

    Hippo & Hyena Hunting Package

    We have an exciting package available for the 2024 season. Available to members and supporters only. If anyone has any questions feel free to ask. Price: $14 000 All Inclusive Three Hunting days, Four nights fully catered accommodation. We look forward to sharing our...
  2. Martin Rodriguez

    ZIMBABWE: Zimbabwe Elephant Hunt

    Hope you like the video of our trip to zimbabwe, we had a great time.
  3. Martin Rodriguez

    SOUTH AFRICA: Back From Kimberly Great Hunt Great Trophies

    Hey Guys, Just got back from a few days in Kimberly with 5 clients, we took some good trophys and had a great time, hope you like the pictures. springbok by Martin Rodriguez posted Sep 23, 2019 at 8:52 PM pic3 by Martin Rodriguez posted Sep 23, 2019 at 8:52 PM wildbeeast by Martin...
  4. Gurprem singh

    Want to know about grandpa's gun

    Hello to everyone. I am new to this site and trying to get knowledge about 12 bore double-barrelled gun which my grandfather bought near about 1945. It is hammerd gun made by "Joseph bourne and sons, England ". Still it is very well in condition and work perfectly. It has engravedbarrel...
  5. How many inches??? estimate please...

    How many inches??? estimate please...

    For Some Fun... These are 3 very different shaped kudu we hunted... Lets see your best guesses! From left to right number them 1 2 3 e.g 1 = 2 = 3 =