wild waterfowl shooting zululand south africa

  1. Waterfowl shooting South Africa

    Waterfowl shooting South Africa

    Nothing beats shooting wild waterfowl in South Africa. 4 species of Ducks, 2 species of Geese and challenging shooting
  2. South Africa Pigeons & Dove Hunt

    South Africa Pigeons & Dove Hunt

    It's that time of year again when thousands of Pigeons and Doves descend on farmers Corn and Sunflower crops, destroying them daily! Hunters helping farmers!
  3. Wild Duck and Geese Hunting South Africa

    Wild Duck and Geese Hunting South Africa

    Wild Duck and Geese Hunting South Africa...just doesn't get better the variety of species available to hunt!
  4. Family wingshooting South Africa

    Family wingshooting South Africa

    This photo gives a whole new meaning to bringing the WHOLE family on Safari to South Africa ....au pairs included :) Wild waterfowl, Ducks and Geese over ponds, was the highlight on this afternoon shoot where the youngsters experienced Africa like never before!
  5. South Africa Zululand Waterfowl shooting

    South Africa Zululand Waterfowl shooting

    Scouting wild waterfowl is essential to ensure sustainability of a wild resource for hunting! This is an ongoing process that starts months before areas can be hunted and determines the number of birds a shoot allows per season. This has been perfected in South Africa!
  6. Wild Spurwing and Egyptian Geese South Africa

    Wild Spurwing and Egyptian Geese South Africa

    Spurwing Geese, being the largest Waterfowl in Africa, outsmart most shooters with their excellent eyesight! A true challenge to decoy and successfully shoot these massive birds. And dont underestimate the smaller Egyptian Geese. Although easier to shoot as they decoy well, their keen eyesight...