well Mr VD
@Velo Dog you must have known i wouldnt be able to resist......

.......21 inch isnt super short...when i was giving the cz people some stick at sci about why their rifles had such ridiculous long barrels they dragged me over to the display and shoved in my hands (after taking my bloody mary medicine from me!!!) a .458 lott from the custom shop with a 16 inch barrel !!

...bit short for even me

....thats when i somehow ended up with my 20 inch barreled .500 jeffery.......well the deal was too good to pass on

.........but have 21 inch barrel .458 lott which is great and my others are 22 inch max....apart from the AHR .404 which has a 23 inch one .....but couldnt do much about it as thats how it was .so yet again we get to agree to disagree on this subject!!

oh and by myself here so as there is no vodka of any sort left and it sat night....having some of patsys gin and tonic.......
Hiho Spiko,
You are as easy to get on bait as I am.
Even though we generally have somewhat opposing taste in hunting rifle barrel lengths nonetheless, it is not polar opposite.
I once owned a .375 H&H (Remington 700) that I had bobbed at 22" and fit with a stout welded on blade front sight olus vintage Redfield peep sight (large "ghost ring" aperture).
And I had the length of pull shortened by 1" less than Remington factory standard for proper fit, while wearing my thick parka.
This rifle was my cloak and companion for quite a few hunts in Alaska, also during my countless fly fishing trips on salmon streams here ("bear highways").
Today, I own a 9.3x62, FN 98 Mauser, I had built for me with 23" barrel and it's handy as you know what.
Although my two present day .375's have 24" (Whitworth Mauser) and 25" (Brno 602) barrels respectfully.
I definitely do agree with you that 25" is getting a bit longer than needed in a repeater, for any purpose that I can think of.
For me, somewhere around 23 to 24" is about right on bolt guns.
Not a bad length on pump or semi-auto shotguns meant for grouse shooting (or street fighting) either IMO.
Yes, I keep a bottle of it in my bar for cleaning the beer tap.
So you see, we're not totally opposed on the most important things in life.
Velo Dog.