I have seen the SC an NH ones, but not one of the last FNs. I have a M70 Pre-64 (1954) 375 H&H since 1992, from a South African guy to came here for a ranch project. After a few years he went back to SA but left the rifle. I fired more than 1000 rounds, mostly reloads, 95% or more at the range, the rest hunting. I carried it in the Andes many years as my main hunting rifle. First with a Schmidt & Bender 1,25-4x20 and then with a Zeiss Victory 1,5-6x42 and a spare Zeiss Diatal ZA 4x32. I must say the original Pre-64s were semi custom or, better, semi series made. Almost all have little differences between samples, at least the 10 or so I have seen. Some, specially magnums H&H like my 375 and other two I have handle, had issues in the bedding. Easly fixed by the way.
Having said this, all Pre-64 I have had in my hands were made to be used seriously! No cast, light metal or plastic parts. The feeding is amazing, much better than the new ones I saw; the barrels are TOP!!! Fixing some bedding problems are, at least, MOA or better, rifles with good ammo and or reloads. My Winchester feeds cartridges and extracts fired cases as if there were none in the rifle! The magazine in both 300 and 375 H&H magnums is designed the Mauser way so they have 4 rounds capacity from the start without big belly. The trigger is fantastic, to say the least. The open sights were integral or well soldered and screwed to the barrel...
I know the prices of very good condition Pre-64 300 Win, 300 H&H, 338 Win, 375 H&H and, specially, the African Model 458 Win are, substantially higher than the last FN ones but, anyway, if I should chose one it would be an original Pre-64.