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  1. roverandbrew


    Great Read!
  2. roverandbrew

    How far were your shots?

    Last 4 trips were 50-150 yards. In the journal the average between Zambia and South Africa was a little under 100.
  3. roverandbrew


    I hope you’re right. He has always been seen as a complete clown. Maybe he turned over a new leaf.
  4. roverandbrew


    Not sure what your point is?
  5. roverandbrew


    I do not care of your opinion. It is an opinion and not a fact. I am not sure is living a life immersed in far right propaganda is considered paying attention. That I do not. But I regularly work side by side with many great Special Agents responsible for keeping this country safe from the near...
  6. roverandbrew


    Quite a few truly great Americans who care more deeply for our nation than the majority of people I know. If any one here honestly believes the FBI is a swamp and all the Special Agents are working against America I question not only your judgement but motives for our nation.
  7. roverandbrew


    I seem to make my pilgrimage at least once a year! I will be there this fall I am sure. I just did a round of DIM to cleanse my liver. I am ready.
  8. roverandbrew


    I am glad you know some folks that do have some. Have a good one!
  9. roverandbrew


    I am pretty calm. My life has revolved around nefarious actors the last 30 years or so. I knew exactly who he was before elected. I was never impressed or misled by his rhetoric. Takes a lot more than his twitter posts or blame shifting to prove to me he is a competent world leader with my...
  10. roverandbrew


    World leaders do not "talk smack". They are not children. They represent a nations credibility. 8 Billion people on this planet are watching us right now. If we claim to be a world leader we act like a world leader.
  11. roverandbrew


    Trump is treasonous and deceitful. To disagree with Zelenskyy is much different than manipulation of facts in an attempt to misinform a nation.
  12. roverandbrew


    The US was committed to the Ukraine well prior to the Russian Invasion. There was a persistent presence of US troops capacity building for years.
  13. roverandbrew


    No he cannot and its truly an embarrassment. Many of us on the forum had the words quantifiable, measurable, accuracy, precise drilled into us when it comes to communication or explanation of an event. I am blown away how a 19 year old private can duck walk the company area an entire day for...
  14. roverandbrew

    Politics Its has happened before.
  15. roverandbrew


    We are assisted by many countries in Europe when is comes to capacity building or augmenting our efforts in the TSCPs around the globe to counter near peer and malign actor influence.
  16. roverandbrew


    I would love for this forum to be a discussion on understood plans and policy as opposed to party loyalty. We are debating passions here and not policy. Hearing opposing viewpoints and analysis on written or spoken policy would be great. I really think we have way more in common than appears on...
  17. roverandbrew


    I am a veteran. Not a one or two or three or four tour guy. I would say I earned my status. I am not pissing and moaning. I am not tracking every line number for the cuts but what I continue to ask from everyone is what is the way ahead. If you ask the VA they have zero clue on any plan. Right...
  18. roverandbrew


    Absolutely value your opinion. You have a great perspective and I am always impressed with your common sense approach. I also have managed some very large organizations. From my experience with the VA and many government offices they do need a responsible shake up. Back a few pages on this...
  19. roverandbrew


    I am not fine with the VA. I despise them. Saying that I despise abuse of power, inability to build a team, and failure to articulate a plan even more. Very poor leadership.
  20. roverandbrew


    Im still asking if you know the plan..the strategy... or just blind faith?
  21. roverandbrew


    Strategy = Ends+Ways+Means Ends. Make American Great Again +Ways. Fire everyone, threaten, make noise + Means...ZERO CLUE
  22. roverandbrew


    In regards to military readiness did he not this week say publicly we can cut DODs budget in half? In regards to the VA I am unsure how we can say the culling of employees increases productivity. 20 people doing any task at 75% capacity is by far faster than 2 people at 100% capacity. If we...
  23. roverandbrew


    The VA just fired a 1000 people when they were already short staffed. Actions speak louder than words. The quote below from that link lets me know this is more propaganda from the administration. "Collins reinforced VA’s dedication to fulfilling its mission under President Trump’s leadership...
  24. roverandbrew


    I am afraid the minimum you are talking about is well beyond the "10% is all we need".
  25. roverandbrew


    He is dictatorial and delusional.
  26. roverandbrew


    So we are just shuffling money. Contracts are often awarded based off cost and not the ability to deliver a great product. Contractors work great for surge capability in government or to bridge a POM cycle. Not sure I want my steady state operations filled by a rotation of contractors.
  27. roverandbrew


    Do you have a plan for how everything will get done if 90% are let go? Love to hear it!
  28. roverandbrew


    What does Musk know about DODs requirements? I am a bit over hearing how Musk is "catching" everyone in shady behavior. A close friend worked for Musk in the security space. Saw him daily. Musk is a train wreck. He is an opportunist. Not our savior.
  29. roverandbrew


    I fail to see the issue? Is the issue the name of the company sounds like the news agency or we are working to catch up to other near peers in the information space?
  30. roverandbrew

    Politics Interesting we are having a sitting president decide what the arts are and what should be viewed. Not sure what qualifies Trump to "shape"...
  31. roverandbrew


    The VA this morning spoke of internal discussion on "means" testing for continued VA disability payments. If you make over a certain amount you would lose your disability.
  32. roverandbrew


    Tracking. I was responding to @flatwater bill's question.
  33. roverandbrew


    Its is on the table. Cutting concurrent VA disability and Retirement pay.
  34. roverandbrew

    Rigby mauser

    I had this exact problem on a CZ 550 in 375 H&H. The box came from the factory for a CZ 416 Rigby. Once measured it was confirmed. Two small plates were welded on the box walls and all was sorted.
  35. roverandbrew

    Safari Vehicles in America

    I get a handheld pesticide sprayer sprayer and put in a gallon of WD40. I spray all the frames of my Land Rovers and have never had an issue.
  36. roverandbrew

    Want To Buy 7mm 160gr or 175gr bullets - Swift A-Frame or Northfork

    For the 175 NF and 160 NF I used Hendershots as my reloading equipment is still packed from a move. I have loaded the 156 Grain Oryx with 46 grains H4350 as per The Big Book of Gun Gack. I would not hesitate to use the 160 on North American game. I like NF a lot. With that said...
  37. roverandbrew

    Want To Buy 7mm 160gr or 175gr bullets - Swift A-Frame or Northfork

    Top was 175 NF into a Wildebeest at 125-150 yards Bottom is 170 Oryx into a Lechwe at 125-150 yards
  38. roverandbrew

    Want To Buy 7mm 160gr or 175gr bullets - Swift A-Frame or Northfork

    @roohawk. I have used in 7x57, 170 grain Oryx (2500fps), 175 Grain NF Softs (2500fps), and 160 Grain NF Softs (2600fps) over the last few trips. My lesson learned is if I expect to shoot over 150 yard I either used the 170 Oryx or 160 NF as the 175s tended to not open well. The Oryx open a bit...
  39. roverandbrew


    I worked with CANSOF a few trips and they were absolutely great and competent guys.
  40. roverandbrew

    If you could only keep three guns, what would they be?

    Rigby Highland Stalker 275 Rigby AHR # 3 CZ 550 in 375 H&H Benelli SBE 2, 12 Gauge
  41. roverandbrew


    Comprehension and context are important.
  42. roverandbrew


    I understand the tweet but think its a bit misleading. In 2024 a surge in medical providers removed a backlog of recruits at MEPS. I understand the providers put 300 more recruits per week into the Delayed Entry Program...
  43. roverandbrew


    I am almost sure the recruitment numbers run off the fiscal year, September to September. The 2024 numbers were prior to the election.
  44. roverandbrew


    I think the word "training" was the wrong word. Should have been phrased as "currency". They were maintaining currency which allows them to execute their assigned mission in accordance with applicable regulations and the commander's training guidance.
  45. roverandbrew


    I have taken quite a few Anthrax series along with rabies. Its not uncommon. Storming the beaches of Normandy also impacted quite a few people's health and morale.......If you question smaller risks you will feel empowered to question larger ones when it matters.
  46. roverandbrew


    I also see this in Trump offering back pay and former positions to service members who disobeyed a direct order to receive their COVID shots. It tells everyone you can disobey an order and then be rewarded for it. What happens when the immunization is small pox, anthrax, or rabies and they just...
  47. roverandbrew


    You "agree with Trump" who is not a Pilot and has ZERO experience in aviation. Who is openly making statements on fault prior to an investigation being conducted......... "I believe there are incredibly stupid people in the military and government. I remember an incident when I was in the...
  48. roverandbrew

    Safari Vehicles in America

    My bone stock LR3 routinely had to recover jeeps when I was out running my dogs around Mount Rosa. I do agree on the importance of driving correctly.
  49. roverandbrew

    Safari Vehicles in America

    Yes. The white 110 is the daily driver.