I love this caliber! I have a fine shooting one in the Ruger 77 limited run rifle and recently picked up, wait for it, the same EXACT rifle that Finn Aagaard used while hunting in Kenya. Not his rifle but the same rifle in every respect right down to the barrel markings, sights, stock, recoil pad (toast) etc., and everything else! Got it for reasonable cost off AuctionArms. Barrel is marked Specially made for the B.E.A. Corps, just like Finn's. I dont think the seller knew what he had and probably didnt know that BEA stood for British East Africa. These guns were made as the barrel says specifically for use in Africa and to find one on the net in very good condition, (not perfect) was a real find. I submitted an article to the new editor at Gun World magazine where I have been getting printed semi-regularly for some time now but have no publication date set for it yet. Soon I hope. Glad to see the mention of this fine caliber.
As stated by some above the round is nothing more than the .280 Remington and similar rounds and will do for the same range of game. The one I picked up has not been d&t'd for scope or peep sights and will stay that way for now, (never say never), but seems to shoot pretty well with the open sights, around 3-4 inches at 100 yards with aging eyes.