a lifetime. Plus a dozen Huns and a couple of sharptails. And that's just this year. The old A5 can't take all the credit though. My current Lab is absolute deadly on...
  3. Ontario Hunter

    1903A3 Springield stock

    Yep, that's what the gun writers say. However, in the heat of combat it would take a helluva lot less effort to simply reload the next cartridge vs struggle with recocking the striker. Mauser has a slot in the striker for assisting with reloading the bolt shroud. I assume a tool slips into it...
  4. Ontario Hunter

    1903A3 Springield stock

    Sometimes I take my limited eyesight for granted. I'm 72 and left eye is almost useless after multiple retina detachments. Right eye is hanging in there, although twenty years ago the long term forecast was not good for it either. I can do "okay" with iron sights out to 100 yards. At fifty...
  5. Ontario Hunter

    1903A3 Springield stock

    In snow or rain it is nice to be able to put the scope in my daypack and switch to iron sights, especially when footing is tricky. My shortened striker punches the primers very adequately. The firing pin spring generates the energy needed to punch the primer. Military striker springs have...
  6. Ontario Hunter

    1903A3 Springield stock

    I have the wing safety on the left side of my Springfield ... and I like it there. Note that I cut the knurled knob off the end of striker so I can access the left side safety with my right thumb. The problem with wing safeties is they are not safe when I detach the scope and switch to iron...
  7. Ontario Hunter

    1903A3 Springield stock

    Myers makes 3-position Model 70 style safeties (shroud + striker) for Springfield but he is proud of them. Very good quality though. I think Wisner also still makes a 2-position lateral lever shroud safety kit for Springfield but requires access to machining. I seem to recall someone, maybe...
  8. Ontario Hunter

    1903A3 Springield stock

    Sorry, I didn't even look at the price. That guy is right off his rocker. Ram-line was not that great to start with. What did you do for safety on those rifles? I'm about to change mine (again) to Winchester Model 70 3-position. Apparently, the bolt shroud/safety screws onto Springfield...
  9. Ontario Hunter

    Does the price of ammo impact your choice of a rifle caliber

    There is more than one forum full of cranky old African hunters? Maybe I should check it out? Double the fun! :D
  10. Ontario Hunter

    Does the price of ammo impact your choice of a rifle caliber

    I "choose" to shoot the gun Dad gave me in 1964. He built it with his hands. How could I choose otherwise? Fortunately, it's a 30-06, best caliber ever. Another reason to stick with it. Lots of factory ammo and components = cheap to shoot. Guess I lucked out right from the get go. I also...
  11. Ontario Hunter

    1903A3 Springield stock

    Here ya go, James. New Ram-Line still in the box. Ebay also has a couple of new laminate stocks at $190. Personally, that is the way I would go...
  12. Ontario Hunter

    Greetings from the Great White North eh

    Greetings. I have lived in Ontario since '89. Still a US citizen, although almost ashamed to acknowledge it these days. I have been to Africa hunting four times, three times for buffalo. Two on the wall. Try to find time to hunt kudu. Quite challenging and a beautiful trophy. I can help...
  13. Ontario Hunter

    Want To Buy Whitworth SightHood

    Yep. It was a Williams screw on base. Now I can see the second screw at the end of the ramp. And yes, NECG hood is too long for that base, also as I suspected. You might have noticed the grooves for hood to slide into on your Williams sight base each have a bump in them. Williams hood has...
  14. Ontario Hunter

    Oberndorf Goodness… What to do, What to do

    You should make it into 300 WSM. Let's take a vote ... uh ... okay, I'll show myself out. :D Have fun with that build. Do your own checkering?
  15. Ontario Hunter

    Good safety video

    It seems a fair number of hunting accidents are not the fault of the hunters. You'd be surprised how many hunters are killed and maimed by their hunting dogs! Very often the hunter is beaching or launching his boat and the dog steps on the gun. Seems to happen fairly frequently. Or the dog...
  16. Ontario Hunter

    Good safety video

    Couldn't make it to the end. Too drifty. This guy (Randy Newberg) obviously has never hunted birds? If he thinks his shotgun can be loaded in time to get a shot off at a flushed pheasant, he is sadly mistaken. Just as well return to the motel and watch a soap opera on TV. Similarly, am I...
  17. Ontario Hunter

    on a lighter note...

    She must be an orphan! No parent on this planet would tolerate THAT!
  18. Ontario Hunter

    on a lighter note...

    Heading out for an evening of square dancing.
  19. Ontario Hunter

    What is it about 404 Jeffery?

    Looking more closely, it appears the entire magazine extension is hinged, not the floorplate. Duh! The floorplate does appear to be separate from the walls of extension. Wonder why? Hmmm. Perhaps to get at the magazine spring for cleaning? Very interesting concept. Could be adapted to...
  20. Ontario Hunter

    Would you or wood you?

    Just a dude, who is your gunsmith? Guys who can/will do that kind of work are getting VERY hard to find in Canada. It's why I was compelled to DYI when I built my 404J two years ago.
  21. Ontario Hunter

    Would you or wood you?

    Thanks. Did you get a look at the other side of the blank? I am sure he makes more money on package deals. Just to put things in perspective, $1K Canadian right now is just under $700 US. Well, it was yesterday. I haven't checked the news to see what new foolishness has sprung up down there...
  22. Ontario Hunter

    What is it about 404 Jeffery?

    Yes. Look very closely and you can see a crack between the optional EXTENSION and original bottom metal that is flush with the stock. Note that the floorplate fits inside the walls of the extension except for some overhang at rear near trigger guard. Makes sense. Overhang there controls the...
  23. Ontario Hunter

    What is it about 404 Jeffery?

    That is indeed an interesting concept: an optional EXTENSION for standard magazine (NOT an extended magazine - which would have to be longer and attached to the trigger guard = "extended bottom metal"). So the original bottom metal (sans the detachable floorplate) remains in the stock. Forward...
  24. Ontario Hunter

    What is it about 404 Jeffery?

    So that second photo is an extension ADDED onto the top of standard height magazine? Interesting. The shooter always has the option to switch back to standard box and floorplate.
  25. Ontario Hunter

    WTB; 333 Jeffery Rimless Dies, Brass, and Bullets

    I don't think you want what's hiding in my drawers. :D
  26. Ontario Hunter

    Trophy Room finally underway

    Looks great. Now for some furniture. Here's an idea for end table lamps. Lots of room for a couple of kudu and a Cape buffalo. Better get with it!
  27. Ontario Hunter

    How does one remove this?

    You could also try this: Use two oversize screws started in the smaller holes. Only screw them in far enough to grip the cap, not into buttstock underneath. Then you have something to hang onto while trying to wiggle the cap loose. Won't matter if the holes get stretched a bit. That cap is...
  28. Ontario Hunter

    How does one remove this?

    See if I got this right. This is a walnut butt plate ... or rather two of them: a smaller one inletted into the large one. Remove the smaller one to access a portal to the action screw/bolt holding the stock to action. You have removed the screws but the secondary butt cap is stuck in place...
  29. Ontario Hunter

    Would you or wood you?

    High humidity makes wood stocks swell and blued metal rust. I think we are better off up here with wood and bluing. When it's thirty below our humidity is typically drier than a popcorn fart. You guys in Texas and Florida are the ones who should like synthetic and stainless. Your guns will...
  30. Ontario Hunter

    Newer South Africa Revenue

    Last time I landed at Tambo in 2023 no one was in customs! We all just walked on by. Then the gal in security when I was being checked for flight to Port Elizabeth swiped my roll of red duct tape. Ah. Almost forgot about the new murals painted in the corridors before my second safari in...
  31. Ontario Hunter

    Would you or wood you?

    I'm not so sure. Looks more like a crack and a gouge. You should definitely ask for a better photo ... of that side and the other side. Otherwise, a beautiful piece of wood. Wondering what something like that costs?
  32. Ontario Hunter

    What is it about 404 Jeffery?

    Thanks. I can now add "gormless" to my lexicon. I'm thinking a lot of American voters are feeling rather gormless these past few weeks. :D What is the publication? Shooters Bible? Which edition?
  33. Ontario Hunter

    Would you or wood you?

    What? No Hogue? :D The top one seems to have a defect in the fore end. Looks to be too far back to cut off. Am I the only one seeing that crack?
  34. Ontario Hunter

    Browning Love?

    The difference between new and old A5 New = lightweight inertia operated semiautomatic Old = heavy all steel "long recoil" operated semiautomatic New = kicks like hell Old = very smooth "double jump" and relatively no recoil. New = an imbecile can make them work Old = needed to be able to...
  35. Ontario Hunter

    Browning Love?

    Cops can cite me for a broken windshield as dangerous equipment (vision impairment) but people can drive around with all manner of distracting obstructing debris dangling from their rear view mirror. I don't get it. :D
  36. Ontario Hunter


    Welcome. Curious to know what is the problem? You said you needed help but didn't specify. Did my doctorate in Winnipeg at UM. Great city, great people.
  37. Ontario Hunter

    What is it about 404 Jeffery?

    Okay, but see how the wood has also been "dropped down" in the red circle. In the photo of the underside of the rifle it's clear the stock around the back of the floorplate is thicker. This is not a "standard" Mauser stock. Is this buildup of extra wood necessary or asthetic? Good question...
  38. Ontario Hunter

    What is it about 404 Jeffery?

    I think you mean the wood (not metal) goes down around the front of the trigger guard mostly for looks?
  39. Ontario Hunter

    What is it about 404 Jeffery?

    Note that the stocks for both rifles have definitely been modified. They are not standard action stocks. It appears that more than the floorplate was modified. Looks like magazine walls were also lengthened? Here's the profile of magazine and stock on my 98 Mauser 404J. No drop in the stock...
  40. Ontario Hunter

    Browning Love?

    Looks like that 9 iron has chipped a few off the gravel in the parking lot. :D
  41. Ontario Hunter

    What is it about 404 Jeffery?

    I could maybe live with the first but not the second. I mean, a 404 that's 3+1 is already heavy. Adding an extra cartridge is adding a fair amount weight. Adding two more cartridges? Yes, added weight = less felt recoil but there is a point of diminishing returns when one has to carry the...
  42. Ontario Hunter

    What’s the One Piece of Hunting Gear You Can’t Live Without?

    This is the second pair the US VA has sent me. App didn't work out with first set and replaced by company with upgraded aids and app. Working great although it takes quite a while for the app to warm up and find the hearing aids. They can be turned on manually, both generally and blue tooth...
  43. Ontario Hunter

    What’s the One Piece of Hunting Gear You Can’t Live Without?

    Happy, would these work for you? Rechargeable and the charging unit is rechargeable too. These hearing aids are good for all day and into the night on one charge. They can be adjusted with a phone app. Also comes with a blue tooth adapter for my TV so I can now understand what's going on...
  44. Ontario Hunter

    GRS Rifle Stocks - Closeout Sale

    Is that phaser set to "stun" or "kill"? :D
  45. Ontario Hunter

    Update from DSC annual meeting

    Thanks. Sound is out on my computer.
  46. Ontario Hunter

    What is it about 404 Jeffery?

    Yeah, Hornady likes to load them hot for some reason. I understand their bonded bullets are good stuff and their brass from my experience is excellent. If I need more loading components, I'll probably buy a box of their 400 gr ammo, pound out the bullets, and reload to something less likely to...
  47. Ontario Hunter

    Update from DSC annual meeting

    I was curious about this guy who has only been CEO since December. Presumably he remains CEO at Walther where he's been since 2021? But what did he do before that during his 35 years in the "outdoors industry"? A diligent search indicates he was formerly VP of sales with ... Remington. No...
  48. Ontario Hunter

    on a lighter note...

    Damn! Where can I sign up!!! Better check my blood pressure. A long dormant appendage seems to have suddenly drained the reserves.
  49. Ontario Hunter

    What’s the One Piece of Hunting Gear You Can’t Live Without?

    I prefer to travel light when hunting. There's the usual stuff: boots, coat, cap, scope, knife, ammo, flashlight. What I don't wear typically goes into a cheap daypack I bought at the university book store here. It has a belly strap which I presume was for bicycling. Very handy for keeping...
  50. Ontario Hunter

    What is it about 404 Jeffery?

    Just to be clear, it's only the floorplate you're modifying for 4+1? The stock is still standard? I had the option of ordering "extended" bottom metal for 4+1 but I assumed it would require a custom stock.