big 5 hunting safaris

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    SOUTH AFRICA: Cheetau Safaris Recommendations: Rhino Hunt

    Hello Hunting Community, I’m considering booking a rhino hunt (harvest, not dart) with Cheetau Safaris in South Africa, either this year or in 2026. Since I haven’t hunted with them before, I’d appreciate any references, recommendations, or insights from those who have experience with them...

    2020 Trophy Pictures - Hunting Africa and the rest of the world - JKO Hunting Safaris

    Hello to all our fellow hunters, Our 2020 big game hunting season kicked of with a bang in Africa, we had a great couple of days out in our large hunting concession in the Kalahari. 2 Magnificent Sable Bulls (45.5" and 46") After 2 days of tracking finding a good number of 40" to 42" bulls...