Hello HWL,
The owner of Hannes Swanepoel Safaris told me a local client (Limpopo District, South Africa), showed up in camp with a sporterized Lee-Enfield .303, and hand loaded Woodleigh 215 grain round nose softs.
At any rate, the fellow bagged several animals, most of which were pass-through shots, with somewhat larger than .30, to about golf ball sized exit wounds, indicating the bullets were “mushroomed” before exiting.
The most interesting autopsy result was from a large bull kudu.
The bullet had travelled nearly the full length of the animal and was found at the opposite end with again, perfect mushroom shape.
But for most other “normal” sized antelopes and warthog, I expect your .303 will do just right.
Well anyway, load it with good bullets and shoot it straight, you’ll be happy.
Velo Dog.