Search results

  1. roklok

    Remington AWR Custom Shop .375 H&H NIB

    Nice rifle, I have the 700 KS Mountain (stainless, grey McMillan stock) in .375 H&H, it is a great rifle for Alaska.
  2. roklok

    CZ550 MAGNUM, 458WM Situation

    Not surprising to me, the .458 WM throat is long, enabling seating bullets way out if you have the magazine length to utilize it.
  3. roklok

    Win M70 ejector adjustment (CRF-models)

    For those saying this isn't normal, what would or should prevent the case mouth from swinging around and striking rear of receiver ? When bolt is operated briskly the standing ejector imparts forward motion to the left side of the case head, rapidly accelerating it in an arc, pivoting around...
  4. roklok

    Bullet yaw in this Youtube video

    I was definitely surprised. I don't know if the plastic "bones" cause a different reaction than natural bone, but that is not confidence inspiring. As Nhoro said, up close is where straight line penetration is crucial. It did seem to track nice and straight through the gel block however.
  5. roklok

    Win M70 ejector adjustment (CRF-models)

    That's generally the way these rifles are. I have experienced the same thing with my Mausers and Remington 30 Express (US1917). The dents are no issue, resizing die takes care of that. I agree with above, don't mess with it.
  6. roklok

    A Custom built FN in 458 Win Mag - Awesome

    It is an FN action. Beautiful rifle, but have no idea on maker.
  7. roklok

    Mauser bolt conversion

    I would send it to Dan Armstrong, local guy in Fairbanks here I have used for bolt work. He is well regarded for bolt work on a wide variety of rifles.
  8. roklok

    Bullet yaw in this Youtube video

    Not sure I agree with the bullet stabilization theory. If its not stable as it exits the muzzle, not sure its going to magically stabilize further downrange. Maybe I am wrong on that point. Regardless, the ranges at which the video was showing is consistent with close range DG shots on buff...
  9. roklok

    Bullet yaw in this Youtube video

    Interesting indeed, these appear to be the Barnes banded flatnose solids. At 10:24 the bullet can be seen yawing well before exit.
  10. roklok

    Gunsmithing with FlyingSailor

    Awesome !! This is what I am working towards, I am building my gunsmithing shop as we speak, then a mill and a lathe and...
  11. roklok

    .375 H&H Ammo & Velocities

    Obviously a typo.
  12. roklok

    Remington/Zastava 789 375H&H

    Not really, sorry. I tend to do most of my gunsmithing myself, at least the small stuff that I have the equipment for. For re-barreling I have used both PacNor and McGowen. Once you have the rifle in hand you can see what I am talking about. The front mag box extension is a bit narrower than...
  13. roklok

    Remington/Zastava 789 375H&H

    That is the case if the rifle has a long enough magazine box(such as CZ 550), the Zastava .458s don't.
  14. roklok

    Remington/Zastava 789 375H&H

    I like the 798s. I have one in a 375 H&H, and it is a solid choice for a DG rifle(that's it in my profile picture against the buffalo.) It may require a bit of magazine work for a 458 Lott conversion however. Yes, the 375 magazine is a bit over 3.6 inches long, but it is rather narrow at the...
  15. roklok

    Custom Rifle Ranch 458 win mag

    I will take it, PM inbound.
  16. roklok

    Wanted 7600 Carbines

    There were definitely factory 7600 Carbines manufactured in .35 Remington and .35 Whelen, both were production runs made for Grice's in Clearfield Pa. I have a 7600 .35 Whelen Carbine, as well as a first year ('87 IIRC) 7600 Carbine in 30-06. When the 760 changed to the 7600 the Carbine...
  17. roklok

    RJ Renner “Old African” for sale

    Beautiful rifle. Did Renner dye the figure in the wood ? It looks really good, but looks like some other stocks I have seen where the figure is artificial and done with dyes and stains. If it is, it is well done.
  18. roklok

    .358 215 grain Hammer HHT

    A sample pack of 15 .358 215 grain Hammer HHT bullets. Just bought these a week or so ago. All 15 are there, as well as the tipping tool and a spare tip. Not going to work for me, was intending to try a load for .35 Whelen. One or two bullets may have slight cosmetic marks from seating stem...
  19. roklok

    Increasing LOP??

    A tricky job when working on a finished stock, a job for someone who has proper equipment and experience. They (pad and spacer) are grind to fit, so either would need to be fit to your stock. An easy job for a gunsmith who knows what he is doing. A much easier job on an unfinished stock...
  20. roklok

    Increasing LOP??

    How thick is the current pad ? NECG has pads up to 1.5 inch thick. They also have hard rubber spacers for adding LOP. That would be the direction I would go. Add a thicker pad and/or spacer. Take a look at these pages.
  21. roklok

    A thorough conversation with Swarovski - Conclusion: Rookhawk knows nothing and is wrong about everything

    Its a damn shame, there are essentially zero new scopes that appeal to me for a general purpose or DG hunting rifle. Leupold has done the same thing. Some of my favorite scopes for hunting rifles are Leupolds compact/ultralight series. Back when Leupold's custom shop was operational, I would...
  22. roklok

    The Distance to Sight in For Cape Buffalo?

    Gotta disagree, splitting hairs maybe. I am a huge proponent of sighting for MPBR for most rifles and general purpose hunting. That is how I have pretty much every hunting rifle set up. However, for buffalo hunting I broke from this and went dead on at 100 (and 50). I did this for a couple...
  23. roklok

    The Distance to Sight in For Cape Buffalo?

    Like you said, I think you answered your own question. With a 300 grain bullet at 2500 FPS, dead on at 50 will be dead on at 100, with a scope 1.5 inches over bore. It will also impact within an inch of point of aim from about 15 yards to 130. That seems like a perfect zero for buffalo hunting.
  24. roklok

    What Mauser action do I have?

    Ahh !! So you are the one that outbid me ! Congrats and nice rifle ! I love these Enfield actions, and in my opinion you got a bargain.
  25. roklok

    Let's see some Zebra pics

    Interesting thread, if for nothing else it is a reminder of how hunting the same critter in different areas and conditions can vary so much. I and my hunting partner each took a zebra in the Chobe river plains in Caprivi (wild, no fences) in October of last year, it was a very easy "hunt"...
  26. roklok

    Rifle drills for Cape Buffalo

    Agree with the above. I also spent a fair bit of time and rounds practicing fast repeat shots at small targets. I saw this video years ago: Purportedly a test in SA for "wildlife guides". According to the video, par time for the test is 15 seconds. At any rate I replicated this drill...
  27. roklok

    Ruger hawkeye rear sight swap

    A couple suggestions. If you can drill the head off the screw that is tight that could work, then lift the base off over the screw shank. It will be harder to drill the head off though if the broken piece of torx bit is still in the screw head. Generally though, a torx or allen screw is easy...
  28. roklok

    Mauser 98 vs Blaser R8

    Yep. no doubt. So will every other push feed I have taken the time to try, which is the main reason I don't buy into the whole PF vs CRF argument. Now if you want to argue the merits of a particular extractor I think that is more relevant. In my mind the advantage of most CRF is they do have...
  29. roklok

    Purchased first Dangerous game rifle!

    Nice !! I was bidding on that one as well, but glad you got it ! Should be a great rifle. LOP was a bit short for me anyways. Very nice rifle.
  30. roklok

    Mauser 98 vs Blaser R8

    So if a hunter closes bolt improperly at beginning of day and fails to push it completely forward, and rifle is de-cocked, is the bolt locked in this semi-closed position ? Or will bolt only lock fully forward ?
  31. roklok

    Mauser 98 vs Blaser R8

    Well, maybe I am wired a bit different, but I HAVE gone for the clutch pedal in my auto Jeep in an unexpected stop situation, as my other Jeep and truck are both manuals. A serious question for the Blaser guys. I understand that the Blaser R8 bolt is locked when it is decocked. Cocking the...
  32. roklok

    Beauty and the Beast

    Lovely rifle Flipper Dude !! I love the 1917 type actions. Details on rifle ?
  33. roklok

    Beauty and the Beast

    Remington 798 .375 H&H
  34. roklok

    Mauser 98 vs Blaser R8

    It looked like he was able to raise the bolt handle, at least far enough to begin the primary extraction phase. The 1917/P-14/Rem 30 Express actions have helical locking lugs so the bolt starts to move rearward as the bolt is being lifted. Ingenious design.
  35. roklok

    Mauser 98 vs Blaser R8

    That may have resulted in the three clicks on the elephant. If the bolt was closed quietly that could have led to the first click, and the client probably would not have wanted to rack the R8 forcefully within yards of the elephant, causing a repeat of the issue.
  36. roklok

    Mauser 98 vs Blaser R8

    Scary video !! Looks like a failure to extract, he was pounding rearward on the bolt handle and the bolt was still forward. Maybe an R8 would handle an overpressure or otherwise stuck case better than a traditional turnbolt, but I have my doubts. Familiarity is also part of the equation as...
  37. roklok

    Mauser 98 vs Blaser R8

    I would be interested in hearing more about this. Was it an FN with a true M98 style bolt stop or one of the later style bolt stop as used on the FN produced Brownings ? What exactly failed to cause the bolt stop to be ineffective ?
  38. roklok

    Mauser 98 vs Blaser R8

    Mauser 98 for me. I have been tempted by the Blasers from time to time. They certainly have a list of advantages, and are highly regarded by many. You will never convince me the Blaser is as reliable as a time tested bolt action though. There is a term, "Blaser click" that was coined because...
  39. roklok

    Why a .338 WM in Africa?

    What length barrel ? I bought my first .35 Whelen in 1992 and have hunted with it ever since. For the past 30ish years my load was a 250 grain Nosler partition at 2530ish FPS. I have killed moose to 400 yards with this load. I recently decided to try the CFE223 powder I have been reading so...
  40. roklok

    USA to Windhoek Flights and…

    I flew Seattle to Frankfurt to Windhoek last October using Lufthansa. Went smooth, and didn't touch rifles from Seattle to Windhoek, checked through in Frankfurt. Travel Express coordinated paying german firearms permits ahead of time.
  41. roklok

    Installation of 2nd recoil lug? Advice

    Here is a picture of what I am talking about, this is a .375 I restocked.
  42. roklok

    Installation of 2nd recoil lug? Advice

    I would not weld anything to the barrel by any method (TIG, MIG, Acetylene, stick). I have heard A-Square did with their rifles, but that the weld distorted the bore slightly. My method is to cut a crossways slot in underside of barrel for a tight fitting lug that gets glass bedded permanently...
  43. roklok

    What did you reload today?

    I ended up rather quickly with a load that produced a 1.2 inch 4 shot group at 212 yards, at 2695 FPS. Very low extreme spread, all 4 shots were in the 2690s. Remington 700, 22 inch barrel, CCI 250, 66 grains CFE223, bullet seated so base and rear two driving bands in case mouth. I didn't...
  44. roklok

    American Hunter Killed in Uganda

    Absolutely agree. We should try to learn what went wrong. Trying to figure out what went wrong and being respectful and compassionate to the parties involved are not mutually exclusive. Mankind has done that for millennia, learned from mistakes and experiences of others, in fact that is how...
  45. roklok

    What did you reload today?

    Loaded up some 225 TSXs with CFE223 powder in the .35 Whelen. After 30 years of using 250 grain partitions and RL15 I think I am going to switch. Less recoil, more velocity and great accuracy. Just over .5 MOA at 200 yards.
  46. roklok

    Removing bolt jeweling

    Most jeweling is very shallow, in fact it normally gets buffed out from normal use on contact areas of the bolt. It should be a simple matter to use fine sandpaper (600 or finer) to remove it. While technically any metal removal will affect the dimensions, it would be so slight to not make any...
  47. roklok

    .416 Rem Mag: Information For Building A Budget Big-Game Rifle ( 416 Remington Magnum )

    Do you have a magazine box yet ? Maybe I missed it if you said you did. I did a quick search on Gunbroker, there are several 375 H&H Savage 116, which is essentially the same action as the 110. The 375 H&H also has the 3.6 inch OAL. So magazine boxes should be out there. As a side note, the...
  48. roklok

    For Sale Barnes 416 Bullets

    I will take the 100 TSX if still available. PM sent
  49. roklok

    .416 Rem Mag: Information For Building A Budget Big-Game Rifle ( 416 Remington Magnum )

    The Savage actions do not have a Remington 700 style extractor, they have an extractor essentially the same as the post '64 Winchester 70s, a sliding plate under spring tension. They are generally reliable if kept clean and lubricated with a LIGHT oil. As far as I am concerned the whole push...
  50. roklok

    American Hunter Killed in Uganda

    #2, Kind of a touchy subject. I had a conversation with my PH prior to my buff hunt. I had seen a number of buffalo hunting videos where the PH would shoot immediately after the client, without even determining the effect of the hunters shot. This would rub me wrong. I am not even sure if it...