hunt report

  1. Buckshotrenegade

    SOUTH AFRICA: Hunt Report Umziki Safaris - KwaZulu Natal

    This is my first post. I am more of a reader then a talker. My wife and I just returned from a safari with Umziki Safaris. This was our 2nd trip to Africa and felt that I must give a report of the wonderful experience we had. Umziki Safaris is run by Evan Couzens. I felt he was one of the...
  2. Martin Rodriguez

    SOUTH AFRICA: Back From Kimberly Great Hunt Great Trophies

    Hey Guys, Just got back from a few days in Kimberly with 5 clients, we took some good trophys and had a great time, hope you like the pictures. springbok by Martin Rodriguez posted Sep 23, 2019 at 8:52 PM pic3 by Martin Rodriguez posted Sep 23, 2019 at 8:52 PM wildbeeast by Martin...
  3. Iwannahunt

    NAMIBIA: Kowas Safaris My First Time Hunting In Africa

    Well, here goes. Just a quick report on my first hunt in Africa. I decided that I was not getting enough hunting opportunity "at home" in Saskatchewan due to not getting drawn for any species this year. It's that circumstance that inspired me to finally consider an African hunt, something...