

    Silence in The Selous

    It was silent and the sun was setting. The truck was quiet as my crew was exhausted. We had been out all day and we had tracked buffalo without getting a shot. The Selous didnt disappoint, proviing us an excellent #safari day. We saw many species from #hippo to #elephant . But the buffalo just...
  2. Ricardo Manuel Varela Alvarez


    I'm new here. Happy to help with any advise regarding with taxidermy, dip and ship, bleaching, caping, etc.
  3. Royal27

    SOUTH AFRICA: Tootabi Valley Safaris, LBG Safaris & Hunting With Friends

    So I wasn't going to Africa this year. It just wasn't going to happen. I had been fortunate enough to go twice in two seasons and it was time for a break and let the pocketbook recover. But then I made a mistake.... I kept hanging around here. Oops.... I enjoy telling the backstory of a hunt...
  4. A classic buffalo bull of 42 inches.

    A classic buffalo bull of 42 inches.

    This was a beautiful Cape buffalo bull of 42 inches. I loved the way the horns dropped down and still went out wide outside the ears. What a great hunt!
  5. Gemsbok Hunted in the Eastern Cape, South Africa

    Gemsbok Hunted in the Eastern Cape, South Africa

    Another photo of the gemsbok I took on my first trip to SA. It gives a better view of the horns.
  6. Cape Kudu, PH Lammie

    Cape Kudu, PH Lammie

  7. Cape Kudu, PH Lammie

    Cape Kudu, PH Lammie

  8. Cape Bushbuck with PH Lammie

    Cape Bushbuck with PH Lammie

  9. Cape Bushbuck with PH Lammie

    Cape Bushbuck with PH Lammie

  10. Africa Mounts and Hides

    Africa Mounts and Hides

    Mounts at fish camp at night
  11. 38" Dagga Boy

    38" Dagga Boy

    If this knarly old bull ain't a dagga boy, I don't know what is... Took us four solid days to get him in the Hwange Park region of Zim. The lions had hundreds of buff surrounded and herded for the entire time I was there, trackers managed to shag out 3 of the old boys and I took the biggest...
  12. The one which almost killed us!

    The one which almost killed us!

    Hunting the Omay with Martin Pieters Safaris...this bull had been wounded months earlier. My bullets didn't perform even though I had hit him hard several times. Lots of lung blood, but you know the saying - the dead ones get you. notice the bullet hole below is right eye...from PH Allan Moody...
  13. Cape Eland hunted in Namibia, Grootfontein, by Charl Kemp

    Cape Eland hunted in Namibia, Grootfontein, by Charl Kemp

  14. Motsomi Safaris - Cape Buffalo

    Motsomi Safaris - Cape Buffalo

  15. Motsomi Safaris - Cape Buffalo

    Motsomi Safaris - Cape Buffalo

  16. Rock Pigeon Shooting near Cape Town South Africa

    Rock Pigeon Shooting near Cape Town South Africa

    A good afternoons bag of Rock-pigeons shot near Cape Town.
  17. Cape Buffalo Cows

    Cape Buffalo Cows

    Two Cape Buffalo Cows in the Limpopo province of South Africa.
  18. Cape Eland hunt in Limpopo RSA - 36 1/2 inches

    Cape Eland hunt in Limpopo RSA - 36 1/2 inches

  19. Cape Eland bull

    Cape Eland bull

    Ty, a very very happy guy!
  20. Cape Eland bull

    Cape Eland bull

    A beautiful "Blue" bull. Nice forehead ruff and big dewlap to boot. These antelope are immense. If a hunters happiness was related to the weight of his quarry...I was a very very happy guy!
  21. Cape Buffalo Wall Mount

    Cape Buffalo Wall Mount

    Cape Buffalo Wall Mount John Bellucci, Master Taxidermist. John Bellucci's Artistic Wildlife Taxidermy
  22. Cape Eland

    Cape Eland

  23. Cape Eland

    Cape Eland

  24. Bowhunting Buffalo Rear View Shot Placement

    Bowhunting Buffalo Rear View Shot Placement

    For more bowhunting shot placement photos visit the Bowhunting Shot Placement Guide and for discussion about the Perfect Bow Shot visit the bowhunting forum.
  25. Bowhunting Buffalo Rear View Shot Placement

    Bowhunting Buffalo Rear View Shot Placement

    For more bowhunting shot placement photos visit the Bowhunting Shot Placement Guide and for discussion about the Perfect Bow Shot visit the bowhunting forum.
  26. Taxidermy Cape Buffalo

    Taxidermy Cape Buffalo

    Taxidermy Cape Buffalo
  27. Cape Buffalo Hunting

    Cape Buffalo Hunting

  28. Hunting Cape Buffalo

    Hunting Cape Buffalo

    Hunting Cape Buffalo
  29. Cape Buffalo Hunt

    Cape Buffalo Hunt

    Cape Buffalo Hunt