In SA you do need a script for an Epipen. Of course she can bring hers over, but of course the risk of losing it in luggage is there - they may however not refuse her to take it as hand luggage.
Since i am the medical officer in charge of a private A&E unit in Zululand (it funds the hunting toys), as well as a PH, I have a standard health questionaire I send to prospective hunting clients. This I use to determine whether they are at any risk of sorts whilst hunting, to determine if any of their chronic prescription drugs might be a problem to obtain, plan my jump bag and medical kit's contents, pre-confirm with the nearest private hospital to the hunting area if they will except the clients travel insurance and what payment arrangements might be necessary, etc etc.
Drug names differ from country to country and the last thing you need is for your wife to have an adverse reaction to a drug over here, whilst 2h drive from the nearest A&E.
You are most welcome to contact me if you have any queries and I will gladly assist. My email is dewald6555 at