Exactly what I do. I have seen them as short as 21 in. The muzzle flash is shocking and glorious!It would make a good stopping rifle-cut the barrel to 22 inches and load 600 grain bullets
Yes, I believe so.A Weatherby MKV with a 24" barrel (26" but with a 2" brake) is long enough for the big 460?
For velocity purposes your idea is correct. The only difference between the integral brake and the screw on is that it does change the barrel length as defined by law if it's integral although it gives you no ballistic benefit.The barrel is 24", the last two inch of the barrel is muzzle brake which doesn't have rifling, so with muzzle brake included the barrel would measure 26", the velocity loss with a factory-ported (integral, not threaded brake) barrel is the same as with threaded brake?
A whole new dimension of recoil and stock destruction. Please cite your source on this. If the cartridge you are attempting to load these heavy for caliber cannot take the increased pressure and the loaded velocity has to drop too much, you're not gaining anything and you've now got a boat anchor with a rainbow trajectory. Makes you wonder why the bigger companies aren't loading them. Makes me wonder why the boutique companies aren't loading them.Or even a custom 700 grain bullet. Velocity down sectional density up. It would shoot clear through an elephant lengthwise. A guy with African experience claimed that 600 and 700 grain bullets would put the 458 Magnums in a new dimension.
You should just buy a 458 Lott if you're gonna go to 22" unless you want to burn the poor animal to death with the flame coming out of your barrel.It would make a good stopping rifle-cut the barrel to 22 inches and load 600 grain bullets
I've seen them cut to 21 inches.It would make a good stopping rifle-cut the barrel to 22 inches and load 600 grain bullets