
  1. B

    BENIN: Atacora Safaris

    Hello All! This is my first hunt report! It has been almost a year since I hunted in Benin with Christophe Morio and Atacora Safaris and it would be a great disservice to them if I didn’t provide a report on my truly fantastic experience. Arriving at the end of January for a ten day safari...
  2. BrianM

    BENIN: Hunt In Benin With Christophe Morio Of Atacora Safaris

    I had a great hunt in mid-January with Christophe Morio in Benin. I contacted Christophe in December to ask if he would be at DSC or SCI with the idea that I might book a hunt for next year. He emailed back that he had an opening in January if I was interested. I was, but it didn't give me much...
  3. S

    BENIN: Hunting Safari In Benin Djona January/February 2016

    This is the first Safari report I've posted. I hope it works. Great time in Benin with Christophe Morio. Ive condensed my notes as much as I could. Hope its instructive. Buffalo and Roan Safari in Benin 29/1/2016-10/02/2016 by Stratton Outbound 29th January I’m not sure why it is but...