hunting jobs

  1. P

    Searching for Opportunities

    Hello everybody, I am searching for an opportunity to spend time in Africa. I come from Northumberland England. I am passionate about stalking, shooting, fishing, photographing, tanning, hunting with dogs, studying wildlife, particularly birds, geology and horses. I am looking for a place...

    Young Professional Hunter Looking For An Opportunity

    Hello to everyone.. I am 22 years of age i done my ph in december last year.. I would realy like to know if there is any one that has an oppertunity for me to futher myself..and give me an oppertunity to learn more. I am also thinking of studying game ranger to futher ne even more in the field...
  3. TiaanvZyl

    Wanted Job As Professional Hunter

    Good day I am a qualified professional hunter who is currently unemployed and I am looking for a job. I have 2 years of experience in the hunting industry and also problem animal management. I have hunted with Hungarian, Spanish and American clients in the Free State and Northern Cape...